Audio Podcast - Resurrection, Rapture and the Redeemer (I Gordon)

What does the Bible say about the resurrection? In this series we'll explore this important topic from the earliest hope to the coming soon rapture and resurrection of all believers in Jesus Christ.
Job's hope in the resurrection and Redeemer! (audio)
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Job, in his anguish, pondered the deep questions of life. What did he discover about life after death, the resurrection and the redeemer?
Isaiah's glimpse of the resurrection and rapture! (audio)
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What did Isaiah see concerning the resurrection? How is the resurrection, rapture and wrath of God linked in Isaiah & the New Testament?
Daniel's two destinies: Resurrection to life or shame? (audio)
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All of humanity will ultimately be raised to either life or shame. Two resurrections and two destinies. Will you shine or shrink in shame?
Resurrection predictions and mysterious numbers (audio)
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What predictions were made of Jesus' resurrection and what do the numbers 3, 5, 8 & 13 have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Resurrection Reactions P1 - Past and Future! (audio)
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What do the reactions to Jesus' resurrection have to do with the coming reaction to the resurrection and rapture of the Church? Will the same confusion, joy and even lies be seen again?
Resurrection Reactions P2 - In the here and now! (audio)
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What does Jesus' resurrection mean for believers and unbelievers today? What is the living hope that believers should rest in because of Jesus' resurrection?
What will the resurrection body be like? (audio)
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At the resurrection believers get a body like Jesus' body. So what was Jesus' resurrection body like? And will our new body be physical or spiritual?
Seven pictures & types of the coming Rapture (audio)
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The rapture of the church was revealed to Paul but pictured from the first book in the Bible to the last. This message explores 7 examples that point to this soon coming event!
The Rapture, the Bridegroom & the Transformation (audio)
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The Bridegroom is coming for His bride in a glorious event of the Rapture - something you do not want to miss! This message explores the Jewish background to the incredible events of that day!