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Study - Bible Studies in the Wilderness Wanderings - From Egypt to Caanan (F Gordon)

The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Wilderness Wanderings audio sermons and follow Israel's journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land... with a fair amount of wandering in circles in between! The types, pictures and lessons for the Christian life are explored!
- The Way of Escape - published in Study
- Bitter waters and tranquil trees - published in Study
- The Daily Provision of God - published in Study
- Never forget to remember Amalek! - published in Study
- Stop looking at the giants! - published in Study
- Presumptuous sins and the faith of Caleb. - published in Study
- Moses, Miriam and the Living Christ - published in Study
Faith, Idolatry and the Bronze Serpent
- published in
Whatever you are going through, look to Christ! Don't look to yourself, your feelings, strengths or weaknesses. Look to Christ and live!
Balaam, obedience and a talking donkey
- published in
Enter Balaam - a right rogue! When someone goes the way of Balaam, God may even use a donkey to speak some sense to them!
- Balaam and the opening of your eyes to spiritual sight - published in Study
Missing the Promised Land - The Death of Moses
- published in
Why was Moses, of all people, not allowed into the Promised Land? Why did he strike the rock twice and what does that mean for us today?