Why did Elisha ask for a double portion of Elijah's spirit?
2 Kings 2:9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, ' Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?' 'Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,'
So the passage starts with a question... and a big question at that! Elijah knows that his time is nearly up so he asks his disciple Elisha what he would like to receive before Elijah leaves him. Big question. How would you respond? Something material? Something physical? Or something spiritual? We see the type of character that Elisha had in that he asks for 'a double portion of your spirit'. It was spiritual blessings that mattered to Elisha! But don't get his request wrong... he wasn't asking to do twice as many miracles or be twice as important as Elijah. He was asking to be Elijah's heir.
Under the law of Moses, the firstborn son was entitled to a double portion of the fathers inheritance (see Deut 21:17). Now Elijah didn't have a son. Nor was he materially wealthy. But he was spiritually wealthy and that is what Elisha considered important. Elisha wasn't after riches or possessions or fame. He wanted to be considered as Elijah's son and inherit from him spiritually. He wanted to receive the same Holy Spirit that empowered Elijah to carry on his work amongst the nation of Israel. So let's just briefly bring this back onto you... what do you consider important in this life? If God gave you a choice, what would you ask Him for?
From: The Rapture of Elijah - Swing Low Sweet Chariot!(Part 2)