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New Bible studies within the last 60 days will be marked below as new study
Bible Study Lesson Snippets

Snippets present small extracts of Bible study 'highlights' and can be both devotional and doctrinal in nature. They each contain a link to the main study to read more if interested.

new study How does the ascension of Elijah point to the Lord Jesus?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Elijah was taken into heaven as a picture of the rapture of all believers!

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Why did Elisha ask for a double portion of Elijah's spirit?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the spiritual meaning of Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and Jordan?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study The call of Elisha - From physical to spiritual plowman

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study When David slips and chose to use by-path meadow

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study If the opportunity arises should Christians get even? (David)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study When the praise of others makes us sour! (David)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Why did David use Goliath's own sword to defeat him?

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What will the new resurrection body be like?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study In Heaven we will be reunited with those currently with the Lord

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Why should we look forward to Heaven?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study When we get to see Jesus face to face!

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What are the steps to sin? (Joshua)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Why was Israel silent during the siege on Jericho? (Joshua)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Ai: Beware these two foes straight after victory! (Joshua)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What one mistake leads to deception? (Joshua)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study What is the greatest inheritance a person can get? (Joshua)

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Who in the Bible was full of zeal and life at 85?

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study How does Nehemiah picture the two comings of Jesus?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Why God doesn't want you to offer your old nature! (Nehemiah)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What are you offering up to God? (Nehemiah)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Defense against false prophets: How much do you love the truth? (Nehemiah)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What does Satan have the power to do given opportunity?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study How has the Church been persecuted throughout history? (Nehemiah)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study How is the armor of God seen in the book of Nehemiah?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What Parallels are seen in the parable of the Sower and Nehemiah's walls?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the answer to the fear of man? - The fear of God! (Nehemiah)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Who is Sanballat a type of in Nehemiah?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem in Nehemiah??

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Who is the Rock of your Foundation? (Nehemiah)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Understanding the nature of the fall (Nehemiah)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Who are the three enemies in the book of Nehemiah?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Rahab reveals her faith! (Joshua)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Why did the water reseed as far back as Adam? (Joshua)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What is the reproach of Egypt? Rolling away the shame of the past (Joshua)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study What two types of believers are seen in Joshua?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why Moses couldn't take them into the Promised Land (Joshua)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study How did Moses react to missing the Promised Land? (Numbers)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Joshua and the Call to be Courageous (Joshua)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

new study Attention all weaklings - Like Gideon, God may choose you!

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study Why does Gideon ask for a sign?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the lesson with Gideon and his Jars of Clay?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

new study What is the Cycle of Sin in the book of Judges?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What can we learn from the wayward life of Balaam? (Numbers)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Miriam and the Sin of taking Offense (Numbers)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Are you satisfied with Jesus? (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What are 'presumptuous' sins? (Numbers)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Abundantly more that we could hope or think! (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

God's use of tragedies (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

There is no room for fence sitting! (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Elijah's and our need to be still and listen (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

God's grace in times of weakness (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Who does the closer relative in the book of Ruth represent?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Elijah & the Church: Gone in the twinkling of an eye (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

What is the solution for bitterness & bitter waters? (Exodus)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

What does God teach in the daily provision of manna? (Exodus)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

How to win the victory over Amalek, the flesh? (Exodus)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

When God calls us and all we see is difficulties (Numbers)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Our need - To rest at Jesus' feet! (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What single thing stops us entering into the Rest? (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

How can the Lord be so gracious to me? (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Counting the Cost - True and false conversions (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What are the Qualifications for a Kinsman-Redeemer? (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Why did fear grip Elijah in running from Jezebel?

Aug 2024
F Gordon

What can we learn from Elijah at the brook Cherith?

