Audio Podcast - Joseph, Jesus and You

Who in the Old Testament pictures Jesus more than any other in their life? Joseph! Let's explore the practical and prophetic insights from his incredible life.
Genesis 37 Lesson - The Rejection of Joseph & Jesus (audio)
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This message begins a series looking at the incredible life of Joseph. A life in which the greatest despair and the highest exaltation combine to paint the clearest picture of Jesus in scripture.
Genesis 39 Lesson - The Presence of God in the life of Joseph (audio)
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Framed and wrongly imprisoned, the roller-coaster of Joseph's life continues! Yet God is directing his steps so let's look at the difference the presence of God makes through his, and our, trials of life.
Genesis 40 Lesson: The Testing of Joseph & Humanity (audio)
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How was Joseph able to be a blessing while being tested in the uncertainty of prison? And how do the dreams of his fellow inmates, the cupbearer and the baker, point to the testing of all humanity?
Genesis 41 : Forgetful & Fruitful-The Rise of Joseph (audio)
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Oh how fast things can change and in Genesis 41 Joseph is about to go from a prison to a palace! How does this picture both believers and Jesus Christ?
Genesis 42: Joseph, his brothers & the mills of God (audio)
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As Joseph sees his brothers for the first time in 20 years, God works upon the guilty hearts of Joseph's brothers. How do their thoughts and reactions point to what is playing out in our day?
Genesis 42-43 Lesson: The Rebreaking of Jacob (audio)
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Nestled into the story of Joseph is God's will and purpose for his father Jacob. Jacob will be broken. Again. But for good. How does the process of Jacob becoming Israel once again speak to our lives as Christians?
Genesis 43-44: Joseph's Test & Judah's Promise (audio)
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As his brothers arrive in Egypt the second time, Joseph has one last test. How does God test us today and what pictures of grace, heaven and the Lord's sacrifice do we see in this encounter?
Genesis 45 Joseph revealed - Blessings of a risen Lord (audio)
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Unbelief was replaced with hope and wonder as Jacob learned that his son Joseph was alive! How does this picture our journey as we walk in the light of a risen Lord?
Genesis 46: The Exodus of Israel... into Egypt (audio)
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This message from Genesis 46 speaks of Israel's first exodus, out of the Promised Land and into Egypt. It gives glimpses and pictures of spiritual truth useful for our journey as a Christian. Will we walk and see life as Jacob/Israel did in His latter days?
Genesis 47 The famine: Own nothing & be happy? (audio)
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What steps are seen in the 7 year famine in Genesis 47 to go from prosperity to owning nothing? Have we seen this in modern history and in what way is this prophetic of last days?
Genesis 48 Lesson: Jacob's faith facing the end (audio)
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Jacob was approaching his death - yet was worshipping, blessing and seeing clearly into the future. Let's explore the faith of Jacob in his last days and his lesson for us.
Genesis 49 The Blessing of Jacob's Sons (audio)
- published in
12 sons and 12 prophetic words! This message looks at Jacob's last words for each of his sons which not only examines their character but also who their tribe will become.
Genesis 50: Joseph's last days - God does all things well! (audio)
- published in
What is good and bad in this life? How do you know? Let's explore the end of Joseph's life, from Genesis 50, as he looks back and sees God's hand in even his most difficult days!