Isaiah Chapter 43: God will make a way!
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God's ways often go through the sea. Not over, not around, but through. But thank God that He gets us through! Look again at how God makes a way!
Nehemiah 3 Bible Study Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem
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If you have been a Christian long enough you'll know that God likes to hide things. What I mean by that is He likes to hide important truths in places that you wouldn't initially expect to find them... and that is what He has done with the Gates of Jerusalem!
Colossians 1:24-29: Christ in You The Hope of Glory
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What does this phrase, Christ in you the hope of glory. actually mean? Is it relevant for your daily life? This Bible study from Colossians chapter 1 looks at this incredibly important truth!
Isaiah 60:1-6 Lesson - Arise and shine in the last days!
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This bible study focuses on the coming of the Lord and the meaning of the Isaiah 60 verse to arise and shine. It looks at the prophetic and personal aspects, needed in these last days.
Elisha's Journey Bible Study - Gilgal Bethel Jericho Jordan
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Have you seen the spiritual meaning in the journey of Elisha from Gilgal, to Bethel, to Jericho and Jordan? They have meaning for the Christian life and your journey. How far do you want to go?
The plan of God... From before the creation of the world
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Explore God's plan from the beginning... And even before the beginning! Look at what the Bible says is the plan of God from before the creation of the world
What do the colours of the horsemen in Revelation 6 symbolize?
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Jesus in the 7 Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Overview
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God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered!
Isaiah 56:10-12 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen
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Bible study - the Messiah in Isaiah. The who what why what of Watchmen.
Will all believers rule and reign with Christ?
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Top 10 Questions from God in the Bible
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God asks amazing questions! Penetrating questions! They are questions that speak to everyone. Here are the top 10 questions that God asks in the Bible. Can you answer them?
Explain the parable of the 10 virgins and those without oil
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In the parable of the 10 virgins, what does the oil represent and did they all initially have oil? If so what does that mean?
Daniel Chapter 1 Bible Study Lesson: Stranded in Babylon
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Daniel is an amazing book! This Bible study commentary on Daniel chapter 1 looks at the exile in Babylon and compares it with the Christian life today.
Judges Bible Study Commentary - The Cycle of Sin Defined
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There is a cycle throughout the book of Judges that speaks to all of us. Do you see the cycle of victory and defeat occurring in your Christian life? If we are honest, the book of Judges is a timely message for all.
Jesus revealed in the Tabernacle Bible Study: An Overview
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This bible study concerning the Tabernacle looks at the pictures and types of Jesus within it. Have you seen Jesus and the plan of God in the tabernacle?
Isaiah 45:9 The Potter, the Clay & the Sovereignty of God
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Bible study from the book of Isaiah looking at the many passages concerning the Messiah in Isaiah. This study looks at the potter and the clay imagery
Daniel Chapter 10 Bible Study Commentary: Lifting the veil
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Angelic warfare and Jesus are seen in the very intriguing chapter of Daniel chapter 10. This bible study commentary looks at both and more!
'But God' Bible Verses - But God in the storms of life
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Sometimes there is no way out... but God! The first in this series explores the first mention of a 'but God' moment in the Bible and how it relates to the storms in our lives today.
Elijah's 'cutting away' at brook Cherith Bible Study
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What did God teach Elijah at the brook in Cherith? And what would He teach us today through this interesting story, and challenging time, in Elijah's life?
Did God curse Adam and Eve? Was there a curse on all creation?
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Isaiah 55:6-9 - Seek the Lord while He may be found
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Bible study - the Messiah in Isaiah. Seek the Lord while He can be found.
Elisha and the salt bowl Bible study - A tale of two vessels
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Daniel Chapter 3 Bible Study Lesson: When things get hot!
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Bible study commentary on Daniel chapter 3 - This whole chapter is a type of what will occur in the last days... including the fiery furnace!
Bible Study Lesson - The Seven Spirits of God
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John was given a vision of Heaven and saw the Holy Spirit as seven lamps around the throne. What does this point to in the Old and New Testaments? What are the seven Spirits of God?
Will unbelievers hear the rapture trumpet?
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Will unbelievers hear the trumpet at the rapture?
What Bible verses say the Messiah would be God?
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Genesis Chapter 8 Bible Study: The Mystery of the 17th!
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Bible study concerning Noahs ark and the mystery of the 17th. Genesis chapters 6 to 8.
Polygamy - Was it a sin for David to have multiple wives?
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What is the chronology of Revelation? Do the seals trumpets and bowls overlap?
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Esther Chapter 2 Bible Study: The Preparation for the King
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Bible study lesson from the book of Esther chapter 2 looking at preparation of Esther for the King and its meaning today.
Isaiah 55:10-13 Lesson - God's Word Shall Not Return Void
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Book of Isaiah Bible study: God's word shall not return void.
Why could Moses only see the back of God and not His face?
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Moses wanted to see the glory of God but was only allowed to see His back, least he die! Why was that and who was it that Moses saw?
Where in the book of Revelation is the Rapture?
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Is the rapture seen or pictured in the book of Revelation? If so, where?
Colossians 3:12-15 How to clothe yourself -Great clothing choices P1
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Esther Chapter 1 Bible Study: The Invitation of the King
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Bible study lesson from the book of Esther chapter 1, looking at the invitation of the King and its meaning for believers today.
What did Paul mean by saying he carried the marks of Jesus in his body?
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Psalm 23 Bible Study - Jesus our Great Shepherd!
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The amazing Psalm 23 speaks of the incredible Savior and Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Be encouraged again as you learn more about the One who watches and guards His sheep!
I AM the Bright Morning Star - Hope for the coming new day!
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This Bible study lesson looks at why Jesus is called the bright morning star. What does this mean for the return of Jesus?
Revelation 13 Antichrist: The Coming World Leader
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What does the Bible say about this deceptive world leader that is coming? Did the enemy give us glimpse of the Antichrist with another would-be world leader? And what comparisons and contrasts can be made with the true King, Jesus Christ?
Habakkuk 2 Bible Study Lesson: Five Woes Against Society
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Bible study from the book of Habakkuk looking at the coming judgment of God and the return of Jesus Christ in the book of Habakkuk chapter 2.
Do Christians go straight to Heaven when they die?
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Joshua 1:1-9 Spiritual courage in walking in your inheritance
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What does Joshua 1 teach about courage and entering into our inheritance in Christ as taught in the book of Ephesians?
Feasts of the Lord: The Resurrection - Jesus in the Feast of First Fruits
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Have you seen how Jesus' resurrection was foretold in the feast of firstfruits? Explore the Bible study and find out.
Esther 5 Bible Study: Esther's Prayer and the third day
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Bible study lesson from the book of Esther chapter 5 looking at Esther and the power of the third day in scripture.
Ephesians 1:13-23 Bible Study - Enhancing your spiritual sight
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How is your spiritual eye sight? How would you go about improving it? That is what this Bible study of the 2nd half of Ephesians 1 is all about!
Will people die during Jesus' Messianic Millennial Kingdom?
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What does the New Testament say about generational curses?
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Ezekiel 38 Study lesson: Gog, Magog and the coming storm
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Ezekiel 38 gives an incredible prophecy surrounding an invasion of Israel in the last days and how God supernaturally intervenes to make HIS name known!
Revelation 2: Pergamum - The church that compromised
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Would you want to dwell where Satan's throne was? The church at Pergamum did. Let's explore what that means and what promises and warnings we can take from this letter for our own lives.
Daniel 2 Bible Study: Faith under pressure and the God of the impossible
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Bible study commentary concerning the Christian life as shown in the book of Daniel chapter 2.
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