Aug 2024
F Gordon

When God's provision comes from unexpected places! (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

How did Ruth prepare for her marriage to Boaz?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What is an example of Prodigal sons and Prodigal pigs? (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Beware the 'little' sojourns into the world! (Ruth)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

What God can do with an empty barrel! (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Look to the Lord and be saved! (Numbers)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

God's work, in God's way, will never lack God's supply! (Elijah)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Audio Podcast - Joseph, Jesus and You

Who in the Old Testament pictures Jesus more than any other in their life? Joseph! Let's explore the practical and prophetic insights from his incredible life.

new study Genesis 46: The Exodus of Israel... into Egypt (audio)

Oct 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 45 Joseph revealed - Blessings of a risen Lord (audio)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 43-44: Joseph's Test & Judah's Promise (audio)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 42-43 Lesson: The Rebreaking of Jacob (audio)

Sep 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 42: Joseph, his brothers & the mills of God (audio)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 41 : Forgetful & Fruitful-The Rise of Joseph (audio)

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 40 Lesson: The Testing of Joseph & Humanity (audio)

Jul 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 39 Lesson - The Presence of God in the life of Joseph (audio)

Jul 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 37 Lesson - The Rejection of Joseph & Jesus (audio)

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Study - Joseph, Jesus and You

Who in the Old Testament pictures Jesus more than any other in their life? Joseph! Let's explore the practical and prophetic insights from his incredible life.

new study Genesis 46 Lesson: The Exodus of Israel... into Egypt

Oct 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 45 Lesson: Joseph revealed-Blessings of a risen Lord

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 43-44 Lesson: Joseph's Test & Judah's Promise

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Genesis 42-43 Lesson: The Rebreaking of Jacob

Sep 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 42 Lesson: Joseph, his brothers & the mills of God

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 41 Lesson: Forgetful & Fruitful-The Rise of Joseph

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 40 Lesson: The Testing of Joseph and Humanity

Jul 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 39 Lesson: The Presence of God in the life of Joseph

Jul 2024
I Gordon

Genesis 37 Lesson: The Rejection of Joseph & Jesus

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - The Book of Philippians (F Gordon)

From prison with love! Paul writes one of his most personal epistles to the saints in Philippi filled with joy, wisdom and thankfulness in the Lord.

new study Philippians 3:1-8 Losing my religion and gaining Christ!

Sep 2024
F Gordon

new study Philippians 2:12-16 Working out, what God works in! (audio)

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 2:5-11 Ultimate Humility: God became a man! (audio)

Jul 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:25-2:4 Unity through Humility in Christ Jesus (audio)

Jun 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:14-24 For to me to live is Christ (audio)

Jun 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:1-13 Fruitfulness in Isolation (audio)

May 2024
F Gordon

Study - The Book of Philippians Bible Study (F Gordon)

From prison with love! Paul writes one of his most personal epistles to the saints in Philippi filled with joy, wisdom and thankfulness in the Lord.

new study Philippians 2:12-16 Working out, what God works in!

Oct 2024
F Gordon

new study Philippians 2:5-11 Ultimate Humility: God became a man!

Aug 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:25-2:4 Unity through Humility in Christ Jesus

Jul 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:14-24 For me to live is Christ

Jun 2024
F Gordon

Philippians 1:1-13 Fruitfulness in Isolation

Jun 2024
F Gordon

Study - Revealing Jesus in Revelation

Revelation is from Jesus and about Jesus. It is the unveiling and revealing of the King of kings. This series explores the events surrounding His glorious return and the things to come!

Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon!

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life

May 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 21 New Jerusalem: The Glorious Home of the Bride

May 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 21: Jesus Makes All Things New

Apr 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 20 The Great White Throne of Judgment

Apr 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 20: The imprisonment & 2nd coming of Satan

Mar 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 19: The Glorious Return of the King

Mar 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 19: Hallelujah! The Unveiling of the Queen

Feb 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon: The City the Falls in a Day

Feb 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon - The Coming World Religion

Jan 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 16: The seven bowls of wrath

Dec 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 15: The Song of Victory

Nov 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 14: The Harvest of the Earth

Nov 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 14: End Times Messages from Heaven

Oct 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 13: The Beast's Image, Mark & Number

Oct 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 13 Antichrist: The Coming World Leader

Sep 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 12 War in Heaven & the coming Holocaust

Sep 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 12 The Woman, the Child & the Dragon

Aug 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 11 The Temple, the Witnesses & the Beast

Aug 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 10: Jesus' Claim to Planet Earth

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 9: Unlocking & Unleashing Hell

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 8 Trumpets: The Greenies worst nightmare

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 7: Salvation & Graduation in Tribulation

Jun 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 6: Seals - Countdown to Jesus' Coming

Jun 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 5: The Lion, the Lamb & the Scroll

May 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 4: A Glimpse of Heaven & Eternity

May 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 3: Laodicea - The church that didn't need Jesus

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 3: Philadelphia - The church that is raptured!

