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New questions within the last 60 days will be marked below as new study
Questions - Life and sayings of Jesus

Various questions based on the teachings and life of the Lord Jesus

What day of the week did Jesus die? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday?
When did Jesus ascend into Heaven?
What can we learn from the ascension of Jesus into heaven?
Why did Jesus say He came to bring a sword to the earth?
Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel as Isaiah 7:14 says?
Why was John the Baptist called the greatest by Jesus?
Is the Kingdom of heaven likened to leaven good or bad?
What is the Narrow Gate that Jesus spoke about?
What is the meaning of the parable of the wedding feast?
What is the significance of the three parables in Luke 15?
Why were people in awe of Jesus, marveling at Him?
Who astonished Jesus? Who did He marvel at and why?
How does the High Priest's robe point to Jesus' righteousness?
Questions - Jewish Objections to Jesus as Messiah

Various questions and objections that arose over a two year conversation with a Jewish man concerning Christianity and the person of Jesus Christ (the Messiah!)

Why do we need faith in Jesus when Abraham didn't?
How can Jesus be God?
Is Isaiah 53 about Israel or Jesus?
What Bible verses say the Messiah would be God?
Was Jesus A Human Sacrifice Hated By God?
Can We Approach God By Our Own Merit?
Are there prophecies in the O.T concerning the resurrection of the Messiah?
Is Isaiah 7:14 about Hezekiah or Jesus?
Questions - Book of Revelation

A few questions around the mark of the beast and the judgements of Revelation.

What is the chronology of Revelation? Do the seals trumpets and bowls overlap?
Can a believer accidently take the mark of the beast?
What do the colours of the horsemen in Revelation 6 symbolize?
Why don't churches teach on the book of Revelation?
Can you answer these questions on the book of Revelation?
Who are the Holy People of Revelation 7 and 13?
Whose voice in Revelation 1:10-11 sounds like a trumpet?
Is the Covid vaccine the Mark of the Beast?
Is the rapture at the 6th seal and have some seals been opened?
Questions - Bible Prophecy

Various questions around Bible prophecy including the coming Antichrist, the nature of Babylon, the day of the Lord and the coming rebuilt Jewish temple.

Is Daniel 2 talking about a 'spiritual kingdom'?
When period does the 'day of the Lord' refer to?
Will there be a future Jewish temple?
Is The 'Futurist' Interpretation Of Prophecy Found In The Writings Of The Church Fathers?
Is the New Jerusalem or the church the bride of Christ?
Is the time of Jacobs trouble past with the Holocaust or future?
Is Jerusalem the Babylon that will be destroyed forever?
Do you think that the Antichrist will be Muslim?
Is Psalm 23 a Messianic Psalm?
Does the Antichrist sit in a literal temple?
Will all believers rule and reign with Christ?
Will people die during Jesus' Messianic Millennial Kingdom?
Is Jesus' return imminent? Is the gospel preached to all nations first?
Who are the two witnesses of Revelation 11 - when do they minister?
Is the parable of 10 virgins about Israel and how many are saved?
Are we truly living in the last days? How close are we?
Explain the parable of the 10 virgins and those without oil
Who do believers rule and reign over and are people born in the Messianic Kingdom?
How should I live while looking and longing for the Lord's return?
Questions - Rapture and tribulation

Question on the Pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church and various questions on the coming tribulation.

Is the pre-tribulation rapture true or false?
Is there a pretrib rapture? Or is Jesus returning once or twice?
Do you believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Is the Great Tribulation the Wrath of God? Do you agree with the pre-wrath position?
Does 'the last trump' relate to the 7th trumpet in the book of Revelation?
Will unbelievers hear the rapture trumpet?
Where in the book of Revelation is the Rapture?
Can we know the day of Jesus' return at the rapture?
What is the removal of the restrainer? Is the Holy Spirit still active afterwards?
Is the 7 year tribulation part of the Church age?
How are we counted worthy to escape the tribulation?
Is 2030 a significant year concerning the Lord's return?
What happens to children in the rapture? Will all children go?
What is your understanding of 2 Thes 1:6-9?
If the rapture occurs on the feast of trumpets how can it be imminent, at 'any moment'?
Questions on the rapture, departure and apostacy in 2 Thessalonians
Questions - Nation of Israel

Is the nation of Israel today a fulfillment of Bible prophecy and if so, what should a believers attitude towards this nation be today?

