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New Bible study snippets within the last 60 days will be marked below as new study
Bible Study Lesson Snippets

Snippets present small extracts of Bible study 'highlights' and can be both devotional and doctrinal in nature. They each contain a link to the main study to read more if interested.

new study If the opportunity arises should Christians get even? (David)

15 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study When David slips and chose to use by-path meadow

15 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study When the praise of others makes us sour! (David)

15 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Why did David use Goliath's own sword to defeat him?

15 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What will the new resurrection body be like?

11 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study In Heaven we will be reunited with those currently with the Lord

11 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Why should we look forward to Heaven?

11 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study When we get to see Jesus face to face!

11 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Who in the Bible was full of zeal and life at 85?

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What is the greatest inheritance a person can get? (Joshua)

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What one mistake leads to deception? (Joshua)

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What are the steps to sin? (Joshua)

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Ai: Beware these two foes straight after victory! (Joshua)

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Why was Israel silent during the siege on Jericho? (Joshua)

09 Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What are you offering up to God? (Nehemiah)

03 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Defense against false prophets: How much do you love the truth? (Nehemiah)

03 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Why God doesn't want you to offer your old nature! (Nehemiah)

03 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study How does Nehemiah picture the two comings of Jesus?

03 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the answer to the fear of man? - The fear of God! (Nehemiah)

02 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What Parallels are seen in the parable of the Sower and Nehemiah's walls?

02 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study How is the armor of God seen in the book of Nehemiah?

02 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study How has the Church been persecuted throughout history? (Nehemiah)

02 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What does Satan have the power to do given opportunity?

02 Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Who is Sanballat a type of in Nehemiah?

30 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem in Nehemiah??

30 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Who is the Rock of your Foundation? (Nehemiah)

30 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Understanding the nature of the fall (Nehemiah)

30 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Who are the three enemies in the book of Nehemiah?

30 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why did the water reseed as far back as Adam? (Joshua)

27 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Rahab reveals her faith! (Joshua)

27 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Joshua and the Call to be Courageous (Joshua)

26 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What is the reproach of Egypt? Rolling away the shame of the past (Joshua)

26 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What two types of believers are seen in Joshua?

26 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why Moses couldn't take them into the Promised Land (Joshua)

26 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study How did Moses react to missing the Promised Land? (Numbers)

26 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Attention all weaklings - Like Gideon, God may choose you!

25 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why does Gideon ask for a sign?

25 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the lesson with Gideon and his Jars of Clay?

25 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the Cycle of Sin in the book of Judges?

25 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What can we learn from the wayward life of Balaam? (Numbers)

21 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Miriam and the Sin of taking Offense (Numbers)

21 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Are you satisfied with Jesus? (Ruth)

20 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What are 'presumptuous' sins? (Numbers)

20 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Abundantly more that we could hope or think! (Ruth)

20 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study God's use of tragedies (Elijah)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study There is no room for fence sitting! (Elijah)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study God's grace in times of weakness (Elijah)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Who does the closer relative in the book of Ruth represent?

19 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Elijah's and our need to be still and listen (Elijah)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Elijah & the Church: Gone in the twinkling of an eye (Elijah)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What is the solution for bitterness & bitter waters? (Exodus)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What does God teach in the daily provision of manna? (Exodus)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study How to win the victory over Amalek, the flesh? (Exodus)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study When God calls us and all we see is difficulties (Numbers)

19 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Our need - To rest at Jesus' feet! (Ruth)

18 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What single thing stops us entering into the Rest? (Ruth)

18 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study How can the Lord be so gracious to me? (Ruth)

18 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Counting the Cost - True and false conversions (Ruth)

18 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What are the Qualifications for a Kinsman-Redeemer? (Ruth)

18 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why did fear grip Elijah in running from Jezebel?

18 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What can we learn from Elijah at the brook Cherith?

17 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study When God's provision comes from unexpected places! (Elijah)

17 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study How did Ruth prepare for her marriage to Boaz?

17 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is an example of Prodigal sons and Prodigal pigs? (Ruth)

17 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Beware the 'little' sojourns into the world! (Ruth)

17 Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study God's work, in God's way, will never lack God's supply! (Elijah)

17 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Look to the Lord and be saved! (Numbers)

17 Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What God can do with an empty barrel! (Elijah)

17 Aug 2024
F Gordon