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 3: Sardis - The church that fell asleep

Mar 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 2: Thyatira - The church that was corrupted

Mar 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 2: Pergamum - The church that compromised

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 2: Smyrna - The church under persecution

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 2: Ephesus - The church that left its love

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 1:9-20 The glorified Lord & Revelation's Key!

Jan 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 1:1-8 Unveiling Jesus Christ!

Jan 2023
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - Revealing Jesus in Revelation

Revelation is from Jesus and about Jesus. It is the unveiling and revealing of the King of kings. This series explores the events surrounding His glorious return and the things to come!

Revelation 22: Behold I Am Coming Soon! (audio)

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 22: Eternity... And the River & Tree of Life (audio)

May 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 21 New Jerusalem: The Glorious Home of the Bride (audio)

May 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 21: Jesus Makes All Things New (audio)

Apr 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 20 The Great White Throne of Judgment (audio)

Apr 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 20: The imprisonment & 2nd coming of Satan (audio)

Mar 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 19: The Glorious Return of the King (audio)

Mar 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 19: Hallelujah! The Unveiling of the Queen (audio)

Feb 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 18 Commercial Babylon: The City the Falls in a Day (audio)

Feb 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 17: Mystery Babylon - The Coming World Religion (audio)

Jan 2024
I Gordon

Revelation 16: The seven bowls of wrath (audio)

Dec 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 15: The Song of Victory (audio)

Nov 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 14: The Harvest of the Earth (audio)

Nov 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 14: End Times Messages from Heaven (audio)

Oct 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 13: The Beast's Image, Mark & Number (audio)

Oct 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 13 Antichrist: The Coming World Leader (audio)

Sep 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 12 War in Heaven & the coming Holocaust (audio)

Sep 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 12 The Woman, the Child & the Dragon (audio)

Aug 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 11 The Temple, the Witnesses & the Beast (audio)

Aug 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 10: Jesus' Claim to Planet Earth (audio)

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 9: Unlocking & Unleashing Hell (audio)

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 8 Trumpets: The Greenies worst nightmare (audio)

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 7: Salvation & Graduation in Tribulation (audio)

Jun 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 6 Seals: Countdown to Jesus' Coming (audio)

Jun 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 5: The Lion, the Lamb & the Scroll (audio)

May 2023
I Gordon

Revelation Chapter 4: A Glimpse of Eternity (audio)

May 2023
I Gordon

Rev 3:14-22 Laodicea - The church that didn't need Jesus (audio)

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Rev 3:7-13 Philadelphia: The church that is raptured (audio)

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Rev 3:1-6 Sardis: The church that fell asleep (audio)

Mar 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 2:18-29 Thyatira: The church that was corrupted (audio)

Mar 2023
I Gordon

Rev 2:12-17 Pergamum: The church that compromised (audio)

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Rev 2:8-11 Smyrna : The persecuted church (audio)

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Rev 2:1-7 Ephesus - The church that left its love (audio)

Feb 2023
I Gordon

Rev 1:9-20 The glorified Lord & Revelation's Key! (audio)

Jan 2023
I Gordon

Revelation 1:1-8 Unveiling Jesus Christ! (audio)

Jan 2023
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Jude, The Acts of the Apostates (F Gordon)

Jude is a short yet action packed letter exhorting believers to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints.

Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able!

May 2024
F Gordon

Jude 20-23 Believers guide to living in apostate times

Apr 2024
F Gordon

Jude 14-19: Last day scoffers, grumblers and flatterers

Apr 2024
F Gordon

Jude 12-13: Selfish Shepherds and Fruitless Trees

Feb 2024
F Gordon

Jude 11: Beware the Rebellion of Korah

Dec 2023
F Gordon

Jude 11: Balaam - Beware the Prophets of Profit

Nov 2023
F Gordon

Jude 8-11 Beware the Way of Cain!

Sep 2023
F Gordon

Jude 7: Sodom, Gomorrah & the last days

Sep 2023
F Gordon

Jude 6: The Angels that left their Abode

Aug 2023
F Gordon

Jude 5 Israel's apostasy and the sin of unbelief

Jun 2023
F Gordon

Jude 3-4: Beware the Creepers!

