Bible Study Series: Daniel, Babylon and the End Times
Daniel Chapter 4 p2: Nebuchadnezzar - Lessons from a Loon!
by I Gordon
We looked last time at Nebuchadnezzar and the tree of doom and I'm sure you have remembered that we only got half way through Daniel chapter 4 before we locked on the brakes and that study came to an abrupt screeching halt! What we did see is that king Nebuchadnezzar was given a frightening prophetic dream of what would come upon him and unfortunately, while it shook him up for a while, the king didn't take this warning completely to heart. So as we left the king he was out on his balcony, looking over his whole kingdom, and giving praise to the one responsible for such greatness... Himself! Hmmm... yeah about that!
You will also remember that this whole chapter is unique in that it is a written testimony by Nebuchadnezzar himself to the then known world. He personally learnt a lot through this time and so can we. So while the last message focused on the problem, this one is the solution. More specifically we will examine the lessons that can be learnt from such a radical story. These are 5 simple lessons from a loon! The lessons explored will be:
- Lesson 1: Who rules the roost?
- Lesson 2: Revelation often comes through brokenness
- Lesson 3: There is no hole so deep that God can't lift you out of!
- Lesson 4: Temporal earthly glory means nothing in the face of eternity
- Lesson 5: The true response to the grace of God
And I'll also include a prophetic aspect from this chapter as there are some interesting pointers to the end of the age hidden here. So let's pick the story back up for our first lesson with the king out on his balcony, doing what he enjoys most - praising himself.
Lesson 1: Who rules the roost?
Dan 4:29-32 All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, 'Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?' The words were still on his lips when a voice came from heaven, 'This is what is decreed for you, King Nebuchadnezzar: Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like cattle. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes.'
This passage encapsulates the chapter for it demonstrates the biggest lesson that mankind has to learn - Who rules the roost? We see that as the king is busy praising himself, the decree is given from on high that his authority has been taken from him and that he will now be eating grass like an animal until he acknowledges that it is the Most High that is sovereign! Now I don't want to gloss over this point because it is the crux of the matter. What was it that led the king to this point? What was it that had kept God out of His rightful place in Nebuchadnezzar's life? We can clearly see from the passage above that it was pride and his popular close cousin, independence. And where does that come from? Was mankind created to live independently of God?
If we go back to the beginning, back to Genesis, we find something interesting. When God created the animal kingdom he gave them something that would govern their actions and be their guide for how they should live and operate. We call that something 'instinct'. But He didn't give instinct to mankind. He gave Himself. His presence, His life, represented by the tree of life, was to be mankind's guide. Mankind was not programmed to operate instinctively but was designed to live in dependence upon God and His life within them. Well, that was the plan... until a voice arose in the garden...
'You will not surely die,' the serpent said to the woman. 'For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'
In other words here was the lie - 'you don't need to live dependent upon God. You are missing out. You can be like God! You can know good and evil. You can gain knowledge and not be trapped needing God. You can make your own rules, your own decisions... You can go your own way and be your own person. Just take a bite, break free from God and be your own God!'
So they did. They bought the lie and were sold a lemon... Instead of freedom they received a life long battle and bondage to self centeredness. Instead of liberating knowledge they received pride, smugness and independence. And breaking the connection with God caused utter chaos for humanity!

As an example of this chaos, there is an old sermon by Major Ian Thomas1 about the wonder of the animal kingdom, shown in the inbuilt instinct amongst bees. Did you know that within the hive different bees are assigned different tasks? Some bees simply clean the hive. Some continue to build the hive using mathematically perfect hexagonal cells of wax. Others flap their wings for air conditioning and to keep the hive at a constant temperature. Others go out looking for nectar and when they have found some they do a little dance inside the hive which instructs the other bees where to find it! How amazing! How do they do all this? Instinct! God has programmed within them the knowledge of how to do these things. No one has to teach them because instinct governs their actions. They have it from birth. In his sermon, Major Ian asks what would happen if instinct within the bee kingdom suddenly snapped! Imagine if the bees decided that they were sick and tired of having to do what the other bees wanted. Imagine if those assigned to keeping the hive at a constant temperature suddenly decide that they are not going flap anymore. 'Go and do your own flapping' they say 'I've been flapping for months without even a word of thanks!' Another says 'Yeah, we'll, I'm not dancing anymore. Do your own jig. No more telling you guys where the nectar is. You're always riding on my coat-tails... you go find your own nectar. This is mine!'
