Study - Daniel, Babylon and the End Times - posts 7
Read more >Daniel was an amazing man of God and this is one awesome book! It has fantastic stories and lessons for our Christian life as well as detailed prophecies relevant for our current age! This is an update on the series originally written in 2008.
Study - Joseph, Jesus and You - posts 13
Read more >Who in the Old Testament pictures Jesus more than any other in their life? Joseph! Let's explore the practical and prophetic insights from his incredible life.
Study - The Book of Philippians Bible Study (F Gordon) - posts 9
Read more >From prison with love! Paul writes one of his most personal epistles to the saints in Philippi filled with joy, wisdom and thankfulness in the Lord.
Study - Revealing Jesus in Revelation - posts 35
Read more >Revelation is from Jesus and about Jesus. It is the unveiling and revealing of the King of kings. This series explores the events surrounding His glorious return and the things to come!
Study - The Book of Jude, The Acts of the Apostates (F Gordon) - posts 12
Read more >Jude is a short yet action packed letter exhorting believers to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.
Study - Resurrection, Rapture and the Redeemer - posts 9
Read more >What does the Bible say about the resurrection? In this series we'll explore this important topic from the earliest hope to the coming soon rapture and resurrection of all believers in Jesus Christ.
Study - Holy Spirit - Roles, Types and Imagery - posts 11
Read more >This series explores the roles, types and imagery of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.
Study - Life of David - Shepherd, Servant and King (F Gordon) - posts 13
Read more >David, a man after God's own heart. Let's study the this wonderful character through the valley's and mountain tops, tracing his life from shepherd boy to king of Israel!
Study - The Book of Ephesians Bible Study - posts 20
Read more >The Book of Ephesians has been called 'the third heaven epistle' and the 'Alps of the New Testament'. It is rich concerning the position of the believer in Christ and how that position plays out in our walk.
Study - 'But God' Bible Verse Series - posts 6
Read more >A 'but God' moment is a time when God steps in and intervenes on our behalf. And if He didn't... well, let's just say that things probably wouldn't end well! This short series will explore this important phrase through the Bible characters who needed a 'but God' moment!
Study - The Beginning and the End - Genesis and Revelation - posts 15
Read more >A 'BIG picture' series looking at how the big themes presented in the beginning of the Bible have their conclusion and fulfillment in the last - the book of Revelation. It shows the plan of God right from the foundation of the world and gives hope for tomorrow.
Study - Jesus our city of refuge - posts 1
Read more >A one-off message looking at this great little picture in the Old Testament and how it applies to Jesus and our life today.
Study - Running the race in the last days - posts 11
Read more >The Christian life is likened to a race... a race that we want to finish and finish well. This series of studies will look at this race especially in light of the challenges and difficulties posed in these last days.
Study - Bible Studies in the Book of Romans (F Gordon) - posts 14
Read more >The book of Romans is the Apostle Paul's greatest theological work. All the great themes concerning the gospel, righteousness and the grace of God are there! This study series in another semi-transcript from the audio series on Romans
Study - Jesus the Great I AM - The I AM statements of Jesus Christ - posts 15
Read more >Who is Jesus? Is He Yahweh from the Old Testament? Is He essential for the spiritual and physical life of all mankind? Jesus' I AM statement explore these themes and more.
Study - The Knowledge of the Holy - The nature and character of God - posts 12
Read more >God... what is He like? Can we know? How do we know? How is He revealed to mankind? This simple but important series looks at the revelation of the nature and character of our great God and Saviour!
Study - Ezekiel, Israel and the End Times Bible Study Series - posts 9
Read more >The prophet Ezekiel has a fascinating section on how the Lord will make Himself known to all the nations in the last days - and it comes through the nation of Israel. We'll explore these chapters and see the relevance to the very day in which we live, as we look for the return of Jesus!
Study - Hebrews 11 - The Real Heroes Bible Study Series - posts 16
Read more >The world likes to have and worship its heroes but those making God's hall of faith are of a different character entirely! This series explores the faith of the great characters mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11. Why were they pleasing to God? What can we learn from their lives?
Study - Jesus in the the Feasts of the Lord - posts 9
Read more >God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered! They take in the key events of Jesus' first coming as well as outlining the plan surrounding His second coming. Well worth a read : )
Study - The Messianic Psalms Bible Study Series - posts 17
Read more >All the main aspects of Jesus' life, death and resurrection were foretold in the book of Psalms. And so was His second coming!
Study - Jesus Encounters - posts 15
Read more >No one was ever the same after meeting the Lord Jesus. This series of shorter studies explores some of the different 'Jesus encounters' contained in the Gospels and what we can learn from them today.
Study - Book of Jonah Bible Study Series - posts 5
Read more >The book of Jonah is the story of a prophet who walked the other way. He was a prophet yet this book contains no prophecies! Or is there? A closer examination sees prophetic types for both the Lord Jesus and the entire nation of Israel as a whole.
Study - The Book of Colossians Bible Study Series - posts 14
Read more >The Book of Colossians is one of the most Christ-centered books in the Bible. So how could we leave it out for so long? The person and work of the Lord Jesus are clearly presented in this great book as well as the errors and deceptions to avoid!
Study - Bible Studies in the book of Joshua - Walking in our inheritance (F Gordon) - posts 10
Read more >The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Joshua audio sermons and show the courage, faith and commitment required to take the inheritance that God has given to us.
Study - Book of Joel Bible Study Series - posts 3
Read more >Joel was the first prophet to speak about the 'Day of the Lord' and his revelation from God on this topic is profound and enlightening! This study series looks at both the prophetic and personal applications of this great book as it unfolds the days and times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and His judgement and rule over all the nations.
