How does Nehemiah picture the two comings of Jesus?
While reading this last section on Tobiah sneaking in when Nehemiah was away, it occurred to me that there is a bigger picture here. So far, most of the studies have been on how to recognise and defeat the Christian's three enemies - Satan (Sanballat), the World (Geshem), and the Old Nature (Tobiah), and it's been mostly from the individuals level. But I now think that the book of Nehemiah also gives us a wider view of history, spanning the first and second comings of Jesus. Have a look at some of the comparisons:
Jesus' First Coming
- The cupbearer of the king- The book starts with Nehemiah as the cupbearer to the king. Such a position allowed him to sit at the right hand of the king, as he had to drink the king's cup to test it for poison. He therefore had to be willing to die for the king if necessary. In like manner, Jesus was willing to drink the cup the Father had for him (Matt 26:39-42), even though it meant his death.
- Willing to forsake his high position - Nehemiah was willing to forsake this high position he had with the king for the sake of God's people. Likewise, though Jesus dwelt at the right hand of the Father, He was willing to give up his riches with the Father and become poor for our sake ( 2Cor 8:9).
- The journey to Jerusalem - Upon seeing the condition of Gods people and the state of Jerusalem, Nehemiah left the king and went to Jerusalem to free his brothers from the bondage of their enemies. This pictures how Jesus, when the appointed time had come, left the Father and came to Jerusalem to free his brothers from their spiritual bondage.
- Weeping over Jerusalem and God's people - Upon seeing Jerusalem, Nehemiah wept openly about her state. Likewise with Jesus who wept over Jerusalem ( Luke 19:41).
- Begin building the walls of salvation, overcoming the enemy - Nehemiah then began building the walls of Jerusalem to restore God's glory and bring salvation and protection for God's people. In building the walls, Nehemiah had to overcome the efforts of Sanballat (Satan), Geshem (the World), and Tobiah (the Old Nature). Jesus began rebuilding our salvation and restored the glory to God's name that had been lost (John 17:4). In doing so he defeated Satan's attacks, the call of worldly compromise, and nailed the old nature to the cross! (Matt 4:1-11, Col 2:13-15, Rom 6:6)
- Reestablishing the truth and priesthood - Before going back to the king, Nehemiah re-established the truth of Gods word and set the priesthood up again so that all would be done according to God's covenant. Before going back to the Father, Jesus established the church, the truth of the new covenant and the priesthood of all believers (Matt 26:26-30, Acts 1:3, 1 Pet 2:9, Rev 1:6).
Church Age
- While gone, God's people allow Tobiah back in - While Nehemiah was back with the king, Gods people gave Tobiah a prominent place within the house of God, because he was a relative who they had known for a long time and they were not able to see through his 'good deeds'. While Jesus has gone back to the Father, yeah well... judge for yourself what the church has done with the old fleshly nature!
Jesus' Second Coming
- On his return, God's enemy is thrown out! - When Nehemiah returns from the king, he goes back to Jerusalem and finding God's enemy in Jerusalem, he throws Tobiah out and cleanses the whole place. When Jesus returns from the Father, he comes back to Jerusalem, and defeats God's enemies there (Zech 12:1-9, Zech 14:1-4) removing everything that is not of God. Cleansing is then set up for the people (Zech 13:1 - This happens straight after he defeats Israel's enemies in Zech 12:1-9 and they finally recognise him! Zec 12:10).
- The Temple, Priesthood and Sabbath reinstated - Nehemiah then sets up the temple and priesthood again, and reinstates the Sabbath rest. After cleansing Jerusalem, Jesus again sets up the temple and priesthood (Ezekiel Chapters 40-47) and initiates the true Sabbath rest - the millennial reign (1000 years of Jesus' kingdom Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:1-10, 66:17-25).
- Obedience to truth and righteousness - Even after this period Nehemiah still wouldn't tolerate sin or actions that were not based on God's word. At one stage he 'struck some of them and pulled out their hair' (a real man!!) and drove another away from him. Now I'm not saying that Jesus is going to be a hair puller, but in his millennial reign he will 'rule with an rod of iron' (Rev 2:26, 12:5, 19:15)
From: Nehemiah 13:4-9 Tobiah Part 2: Get him off the throne!