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Study - Bible Studies in the book of Joshua - Walking in our inheritance (F Gordon)

The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Joshua audio sermons and show the courage, faith and commitment required to take the inheritance that God has given to us.
Joshua 1:1-9 Spiritual courage in walking in your inheritance
- published in
What does Joshua 1 teach about courage and entering into our inheritance in Christ as taught in the book of Ephesians?
- Joshua 1;10-18 Divided loyalties and worldliness - published in Study
- Joshua Chapter 2: Rahab - From Harlot to Hero! - published in Study
- Joshua Chapter 3 and 4: The Ark, the Jordan & Baptism into Christ - published in Study
Joshua Chapter 5: The significance and meaning of Gilgal
- published in
Bible study looking at meaning of Gilgal. What significance does it have in the Bible and what meaning does it have for the believer today?
Joshua Chapter 6: The walk of faith and the fall of Jericho
- published in
What was the key to victory over Jericho and how does it apply to the Christian life?
Joshua Chapter 7 Bible Study: Ai and the sin of Achan
- published in
Self confidence and Achan's sin led to a great defeat for Israel at Ai. How does this speak to us today and what was the door of hope the emerged from this low point in Israel's history?
- Joshua Chapter 9: Discernment and the deception of the Gibeonites - published in Study
- Joshua Chapter 13: The Inheritance of the tribe of Levi - published in Study
- Joshua Chapter 14: Caleb - Wholehearted unto the end - published in Study