Study - The Best Questions in the Bible - posts 3
Read more >God asks a lot of great questions in the Bible. This short series looks at some of the best questions and examines why God asks them and what we should learn from them.
Study - Bible Studies in the Wilderness Wanderings - From Egypt to Caanan (F Gordon) - posts 11
Read more >The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Wilderness Wanderings audio sermons and follow Israel's journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land... with a fair amount of wandering in circles in between! The types, pictures and lessons for the Christian life are explored!
Study - Highlights in the Book of Job Bible Study Series - posts 4
Read more >Argh, Job... What a man. What a story! This book tackles some of the age old questions concerning God's ways and purposes, our trials and suffering, and ultimately the believers redemption and victory. This is not a verse by verse study but looks at the 'highlights' in this wonderfully deep book.
Study - Book of Habakkuk Bible Study Series - posts 3
Read more >The message of Habakkuk then and now! Here is a little book that packs a powerful punch and speaks to the condition of society, the coming judgment and return of Jesus Christ!
Study - Bible Studies in the life of the Prophet Elijah (F Gordon) - posts 9
Read more >The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Elijah audio sermons on one of the greatest Old Testament saints. There are valuable lessons for us today in the many highs and lows experienced by the prophet Elijah.
Study - The Messianic Kingdom Bible Study Series - posts 4
Read more >The return of Jesus Christ will mean radical changes for planet Earth. This series looks at the coming Messianic Kingdom and what life will be like with the return of the King!
Study - The Messiah in Isaiah Bible Study Series - posts 24
Read more >Often called the '5th gospel' the second half of the book of Isaiah presents amazing insight into Jesus Christ. This series will look at key passages concerning the Messiah, salvation and God's ways between chapters 40 - 66.
Study - The Book of Esther Bible Study Series - posts 9
Read more >An amazing story in its own right, the book of Esther contains fantastic types and illustrations of Gospel New Testament truth hidden beneath the very characters and plots that make up this great book.
Study - The Book of Ruth Bible Study Series - posts 4
Read more >A study of the book of Ruth teaches some of the great truths concerning a believers walk and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Study - Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - posts 4
Read more >Following on from the Exodus study above, this Bible study series looks at the Tabernacle. Here was a design straight from the mouth of God and He gives us amazing glimpses into the coming Messiah, salvation and His plan for the ages.
Study - Bible Studies in the life of the Prophet Elisha - posts 10
Read more >From a plowman to a prophet, the life of Elisha was remarkable in many ways. This series looks at his life, looking, like normal, for types of Jesus and the Christian life today.
Study - Jesus is Coming - Bible Prophecy and End Times - posts 12
Read more >Jesus promised He would return. He even gave the signs to look for to know the season of His return. We see these signs today.
Study - The Book of Daniel Bible Study Series - posts 18
Read more >Daniel was an amazing man of God and this is one awesome book! It has fantastic stories and truths specific to our Christian life as well as detailed prophecies relevant for our current age! This series has been recently rewritten and is now complete.
Study - The Book of Genesis Bible Study Series - Creation to the Flood - posts 5
Read more >Genesis... Where is all begins. Creation, the fall of man, God's promise of a redeemer, the flood... This short series examines these stories looking for Jesus within the pages of this great book.
Study - Book of 2nd Peter bible Study Series - A Book For Our Generation - posts 10
Read more >2nd Peter is a great book for the age in which we live. It emphasizes true faith, warns about false teachers and prophets and shows the importance of living with the Lord's return in mind.
Study - Other Bible Studies - posts 9
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Study - Kings of Israel - posts 3
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Study - The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus - posts 7
Read more >Grace! Where we would be without God's amazing grace? It is one of the most important concepts for a Christian to grasp yet at the same time it can be one of the hardest to truly comprehend.
Study - The Book of Exodus Bible Study Series - Egypt to the Law - posts 9
Read more >Exodus is a great Old Testament book and is very useful for discipleship and Christian living. It speaks of our bondage in the world, our deliverance and redemption in Christ, and our constant need to press on into the centrality of Jesus in our life.
Study - The Book of Judges Bible Study Series - posts 10
Read more >Breaking the cycle of sin would be a good name for this series. Judges is rich in its truth and application for believers today. It teaches many important lessons about living in our inheritance, the enemy's influence, and the seriousness of worldly compromise.
Study - Jesus In The Old Testament - Jesus in the life Of... - posts 8
Read more >The Bible is a book about Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection is pictured in countless different types throughout the Old Testament and this study series examines some of these through the lives of prominent characters in the Old Testament.
Study - The Pleasing and Displeasing of God - posts 3
Read more >Any true child of God would desire to please their Heavenly Father. But what is He looking for? What does the Bible say on this important topic?
Study - The Book of Nehemiah Bible Study - The Christians life and spiritual warfare - posts 12
Read more >Nehemiah is an amazing book showing the true nature of the Christian's life and warfare against the devil, the world and the sinful nature. An allegorical study with Jesus at it's center.
Type Filter
Tag Filter
- Believers position in Christ 11
- Bema Seat of Christ 4
- Character - Abraham 11
- Character - Moses 16
- Eternal Security 7
- Feasts of the Lord 14
- Grace of God 18
- Holy Spirit 28
- Hope in things to come 30
- In Tough Times 22
- Israel in Prophecy 21
- O.T Types of Jesus 77
- Podcast
- Prayer 9
- Purpose of the law 11
- Renewing your mind 15
- Resurrection 18
- Signs of the end 29
- Spiritual Baptism 9
- Spiritual Growth 33
- Spiritual Warfare 28
- The Cross 26
- The Rapture 21
- Who Jesus is for us 61