Study - The Beginning and the End - Genesis and Revelation

A 'BIG picture' series looking at how the big themes presented in the beginning of the Bible have their conclusion and fulfillment in the last - the book of Revelation. It shows the plan of God right from the foundation of the world and gives hope for tomorrow.
The Genesis - Revelation Connection: An introduction
- published in
The beginning and the end - the Genesis Revelation Link
The plan of God... From before the creation of the world
- published in
Explore God's plan from the beginning... And even before the beginning! Look at what the Bible says is the plan of God from before the creation of the world
The Mystery of God Bible Study
- published in
Bible study on the mystery of God - From Genesis and ending in Revelation, the mystery of God will be finished
- The Mystery of Iniquity Bible Study - published in Study
The Reflection - The fall and restoration of the image of God
- published in
The fallen image of God in and through mankind will one day be completely restored and made manifest once more. This study explores this important topic - see how the reflection of God will be seen again!
The Cosmic Conflict Bible Study
- published in
There is an unseen cosmic conflict going on in which mankind finds itself caught in the middle. It started back in Genesis and has its conclusion in the days of the book of Revelation. Have a look as we trace this important theme through scripture.
The Genesis Promise (the redeemer and the two seeds)
- published in
Right from the fall there is an ancient promise of a redeemer who will come from the seed of the woman and put things right. But it also speaks of a conflict with a second seed!
Genesis Again (the redemption of creation)
- published in
Jesus spoke of the 'regeneration' that will come in the last days - that is, 'Genesis once more'. Have a look how the pre-fall conditions in the Garden will once again be seen on planet Earth.
The Counterfeit - Babel and the Harlot Bible Study
- published in
There is a counterfeit woman and a counterfeit city which have their origins in Genesis and their end in Revelation. This messages explores their origin and how they are seen in the world today.
The Brooding and work of the Holy Spirit Bible Study
- published in
The work of the Holy Spirit is seen in the first few verses of the Bible and also in the last few verses. What is this work? What is the brooding of the Holy Spirit?
The Counterpart - The Bride of Christ, the Second Eve
- published in
Just as it was not good for man to be alone, so the Lord Himself desires a counterpart. Someone He can love and be loved by. Eve was taken from Adam and revealed... and so shall the church be soon!
In the hands of the living God - The Judgment and Grace of God
- published in
Sin and judgment came in in Genesis and go out, for all time, in Revelation. Explore the judgement and grace of God as we contrast the experience of believers and unbelievers in the hands of the living God.
Confidence, shame and nakedness at the Lord's return
- published in
The good, the bad and the ugly at the return of the Lord. Where will you stand? This Bible study follows the thought of nakedness, shame and confidence before the Lord through some key scriptures in Genesis and Revelation.
The Tree of Life Bible Study & Humanity's eternal choice
- published in
Back in the garden there were but two choices - the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. How do we choose to live by the tree of life today and what does this mean for humanities coming eternal choice?
Home at last - The New Jerusalem Bible Study
- published in
God prepared a garden in Genesis and an even greater heavenly home for all who love Him. The New Jerusalem - Home sweet home! This Bible study explores the believer's wonderful future!