Home > Browse JPN Series > audio-book-judges > Judges Chapter 16 part 2: The fall of Samson and the departure of God Audio - The Book of Judges - Defeating the cycle of sin (F Gordon) Judges Chapter 16 part 2: The fall of Samson and the departure of God < Download Related Series Posts Judges Chapter 2: From blessing to weeping: The slide begins Judges Chapter 3: Double wickedness and the enemies in the land Judges Chapter 3b: Ehud, the fat man and the double edge sword Judges Chapter 4 and 5: Deborah, Jael and the peg in the worldly mind Judges Chapter 6 part 1: Gideon - The mighty warrior (or mighty worrier?) Judges Chapter 6 part 2: The fear of Gideon and confirmation of God Judges Chapter 7 part 1: The army of Gideon and the God of less numbers Judges Chapter 7 part 2: The light of Gideon and the power of God through a broken vessel Judges Chapter 8: Gideon's misstep: Temptation after victory Judges Chapter 13: The call of Samson and the magnificent God Judges Chapter 14: Samson and the Philistines - A marriage not made in heaven! Judges Chapter 15: The binding and freeing of Samson Judges Chapter 16 part 1: Samson: Playing with fire in the valley of entanglement Judges Chapter 16 part 2: The fall of Samson and the departure of God Judges Chapter 16 part 3: The final redemption of Samson