YouTube Channels

The following are Youtube channels that have good solid Biblical teaching for the days in which we live.
Some are Pastors who have a many messages from the Bible. Some are Bible prophecy teachers focing on the current signs of the end of the age.
Hope you enjoy them.
Great messages from Pastor Gary Hamrick as he works book by book through the Bible
Israeli beliver Amir Tsarfati brings regular updates and Q&A's from the Middle East
Pastor Jack Hibbs brings teachings and Bible Prophecy messages from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills church
Skip Heitzig - Calvary Church Albuquerque
Skip Heitzig brings his unique insights with great teaching and relevent messages
Jan Markel - Olive Tree Ministries
Jan Markel brings a weekly radio broadcast/interview featuring important topics for the age in which we live
Christian Life Website
The vast teaching ministry of the late Jack Kelley. Wonderful resources and a wealth of questions and answers
The ministry of the late Dave Hunt and T.A McMahon. Solid biblical truth and a great free monthly newsletter
Huge resource for Bible studies of various themes. Great illustration section for preaching as well
The place to go for everything Spurgeon!
Ray Comfort - Hells Best Kept Secret
The evangelistic ministry of Ray Comfort. Some of the best tracts and videos for witnessing are available here
This story is for anyone who has dealt with cancer, suffered loss or who simply needs a spark of hope in their life, which is just about everyone
Apologetics (defending the faith)
Great site for question and answers concerning the faith and cults. Well worth checking out!
The ministry and apologetics of Dr William Lane Craig
A wealth of information and very well laid out
Prophecy / End Times / Israel
Many studies and FAQ's written primarily by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. He is a Christian Jewish scholar. A great site with a unique Jewish perspective
Founded by Dr David Reagan this website focuses on Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus Christ. It has great weekly videos, an excellent magazine and thoughtful articles
Founded by Jan Markell - has great radio interviews and articles around current events and signs of the times in the Middle East and within the Church
Lots of good articles, forums and useful information concerning the rapture, Bible prophecy and the last days + many other topics
Bible Study / College
Bible Colleges around the world founded by Major Ian Thomas. Definitely Jesus centered!