Audio Podcast - The Life of Jacob (F Gordon)

Highlights (and low-lights) in the life of this interesting character Jacob
The election and selection of Jacob
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Genesis Chapter 25 verse 20-23 - God as sovereign, before the twins Esau and Jacob were born, chose Jacob to inherit the promise of God. Paul picks up this theme of election in Romans chapter 9.
Jacob and Esau - Birth and Birthright
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Genesis 25: 24-34 The birth of Esau and Jacob, and the desire and discarding of the birthright. Twin boys, yet different in every way!
Genesis 27 Jacob, Esau and the stolen blessing
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Jacob in Esau’s clothing uses deceit to receive the blessing, yet God's will and purpose still prevail. Maybe you can see yourself in a family in which every member had their own agenda in regards to God's will!
Jacob's encounter with God at Bethel (audio)
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Escaping Esau’s anger, Jacob flees his home after stealing the blessing. It is then that he has his first encounter with God at Bethel. Likewise many of us also have our first encounter with God at a time of loneliness, fear and uncertainty... where the God of grace reveals Himself!
Jacob and Laban - The swindler gets swindled! (Audio)
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Genesis 29 - Jacob travels to Laban his uncle and meets a greater swindler than himself! We see Gods hand of discipline on Jacob over twenty years of conflict but all for Jacob's ultimate good. In like manner God allows circumstances in our lives to buffet and reveal our true nature to us.
Life of Jacob - Twenty years of striving
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Jacob spent twenty years under the hand of Laban. Fourteen years for his two wives who constantly fought for his love and six years earning wages under a harsh Laban. These passages speak to us of how to live under difficult circumstances with the Laban’s in our lives.
Life of Jacob - Genesis 31 The Return Home
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After 20 years of striving under the hand of Laban, God calls his servant Jacob back to the land of Canaan. Like Jacob, we need to be obedient to the call to return. But why did Rachel take the household idols?
Genesis 32 - Jacob's Return and Fear of Esau (Audio)
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Genesis 32. 1-20 Jacob is on his way home and is about to face his greatest fear Esau. Will he trust God or panic? In the same way when we face fear or uncertainty, will we trust God or not?
Life of Jacob - Gen 32 - Jacob Wrestles with God
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Led by his fear of Esau, Jacob finds himself all alone. But there he meets God in a wrestling match which results in a changed man and a new name. So also for us, we need an honest encounter with God which reveals our true condition apart from Him.
Life of Jacob - Jacob meets Esau!
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Jacob finally meets Esau but instead of returning with him, Jacob takes a detour to dwell in Shechem. This has consequences for his family. In like manner we need to be aware of the detours we take in life and the consequences they have.
Life of Jacob - Back to Bethel
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Genesis 35 - God calls Jacob back to Bethel, back to communion with God. So in like manner this chapter speaks to all wayward sons and daughters to return back to their first love and communion with God.
Life of Jacob - The last days of Jacob
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Here we look at Jacob’s last years, including the lose and restoration of Joseph, his years of rest in Egypt and the wonderful end to his life. It all testifies that God can take a man like Jacob and make him a prince with God to be a blessing. And so it is with you!