Study - Holy Spirit - Roles, Types and Imagery

This series explores the roles, types and imagery of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.
Bible Study Lesson - The Seven Spirits of God
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John was given a vision of Heaven and saw the Holy Spirit as seven lamps around the throne. What does this point to in the Old and New Testaments? What are the seven Spirits of God?
Bible Study Lesson - The Holy Spirit is our Helper
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Do you know in what ways the Holy Spirit is our Helper? Have you experienced that help? And how is this pictured in the Old Testament?
Bible Study - Holy Spirit : The Hound of Heaven
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Why is the Holy Spirit the 'Hound of Heaven'? How does He draw the unbeliever to Jesus and what role do believers play in that?
Bible Study - The Dove & Raven: The personal & prophetic lessons
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Why is the Holy Spirit seen as a dove in the New Testament and what personal and prophetic lessons are contained in the first story about the dove in the Bible?
Bible Study - Anointing oil for the greatest to the least
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Jacob poured oil out upon a stone and the priests applied oil in the cleansing of lepers. Both acts teach us about the Holy Spirit... but what warnings did God give concerning the anointing oil?
Bible Study - Oil Part 2: Two widows & the jars of oil
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What can two Old Testament stories of desperate widows with a little oil in a clay jar teach us about the present day need to be filled with God's Spirit?
Bible Study - Holy Spirit Oil Part 3: The Lamp, the Oil & the Word
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Both the believer and the word of God are a lamp shining in a dark place. Yet both require the oil of the Holy Spirit for there to be light!
Bible Study - Blowing in the wind - Gifts & will of the Spirit
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Jesus said the Spirit was like the wind - Unseen yet powerfully moving, saving & gifting believers according to His will. This study explores this theme.
Bible Study - Holy Spirit: Fruitfulness through the living water
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What is the living water that causes fruitfulness and what passages, all through the Bible, point to its reality both in this life and the one to come?
Bible Study - Joel's prophecy & the Holy Spirit in the last days
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The prophet Joel spoke of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit the last days. Is this to happen again in the church age or after and how does it relate to the day of Pentecost?
Bible Study - The Holy Spirit in the coming Great Reset
- published in
God is about the reset everything. What will the work and presence of the Holy Spirit be like in this coming Kingdom age and how does the hope of this day help us today?