Study - Book of Jonah Bible Study Series

The book of Jonah is the story of a prophet who walked the other way. He was a prophet yet this book contains no prophecies! Or is there? A closer examination sees prophetic types for both the Lord Jesus and the entire nation of Israel as a whole.
Jonah Chapter 1 Bible Study Lesson: Running from the Lord
- published in
Bible study lesson on Jonah Chapter 1 as Jonah runs from the Lord! Let's look at what this means for the believer today.
- Jonah Bible Study Chapter 1:17 Jonah, Jesus & the third day - published in Study
Jonah Chapter 2 Bible Study Lesson: The God of Great Comebacks
- published in
Jonah chapter 2 tells us that God is able to turn things around and make comebacks even from the dead!
Jonah Chapter 3 Bible Study Lesson: The greatest of revivals
- published in
God gives Jonah a second chance at speaking to Nineveh. God is a God of second chances... and thirds... but He is looking for obedience.
Jonah Chapter 4 Bible Study God's focus versus man's comfort
- published in
So Nineveh repents and Jonah is filled with joy... right? Argh... no. Not exactly. But God will have the last word teaching His prophet some important points... as He does us all!