So what would we end up with if instinct snapped and it was every bee for himself? It would be chaos and the breakdown of the bee kingdom. It would be the end of a lot of your favorite food as well! And yet that is what mankind decided to do in the garden. They chose to go it alone without God. Every man for himself... everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. And here we are... Craziness.
So when our nice little king Nebuchadnezzar stands in great pride on his balcony overlooking his kingdom and singing praise to himself, he is only verbalizing that which dwells within the heart of most of us - Pride and independence. It may be thousands of years since the fall of man but nothing has changed. There is nothing new under the sun2. So the first lesson that Nebuchadnezzar, and mankind in general, had to learn was who rules the roost? Is it God or is it you? Is God restored back to His rightful position or are you still saying, as the king did, 'Is not what I have built, by my power and for my glory?'
Lesson 2: Revelation often comes through brokenness
Daniel 4:33 Immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled. He was driven away from people and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird.
As we continue looking at Nebuchadnezzar's testimony we read the above, dramatic, turn of events! One minute wallowing in pride and self exaltation... the next being brought right down to ground level (quite literally!). The one who ruled the people now can't even rule or control himself. He who dined on the choicest of foods now feeds on grass. He who wore the royal robes is now covered by thick hair like feathers. I called this lesson 'Revelation often comes through brokenness'. I could have also said 'Spiritual highs are often reached through personal lows'. To turn from yourself to God requires that you truly know yourself and have gotten over yourself. And that often (but not always) requires humbling by God. So how low does the king go? He is taken right back to grass roots! His severe pride required a severe humbling. But always remember that God has a purpose in all that He does and it is not to simply humiliate someone! God loved Nebuchadnezzar. Despite the ego trips, despite throwing people into the fire, despite turning people's houses into rubble... God still loved this king. And the king would soon be granted a very personal revelation of God's grace and faithfulness. He would soon reach a new spiritual high. But this was the valley he had to walk through to get there.
A more modern example is the story of Muhammad Ali, who at the height of his fame as the World heavyweight boxing champion of the world, was a passenger on a plane. Now Ali didn't have an overly low opinion of himself. In fact he considered himself 'the greatest'. As they were about to take off, the hostess coming along the aisle asked Ali to put his seatbelt on. 'Superman' Ali replied, 'don't need no seatbelt'. 'Superman', the hostess replied, 'don't need no plane either!' Ok... that made me laugh. But there was a far more serious twist in his story. Today in the Word states:
Muhammad Ali was one of the most prolific boxers in history, and his verbal jabs packed plenty of punch as well. Some called him larger than life. He called himself “the greatest.” But his battle with Parkinson's disease dealt the outspoken star a near knockout blow. After coping with the humbling disease, he has learned many lessons, saying, “God gave me this illness to remind me that I'm not Number One. He is!”
Today in the Word
This lesson is very important for the believer who wants to be used by God. As Spurgeon discovered and spoke:
“Whenever God means to make a man great, He always breaks him in pieces first.”
Charles H. Spurgeon.
I'm not sure if they teach the students that in Bible College! So if things are tough in your life always remember that God may just have chosen to reveal more of Himself to you. And if you are a young Christian and want to teach God's word, it won't be a walk in the park. You need to know that. You will need to learn through experience what you are learning theologically. But on that note it is also important to remember the next lesson that the king learned...
Lesson 3: There is no hole so deep that God can't lift you out of!
Daniel 4:34 At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever.
Now, I want you to do something for me. But it may not relate to right now in your life...
But the next time you think that you have blown it and there is no way back...
The next time you wallow in despair thinking that you can never get out of this mess...
The next time you regret some past action and think that it can't ever be put right...
Think of Nebuchadnezzar!
This guy was an animal... No, he literally was an animal. It makes you wonder as he was munching on some grass in the field whether he ever just stopped and thought - 'Oh man... how did it come to this? I was once a legendary king and now I'm a complete lunatic!3 I used to eat at banquets and now I munch out on grass! And all because of my stubborn proud heart! I wonder if I'll ever get out of this?' As low as you may be now or in the future, I doubt you will ever be as low as our poor king. And his testimony is that as low as you may go, God is still able to elevate and restore you. There is no hole so deep that God cannot lift you out. But do what Nebuchadnezzar did - raise your eyes toward heaven!
