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Study - The Book of Jude, The Acts of the Apostates (F Gordon)

Jude is a short yet action packed letter exhorting believers to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.

  • Jude 1-3: The Call to Contend - published in Study

    Jude 1-3 In Jude’s day apostates were distorting the truth. This letter is a call to arms, to contend for the faith, both then and now.

  • Jude 3-4: Beware the Creepers! - published in Study

    Jude warned of certain people creeping into the church unnoticed. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing; ungodly, abusing grace, and denying Jesus Christ. Just like the early church we are called to contend and watch.

  • Jude 5 Israel's apostasy and the sin of unbelief - published in Study

    Jude draws on examples of how God has judged apostacy. God saved His people Israel out of Egypt yet in the wilderness destroyed those who did not believe. Likewise Hebrews 3 tells us “today if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion”.

  • Jude 6: The Angels that left their Abode - published in Study

    None get away with sin. Jude’s second example is of the angels that left their abode. What did they do? And why did it result in severe judgement?

  • Jude 7: Sodom, Gomorrah & the last days - published in Study

    Jude’s last example of apostasy is Sodom and Gomorrah who went after strange flesh bringing the judgement of God. Why are they an example for others and what does this speak of in the last days?

  • Jude 8-11 Beware the Way of Cain! - published in Study

    Why does Jude use 'the way of Cain' as an example of the false teachers in our midst? What can we learn from Cain's attitude and approach to God?

  • Jude 11: Balaam - Beware the Prophets of Profit - published in Study

    Balaam was a prophet for hire using his gift to profit himself. Jude tells us that this is a mark of the false teacher and a warning to those who are motivated by personal gain instead of the glory of God.

  • Jude 11: Beware the Rebellion of Korah - published in Study

    Why does Jude use Korah, who exalted himself against Gods divine will and ordained leadership. as a warning to some within the Church today?

  • Jude 12-13: Selfish Shepherds and Fruitless Trees - published in Study

    Jude gives vivid descriptions of the apostate teachers. They are sunken rocks, selfish shepherds, rainless clouds and fruitless trees! And that's being nice! Let's explore these false teachers, all too common in the last days.

  • Jude 14-19: Last day scoffers, grumblers and flatterers - published in Study

    The Bible predicts scoffers, grumblers, faultfinders and flatterers coming within the church in the last days. How do you spot them and discern the sheep from the wolves?

  • Jude 20-23 Believers guide to living in apostate times - published in Study

    Just as the Bible predicted, we live in difficult times. This Bible study on Jude 20-23 gives light and instruction on what the believer should do to live in such days of apostacy.

  • Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able! - published in Featured, Study

    There is only One who is able. Spoiler alert - it is not you! Jude 24 and 25 gives glory to the One who will present all true believers perfect before the Father with overwhelming joy!

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