Who did Jesus claim to be?
Jesus Plus Nothing
Christ Centered Bible Study


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Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able!
There is only One who is able. Spoiler alert - it is not you! Jude 24 and 25 gives glory to the One who will present all true believers perfect before the Father with overwhelming joy!

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Philippians 4:8-9 - Food for Thought! (audio)
Posted in Audio on 23 Mar 2025
With up to 60,000 thoughts per day we need to feed on God's truth for a healthy mind and thought life. This study focuses on this from Philippians 4:8-9.
Philippians 4.6-7: Be Anxious for Nothing
Posted in Study on 22 Mar 2025
We can all suffer anxiety but through prayer and thanksgiving, God's peace protects our hearts and minds, knowing that every situation that is over our head is under His feet!
Daniel 6: How faith can shut a lion's mouth!
Posted in Study on 19 Mar 2025
Take an old godly man, a pack of young hungry lions, some old jealous officials and a misplaced king's decree... and you have the basis for Daniel 6! How does this chapter point to Jesus and our life of faith?
Daniel 6: How faith can shut a lion's mouth! (audio)
Posted in Audio on 19 Mar 2025
Take an old godly man, a pack of young hungry lions, some old jealous officials and a misplaced king's decree... and you have the basis for Daniel 6! How does this chapter point to Jesus and our life of faith?
Daniel 5 P2: The Precarious Position of the Unbeliever
Posted in Study on 02 Mar 2025
While they partied, the king and his Babylonian empire were one day away from death. They would be numbered, weighed and divided. What does this teach about humanity today?
Daniel 5 P2: The Precarious Position of the Unbeliever (audio)
Posted in Audio on 02 Mar 2025
While they partied, the king and his Babylonian empire were one day away from death. They would be numbered, weighed and divided. What does this teach about humanity today?
A Panoramic Picture: It's getting dark and Jesus hasn't come?!
Posted in Study on 26 Feb 2025
Why did Jesus go up high on a mountain while His disciples struggled in the wind, waves and darkness below out on the sea? And when He did come, why were they instantly at their destination? How is this a picture of Jesus' comings for all believers?
Philippians 4:6-7 - Be Anxious For Nothing (audio)
Posted in Audio on 23 Feb 2025
We can all suffer anxiety but through prayer and thanksgiving, God's peace protects our hearts and minds, knowing that every situation that is over our head is under His feet!
Philippians 4:1-5 Living in Harmony in the Lord
Posted in Study on 21 Feb 2025
The Philippian fellowship had a conflict between two women. How do we resolve disagreements and live in harmony, being of the same mind in the Lord?
Daniel 5 P1: Downfall of Babylon – The Writing is on the Wall!
Posted in Study on 16 Feb 2025
What was the spirit of Babylon at the time of her fall and is it seen today? And are you a Daniel, able to both see and interpret the writing on the wall?
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Isaiah Chapter 43: God will make a way!
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God's ways often go through the sea. Not over, not around, but through. But thank God that He gets us through! Look again at how God makes a way!
Nehemiah 3 Bible Study Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem
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If you have been a Christian long enough you'll know that God likes to hide things. What I mean by that is He likes to hide important truths in places that you wouldn't initially expect to find them... and that is what He has done with the Gates of Jerusalem!
Colossians 1:24-29: Christ in You The Hope of Glory
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What does this phrase, Christ in you the hope of glory. actually mean? Is it relevant for your daily life? This Bible study from Colossians chapter 1 looks at this incredibly important truth!
Isaiah 60:1-6 Lesson - Arise and shine in the last days!
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This bible study focuses on the coming of the Lord and the meaning of the Isaiah 60 verse to arise and shine. It looks at the prophetic and personal aspects, needed in these last days.
Elisha's Journey Bible Study - Gilgal Bethel Jericho Jordan
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Have you seen the spiritual meaning in the journey of Elisha from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho and Jordan? They have meaning for the Christian life and your journey. How far do you want to go?
The plan of God... From before the creation of the world
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Explore God's plan from the beginning... And even before the beginning! Look at what the Bible says is the plan of God from before the creation of the world
What do the colours of the horsemen in Revelation 6 symbolize?
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Jesus in the 7 Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Overview
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God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered!
Isaiah 56:10-12 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen
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Bible study - the Messiah in Isaiah. The who what why what of Watchmen.
Will all believers rule and reign with Christ?
Posted in Q&A