Our need - To rest at Jesus' feet! (Ruth)

Ruth Bible Study Lesson Snippet

Our need - To rest at Jesus' feet!

Ruth 3:8 And it happened in the middle of the night that the man was startled and bent forward; and behold, a woman was lying at his feet.

The middle of the night! You've got to be kidding? I mean, it probably doesn't sound long for us, but here was Ruth, laying at Boaz's feet, thinking 'will He marry me? Will he redeem me? Oh hurry up and wake up!' It would have been a long wait for Ruth, believe me! How long it can be also when you find yourself on the threshing floor, in the midst of a trial. And often, God seems asleep! It is the same picture I guess as when Jesus slept on the boat in the midst of the storm. The disciples were frantic but Jesus kept on sleeping. The best thing they could have done would have been to sleep as well! Jesus slept because He had power and control over all things, including this storm. And that is what His disciples then, and His disciples now, have to learn. But the Lord isn't oblivious to the whole ordeal. There will always come a time when Boaz awakes and though it takes longer usually than we would like, there will always come the time when God hears and acts on your cry. What would have been best for Ruth during this time? Well, to rest as much as possible and worry as least as possible. And it is the same for you. 

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