Are you satisfied with Jesus? (Ruth)

Ruth Bible Study Lesson Snippet

Are you satisfied with Jesus?

Ruth 2:14 And at mealtime Boaz said to her, 'Come here, that you may eat of the bread and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.' So she sat beside the reapers; and he served her roasted grain, and she ate and was satisfied and had some left. 

So is Boaz keen or what? J. Vernon McGee points out in his book that this is the first time that He has met Ruth and Boaz has already asked her out to lunch! He's not slow that man! And we read that 'she ate and was satisfied and had some left'. Is this not the result of anyone that truly meets and experiences the Lord Jesus Christ? She wasn't disappointed as his kindness extended beyond what she expected and as we are soon to see, coming to Boaz by grace would yield more unexpected results. This begs the question... 

Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied with Jesus? If not, then have you learned to live by grace and seen all that God has graciously provided to us as sons of God? 

I'm not thinking of possessions here but spiritual blessings. The Old Testament law had physical blessing for obedience to the law. Nearly everything was outward. 'Be good and you'll get rain, your barns will be full, and your cows will be huge.' That kind of thing. But in the New Testament the blessings are spiritual not primarily physical. He has promised to provide our needs physically which is good but God is predominantly interested with inward things, not outward. Ephesians 1:3 tells us that we HAVE been blessed with EVERY SPIRITUAL blessing in Christ. Paul then goes on to tell us what these things are in Chapters 1-3 and it is these things that we are to focus on, be amazed at, and rest in. They are the true provision of Jesus that should satisfy us!

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