Audio Podcast - Revealing Jesus in Revelation

Revelation is from Jesus and about Jesus. It is the unveiling and revealing of the King of kings. This series explores the events surrounding His glorious return and the things to come!
Revelation 1:1-8 Unveiling Jesus Christ! (audio)
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Revelation is from Jesus and about Jesus. It is a revealing of the Lord in unveiled glory. Let's look at why you should read and receive a blessing from this incredible book!
Revelation 1:9-20 The glorified Lord & Revelation's Key! (audio)
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Explore the vision of the glorified Lord from Revelation 1 and see how appropriating who He is makes a difference in your life. And what is the key to the outline of Revelation?
Revelation 2:1-7 Ephesus - The church that left its love (audio)
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The church in Ephesus had much to be commended for but there was one unseen elephant in the room! See how this letter reminds us all of Him who is to be our first love.
Revelation 2:8-11 Smyrna : The persecuted church (audio)
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Smyrna - materially poor but spiritually rich! What can we learn from this suffering church that placed an unknown future into the hands of a known God?
Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamum: The church that compromised (audio)
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Would you want to dwell where Satan's throne was? The church at Pergamum did. Let's explore what that means and what promises and warnings we can take from this letter for our own lives.
Revelation 2:18-29 Thyatira: The church that was corrupted (audio)
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Jezebel, a false prophetess, lead this church astray. Her followers are warned of great tribulation. The overcomes are promised the rapture and reward. Who does this woman represent?
Revelation 3:1-6 Sardis: The church that fell asleep (audio)
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Ever been to a church that seemed to have slipped into a coma? That was Jesus' message to Sardis - yet hope remained as we shall see!
Revelation 3:7-13 Philadelphia: The church that is raptured (audio)
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Here is the true church of which not one bad word was spoken! But what does it mean that they will be kept from the hour of trial, be pillars in God's temple and be given a three-fold tattoo?
Revelation 3:14-22 Laodicea - The church that didn't need Jesus (audio)
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Oh Laodicea - the church that had it all... or so they thought! What role does the Laodicean church play in these last days? And what can we learn from this blind and naked church?
Revelation Chapter 4: A Glimpse of Eternity (audio)
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Heaven is only a trumpet call away. Let's explore the suddenness, sights, sensations and sounds of eternity from John's heavenly trip in Revelation chapter 4
Revelation 5: The Lion, the Lamb & the Scroll (audio)
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The greatest anguish, the greatest price and the greatest redeemer... Revelation chapter 5 contains the greatest story of all as the Lion becomes a Lamb to save mankind!
Revelation 6 Seals: Countdown to Jesus' Coming (audio)
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Revelation 6 begins with the coming of the Antichrist in all deception and ends with the coming of the Lord in all glory! But what is it that unbelievers see when all the celestial lights are turned off?
Revelation 7: Salvation & Graduation in Tribulation (audio)
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Revelation 7 shows the salvation of sealed servants, and the graduation of a heavenly multitude. And do you know where the hidden gospel message in the chapter is?
Revelation 8 Trumpets: The Greenies worst nightmare (audio)
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Revelation 8 sees four judgments poured out on the planet. Why would God target His own creation? And is there a plan(et) B where the believer's hope should be?
Revelation 9: Unlocking & Unleashing Hell (audio)
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Revelation 9 has one of the top three 'must-miss' events of the entire book - the dramatic unlocking of the Abyss. Who opens it, what comes out and why do you not want to be there?
Revelation 10: Jesus' Claim to Planet Earth (audio)
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Who is the mighty angel of Revelation 10? What is the mystery of God? And how does it relate to the solemn oath and claim made upon planet earth?
Revelation 11 The Temple, the Witnesses & the Beast (audio)
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A rebuilt Jewish temple, two unfashionable witnesses straight from the Old Testament and the first mention of 'the beast'... Strange days are ahead according to Revelation 11!
Revelation 12 The Woman, the Child & the Dragon (audio)
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Revelation 12:1-6 speaks of an ancient conflict that spans the entire Bible and numerous prophecies, finding its conclusion in the soon coming days. Who is this dragon and why does he hate the woman and her child?
Revelation 12 War in Heaven & the coming Holocaust (audio)
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What does the coming war in heaven mean for both heaven and earth? And what is the plan of Satan, the dragon, to prevent Jesus from coming the second time?
Revelation 13 Antichrist: The Coming World Leader (audio)
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What does the Bible say about this deceptive world leader that is coming? Did the enemy give us glimpse of the Antichrist with another would-be world leader? And what comparisons and contrasts can be made with the true King, Jesus Christ?
Revelation 13: The Beast's Image, Mark & Number (audio)
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The beast has an image, a mark, a number and a right hand man. This study from Revelation 13 combines these themes to show where things are headed. But there is a silver lining to all of this!
Revelation 14: End Times Messages from Heaven (audio)
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This Bible study lesson from Revelation 14 looks at the message given directly from Heaven during the Tribulation and its relevance for today.
Revelation 14: The Harvest of the Earth (audio)
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There are three coming harvests where the earth will be reaped. What is the winepress and why should you avoid this grape harvest at all costs?
Revelation 15: The Song of Victory (audio)
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Revelation 15 gives a glimpse of the rejoicing in heaven. What is the song of Moses? What is the song of the Lamb? And how will the perfect wrath of God be completed and 'paid in full'?
Revelation 16: The seven bowls of wrath (audio)
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The seven bowls of wrath complete the judgment of God, What false spirit will lead the nations to Armageddon? How is this seen today and what can we do to avoid being deceived?
Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon - The Coming World Religion (audio)
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Who is this mystery harlot woman that will ride the beast in the last days? What ties does she have with the tower of Babel and what will be her end? The study explores the coming last day religion.
Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon: The City the Falls in a Day (audio)
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Babylon will fall in one day. Where is this and when does it occur? And what application does it have for the believer today? This message explores Revelation 18.
Revelation 19: Hallelujah! The Unveiling of the Queen (audio)
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What makes heaven happy and why all the 'heavenly hallelujahs' in Revelation 19? And who is this coming Queen that shall receive honor and glory when the King returns?
Revelation 19: The Glorious Return of the King (audio)
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Revelation 19 pictures the most monumental dramatic event in all of human history. As the King of kings returns to planet Earth, will the world fall at His feet or seek to kill Him... again?
Revelation 20: The imprisonment & 2nd coming of Satan (audio)
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The most incredible 1000 years of human history is still to come. It is all summarized in 10 action-packed verses in Revelation 20 and includes the imprisonment, release and 2nd eternal imprisonment of Satan.
Revelation 20 The Great White Throne of Judgment (audio)
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Everyone born on this planet will one day stand before their Creator. You want to stand before Jesus as your Savior and not your judge. Revelation 20 focuses on the later with the eternal consequences at the great white throne of judgment.
Revelation 21: Jesus Makes All Things New (audio)
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Who doesn't like new? God does and His plan is to create a new heavens and earth, along with a new home for His new creation. This audio message will explore the many things to look forward to!
Revelation 21 New Jerusalem: The Glorious Home of the Bride (audio)
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This message from Revelation 21 gives us a sneak peek beyond the current world to see what Jesus has planned for the eternal home of His bride. Best of all, its His home too!
Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life (audio)
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Would you like to dive into the river of life and eat from the tree of life? Let's explore eternity and the 7-fold perfection of the eternal state as described in Revelation 22.
Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon! (audio)
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Do you know what the last words of Jesus in the Bible are? And do you know that He repeated it three times in Revelation 22? It is something He would want all believers to know, especially in this current day!