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Questions - Nation of Israel

Is the nation of Israel today a fulfillment of Bible prophecy and if so, what should a believers attitude towards this nation be today?
- Why do you, a Gentile, have a love for the Jews? - published in Q&A
- Has the Nation Of Israel Been Rejected By God? - published in Q&A
- Should we protect the nation of Israel? - published in Q&A
- Are Christians the new 'spiritual Israel'? - published in Q&A
- Should a Christian with Jewish blood go live in Israel? - published in Q&A
- Are we 'Spiritual Israel' now? Does God have a future plan for the nation of Israel? - published in Q&A
- Is Israel an apartheid state persecuting the Palestinians? - published in Q&A
- Is the lost tribes of Israel biblical? And are they actually lost? - published in Q&A
- Is unbelieving Israel still under the old covenant? - published in Q&A
- Does Israel's war in Gaza fulfill Bible prophecy? - published in Q&A
- Does Israel's war against Hezbollah in Lebanon fulfill Bible prophecy? - published in Q&A