Has the Nation Of Israel Been Rejected By God?
Should we protect the nation of Israel?
Are Christians the new 'spiritual Israel'?
Should a Christian with Jewish blood go live in Israel?
Are we 'Spiritual Israel' now? Does God have a future plan for the nation of Israel?
Is Israel an apartheid state persecuting the Palestinians?
Why do you, a Gentile, have a love for the Jews?
Is the lost tribes of Israel biblical? And are they actually lost?
Is unbelieving Israel still under the old covenant?
Does the war in Gaza fulfill Bible prophecy?
Questions - Eternal Security

Eternal security always bring up a lot of debate and questions. Can a believer lose their salvation? Or will Jesus keep them to the end? Various questions and debates on this topic : ) 

In what way were the false teachers 'bought' by Christ?
Are Christians 'broken off' and lost or are they eternally secure?
A debate on eternal security - Is Eternal Security true?
Is a Christian free to reject God?
We cannot be snatched out of God's hand but can we decide to leave?
Is Hebrews 6:4-6 about true christians?
What does it mean that branches in Christ are taken away?
Did the prodigal son lose his salvation?
What about Christians who go back into sin?
I'm scared that I have lost salvation! Is eternal security true?
Were they true Christians in Heb 10:26-29 as they were 'sanctified'?
Can we get kicked out of Heaven like Lucifer was?
Can a born again believer have their name erased from the book of life?
Does Galatians 5:19-21 teach that a Christian can lose their salvation?
Questions - Christian Life

Quite a view questions around living the Christian life including Forgiveness, baptism, the sinful nature, spiritual gifts, faith sickness and prosperity. 

Does the Christian play an active or passive role in displaying Christ's character?
Are all believers disciples?
What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Does each member of the bride have to make herself ready through righteous acts?
Is the Christian life easy or hard? Or... Does being a Christian make life easier or harder?
Why should our gospel be Christocentric?
When were the disciples born again?
Why can't I receive the Holy Spirit?
Has the sinful nature been totally eradicated within the believer? Or do we have one nature or two?
Will believers give an account for every careless word spoken?
Where is the sinful nature and what is the soul/heart?
Is forgiveness continual or just once and for all?
Can I be forgiven of things that couldn't be forgiven under the Old Testament law?
Is it God's will that we are always healed from sickness?
Is tithing commanded for the churches today?
Should we be keeping the feasts of the Lord now?
Is it ever ok for a Christian to lie?
What did Paul mean by saying he carried the marks of Jesus in his body?
Was Paul being 'legal' in Acts 16 and 21?
Polygamy - Was it a sin for David to have multiple wives?
Should we pray once in faith and believe we have it or pray repeatedly?
Does God want to financially prosper all Christians?
Was the Red Sea 'baptism' full immersion?
Is repentance / confession for a Christian one time or many?
Can a Christian commit a sin that leads to death?
How can I undo the sin unto death?
Spiritual gifts and was the Holy Spirit received in John 20:22?
Has water baptism ceased? Did Spirit baptism replace water baptism?
Are believers now 'Israel' and commanded to keep the feasts?
Are we meant to pray to Jesus or the Father?
Why Did God Give The Law if we can't keep it?
Why try to be good if our goodness isn't good enough?
Will God make a way for me?
Will God save my family?
What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth?
I'm fearful of being cast out at the Judgment!
How do we discern between Satan and the flesh
Why did God test Abraham when he already knows all things?
What is bearing fruit for God? Is it solely bringing people to Jesus?
Where is my joy? Why do I feel far from the Lord?
Is Galatians 4:9-11 about the feasts and did Paul observe the feasts? If so should we?
Is all sports today idolatry? Is putting your children in sports considered wrong?
What does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?
How do we grow the fruit of the Spirit in our life?
What should I do if I have doubts about who Jesus is?
Who caused Job's suffering? God, Satan or Job himself?
Is physical healing in the atonement? In what way are we healed by his stripes?
new study Does God favor some people more under grace?
Questions - Salvation and heaven test

Questions surrounding the free gift of salvation as opposed to works. Also looks at 'The Heaven Test' and the place of the law in bringing conviction of sin.    