The Bible is of course full of such amazing stories of men and women who have been raised from the depths. We could talk of Job and all that he went through... yet God restored all that he had lost. We could talk of Joseph, wrongly accused and thrown into prison until the timing of God was such that he should be exalted and made ruler over Egypt. We could speak of a wicked king of Judah called Manasseh who was taken with a hook in his nose and shackles on his feet down into a dungeon in Babylon. And yet, in the depths of his despair he called on God with a repentant heart and God lifted him out of that hole4 and through pure grace he was restored and even ended up in the line and genealogy of Jesus! An amazing story! Or what about the thief on the cross? Did you know that at the start of the crucifixion both of the thieves crucified with Jesus were mocking the Lord? And yet, as death closed in, one repented and confessed his belief in Jesus as the Messiah. And he was forgiven, restored and granted a place in paradise that day!
So in the depths of Nebuchadnezzar's trial, when all looked lost, he raised his eyes toward heaven and he praised the Most High. There was nothing left of self at this point that was praise worthy. There was no palace, power, pleasure or prosperity anymore. None of it mattered. All was stripped away until only God remained. And as he raised his eyes toward God his sanity was restored! What an amazing testimony! What a great lesson to learn and experience! Always remember Nebuchadnezzar's story and that there is no hole so deep that God can't lift you out of!
Lesson 4: Temporal earthly glory means nothing in the face of eternity
Dan 4:34-35 ...His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. (35) All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: "What have you done?"
You may remember in Daniel chapter 2 that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a great statue. He, and his kingdom, were said to be the head of gold in that statue. Now do you also remember that the king was told that God would set up His own kingdom that would put to an end all man-made earthly kingdoms? If you do then you're doing better than most! But do you also remember that the king then went and built his own image all in gold signifying that his kingdom would not be defeated or be demolished? Of course you did! Well, that brings us to the 4th lesson that God required this king to learn. And that is that only the things of God last forever and earthly glory and power means nothing in comparison to God's glory and power. I'll take a wild stab here and guess that you don't have the power, palace and position of the king before us. And yet, you may still spend a fair amount of your time building up your own little kingdom down here on earth while often forgetting about the eternal kingdom. We forget how temporary our lives on this planet are. That was brought home to me this week again as I sat with my cousin who died from ovarian cancer after a really long battle. We often forget that only the things of God last forever. It was to this attitude that Isaiah spoke when he said:
Isa 40:6-8 A voice says, "Cry out." And I said, "What shall I cry?" "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. (7) The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass. (8) The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
It was this same lesson that Jesus tried to teach his listeners where he told them to focus on eternity:
Mat 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. (20) "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; (21) for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Our good king learned his lesson!5 God is sovereign and only the things of God last forever. And you will note that once he was restored he no longer spoke of how great he or his kingdom was... No, his language and thoughts were now onto that which was eternal! Read what he wrote to all the peoples and nations once again in verse 34. Remember that this is his testimony to the then known world! So what did he tell them? Basically that it's not about you and your little kingdom. God doesn't regard man like other men do! If you want to be part of something that truly lasts then it's all about God's kingdom and his rule. Everything else is nothing. Nebuchadnezzar learnt this lesson the hard way but learn it he did. He went from boasting “Is not this the great Babylon I have built... by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty” to saying “I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven”. The I's and My's had been replaced by He and Him!
Lesson 5 - The true response to the grace of God... Speak & Share!
Dan 4:36-37 At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. (37) Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.
The last lesson that we can learn from the king is simply what he did with this great experience that God gave him - He told others about it! How cool. I know I've mentioned it before but always remember that chapter 4 of Daniel is the personal testimony of the king that he sent out for all to read and hear. Too often (and I'm definitely including myself here) we keep the things of God out of conversation for fear of what others may think. Not this king! He spoke and I have no doubt that his words and testimony changed peoples lives as God worked in their lives too.
You might remember that the chapter started with this:
Dan 4:2 NIV It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.
Dan 4:2 NASB "It has seemed good to me to declare the signs and wonders which the Most High God has done for me.
The NIV says for verse 2 that 'It is my pleasure to tell you...' The NASB says 'It seemed good to me to tell...' Have you found that it is both good and a pleasure to tell others about what God has done?

So in conclusion there are some great universal lessons that God wished to teach the king then, and us now, in Daniel chapter 4. Mankind doesn't change and while the extent of the highs and lows in this chapter may not be your experience, the process and principles taught hold true nonetheless. M. Lloyd Jones once said that all of mankind's history could be expressed thus:
'Man formed, man deformed, man informed, man transformed.'