Were Ananias and Sapphira saved and went to heaven?
How do I know I truly believe?
Are unbelievers spiritually 'dead' so they cannot believe or make any moves towards God?
Is Faith enough? Are good deeds required for Heaven?
Should faith and works be separated in salvation?
Is 'The Heaven Test' presumptuous and judgmental?
Is imputed righteousness a lie? Is it overcoming sin that saves us?
Is Salvation only in the Mass? Or even in the Mass?
What did Jesus mean when He said 'It is Finished' in John 19:30?
Do Paul and James contradict each other about faith?
Can someone have their spirit saved but not their soul? Do you agree with a partial rapture?
Why do you not agree with Soul Salvation?
What if our works aren't enough? Will Jesus 'spit' us out of His mouth?
Debate/Discussion: Universal Salvation: True or False?
Is Water Baptism necessary for Salvation?
What shall I do if I can't believe that God is for me? Pretend!
How do I know that I truly trust Jesus for salvation
Heaven Test reaction: How can you be the judge if I am created perfect in God's image?
What exactly does it mean to believe in Jesus?
Can someone be deceived into thinking they are saved when they're not?
What is genuine faith? What if God hasn't chosen me?
Can I believe in Jesus while not believing some of the Bible stories?
new study I suffer from anxiety and don't feel saved or have peace. What can I do?
Questions - State of the dead

Questions surrounding 'soul sleep' and whether the believer goes to be with the Lord directly when they die (spoiler: they do!)

If the dead in Christ are with the Lord, how can they rise first?
Do Christians go straight to Heaven when they die?
Is soul sleep biblical? Do we go to Heaven when we die?
Where was Jesus between His death and resurrection?
Several Bible questions on the resurrection and judgements
What about the Apocrypha book?
What about baptism for the dead?
General doubts about God's character, prophecy and the Bible.
Is someone born gay? Will it keep them out of Heaven?
Is having a Church name wrong? Is the New Covenant just for Israel?
Can I sell my daughter, stone my neighbours and other curly questions!
Why is there no study on Deborah in Judges?
Did Enoch die?
When did Satan fall? Where does evil come from and is there a future fall still to happen?
Should we participate in the feasts of Israel?
What do the numbers 12 and 7 signify in the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000?
Should I bet the house on free will or election?
Did God curse Adam and Eve? Was there a curse on all creation?
What did Joseph mean by saying that 'God will come to your aid'? Is it a type or prophetic?
Should women be head Pastor of a church?
What is the meaning of Proverbs 25:22 about hot coals?
Is Paul's writing about women in 1 Tim 2 gender discrimination?
Is Joseph Smith 'Messiah Ben Joseph'?
Was Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, a Prophet?
What do you think of the Messianic Movement?
Need the source of some name meanings
Thoughts on the resurrection and Jesus as our High Priest
Seventh Day Adventism and the Sabbath
Does Zeitgeist, Zodiac mumbo jumbo proves Christianity a fraud?
What does the New Testament say about generational curses?
Is the servant of Isaiah 49 Paul or Jesus?
Why is it important to understand the Bible dispensations?
Two gospels? Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel?
Where do demons come from? Are they fallen angels?
Is using the name Jesus wrong? Should it be Yeshua?
How is repentance related to forgiveness? Is repentance repeated?
Why in Eph 5:27 is the Church said to be with spot or blemish?
Rom 13 & civil disobedience - Must I take the vaccine?
Testimony of an ex-Jehovah Witness
Questions on the Ark of the Covenant and tabernacle of David
Why did God create Adam & Eve with the ability to sin?
Why could Moses only see the back of God and not His face?
Is weeping and gnashing of teeth for unfaithful believers or unbelievers?
Why was Jesus tempted in the desert by Satan?
Was the Apostle Paul a false Apostle, Prophet and Teacher? Nope!
Is the Church failing, can we change it and other questions
new study In Genesis 6:6, why did God regret or repent in making mankind if He knows all things?
Questions - Trinity

Various questions on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Does Jesus have a God?
How many Sons of God were there?
If Jesus submits to the Father, is He less than God?
Question on the trinity
new study Is Jesus God and did He exist prior to His birth to Mary?
Questions - JPN Site

Questions around the JPN website - what do you believe? Can I use your materials? Who are you? Just things like that. 

Can I contribute to your site?
How did you come to do what you do? And how do I know what my gift and skill is?
What are the influences in your Bible study style?
Is copying your work plagiarism?
Any advice on preparing a lesson?
Can I use your studies?
Can you save to PDF the studies for offline learning?