I like that and it certainly holds true for this chapter and the life of king Nebuchadnezzar. And I hope that you have got to the last stage of the process as well! As we stay humble and allow the work of God in our life we will be transformed.
Now just before signing off on this chapter, I promised a prophetic element so there is one appendix to consider...
Appendix - Daniel 4: The Prophetic Element
We have looked at this study and chapter from a personal point of view exploring some of the lessons that we can learn from Nebuchadnezzar. But it is worth adding a note about the prophetic significance. Jesus spoke about the 'times of the Gentiles' (Luke 21:24) which is the time when Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentile nations. Interestingly, it begins with the time of Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian kingdom and ends at the return of Jesus when he sets up His kingdom in Israel. So it is worth noting the parallels in this judgement and that which is still to come. A.C Gaebelein writes well on this:
'As judgment came upon the great monarch in the beginning of the times of the Gentiles, so judgment will yet fall upon this proud and self exalting age of the Gentiles. That great big, political and religious tree will some day be hewn down and be destroyed.
And Nebuchadnezzar's great humiliation in becoming a beast for seven times (seven years), points us to the end of this Gentile age once more. Apostasy from God will be the great characteristic of that end. There will be no more looking up to God, but the attitude of the beast will be the attitude of the nations. We see much of this already. They mind earthly things and become the 'earth dwellers' so frequently mentioned in the book of Revelation. Madness and bestiality will seize upon the Gentiles, after the One who hinders, the Holy Spirit is removed. Then proud and apostate Christendom will believe the lie and follow the beast with its lying wonders. This will last seven times, that is, seven years.
The stump of the great tree which remains in the field suggests the fact that the judgments which fall upon the nations in the time of the end will not completely destroy all nations. Many of them will be swept away. For those who willfully rejected the gospel and turned away from the truth, there is no hope. But there are others which will be left and when these judgments are in the earth, the nations learn righteousness
The millennium is also seen in this chapter in the restoration of Nebuchadnezzar and in the praise He gives to the Most High. In the previous chapter the three friends of Daniel speak of 'our God,' but in this chapter we hear of 'the Most High.' It is the millennial name of God. We see then in the fourth chapter the pride and self exaltation of the Gentiles, and how the Gentiles will be humiliated and judged. First there is self exaltation, that is followed by judgment, and then follows restoration and the acknowledgement of the Most High.
That nothing more is now reported of Nebuchadnezzar, that the last which we hear of him in Scripture is his acknowledgment of the Most High, is also not without meaning. It foreshadows the universal acknowledgment of God in the kingdom which the God of heaven will set up, when the stone fills as the mountain the whole earth.
From The principle of behavior - Instinct in the animal, Christ in the man
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But thankfully there can be something new under the Son! Only in Christ are things made new. As Larry Norman used to sing: 'Unless JC sets you free, everything remains the same. We are what we are until the day that we die.
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As mentioned in the last study, according to the note in my bible, the king's illness has a name - It's called Boanthropy and it means that you imagine yourself to be an animal and act accordingly. You may want to note it down cos I'm kind of thinking that you don't want to catch this one!
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It's a great story, please read 2 Chron 33. He was lifted up and restored when he turned to the Lord. It even says that the Lord was 'moved'.
2Ch 33:13 And when he prayed to him, the LORD was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD is God.
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Mart DeHaan writes in Our Daily Bread the following useful illustration of this chapter
"After 60 years and 6 million visitors, the zoo in Milan, Italy, was shut down. Animal-rights activists had protested that conditions in the zoo were unfit for the animals caged there. But when the animals moved out, homeless people moved in. Until city leaders intervened, hundreds of them began sneaking into the cages under the cover of darkness, looking for a night’s rest. Ironically, the zoo was only a 5-minute walk from one of Europe’s most expensive shopping districts. Within 400 yards of the cages, the shops of Italian fashion designers lined a street that attracted big spenders from all over the world.
There is something sad about people who live like animals. But who was further from the image of God—those taking shelter in the zoo or the big spenders a few blocks away? The mighty king Nebuchadnezzar had been warned in a dream that he would be eating grass with the animals unless he changed his proud, sinful ways. The prophet Daniel told him to stop sinning and to show mercy to the poor (4:27). But Nebuchadnezzar refused, and his nightmare came true.
Father, forgive us for our pride. Help us not to live like animals but like people created in Your image."