May 2023
F Gordon

Jude 1-3: The Call to Contend

Apr 2023
F Gordon

Audio Podcast - The Book of Jude, The Acts of the Apostates (F Gordon)

Jude is a short yet action packed letter exhorting believers to contend for the faith once and for all delivered to the saints. 

Jude 24-25: To the only One who is able! (audio)

Apr 2024
F Gordon

Jude 20-23: Believers guide to living in apostate times (audio)

Mar 2024
F Gordon

Jude 14-19: Last day scoffers, grumblers and flatterers (audio)

Feb 2024
F Gordon

Jude 12-13: Selfish Shepherds and Fruitless Trees (audio)

Dec 2023
F Gordon

Jude 11: Beware the Rebellion of Korah (audio)

Nov 2023
F Gordon

Jude 11 Balaam: Beware the Prophets of Profit (audio)

Oct 2023
F Gordon

Jude 8-11 Beware the Way of Cain! (audio)

Sep 2023
F Gordon

Jude 7 Sodom & Gomorrah's judgment & the last days (audio)

Aug 2023
F Gordon

Jude 6 The Angels that left their abode (audio)

Jun 2023
F Gordon

Jude 5 Israel's apostasy and the sin of unbelief (audio)

Jun 2023
F Gordon

Jude 3-4: Beware the Creepers! (audio)

May 2023
F Gordon

Jude 1-3: The Call to Contend (audio)

Apr 2023
F Gordon

Audio Podcast - Resurrection, Rapture and the Redeemer (I Gordon)

What does the Bible say about the resurrection? In this series we'll explore this important topic from the earliest hope to the coming soon rapture and resurrection of all believers in Jesus Christ.

The Rapture, the Bridegroom & the Transformation (audio)

Dec 2022
I Gordon

Seven pictures & types of the coming Rapture (audio)

Nov 2022
I Gordon

What will the resurrection body be like? (audio)

Nov 2022
I Gordon

Resurrection Reactions P2 - In the here and now! (audio)

Oct 2022
I Gordon

Resurrection Reactions P1 - Past and Future! (audio)

Oct 2022
I Gordon

Resurrection predictions and mysterious numbers (audio)

Sep 2022
I Gordon

Daniel's two destinies: Resurrection to life or shame? (audio)

Aug 2022
I Gordon

Isaiah's glimpse of the resurrection and rapture! (audio)

Aug 2022
I Gordon

Job's hope in the resurrection and Redeemer! (audio)

Jul 2022
I Gordon

Study - Resurrection, Rapture and the Redeemer

What does the Bible say about the resurrection? In this series we'll explore this important topic from the earliest hope to the coming soon rapture and resurrection of all believers in Jesus Christ.

Bible Study - The Rapture, the Bridegroom & the Transformation

Dec 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Seven pictures & types of the coming Rapture

Nov 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - What will the resurrection body be like?

Nov 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Resurrection Reactions P2: In the here and now!

Oct 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Resurrection Reactions P1 - Past and Future!

Oct 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Resurrection predictions and mysterious numbers!

Sep 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Daniel's two destinies: Resurrection to life or shame?

Aug 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Isaiah's glimpse of the resurrection and rapture!

Aug 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Job's hope in the resurrection and Redeemer!

Jul 2022
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - Holy Spirit - Roles, Types and Imagery (I Gordon)

This series explores the roles, types and imagery of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.

The Holy Spirit in the coming Great Reset (audio)

Jul 2022
I Gordon

Joel's prophecy & the Holy Spirit in the last days (audio)

Jun 2022
I Gordon

Holy Spirit: Fruitfulness through the living water (audio)

May 2022
I Gordon

Blowing in the wind - Gifts & will of the Spirit (audio)

May 2022
I Gordon

Holy Spirit Oil Part 3 - The Lamp, the Oil & the Word (audio)

Apr 2022
I Gordon

Holy Spirit - Oil Part 2: Two widows & the jars of oil (audio)

Mar 2022
I Gordon

Oil Part 1: Anointing oil for the greatest to the least (audio)

Mar 2022
I Gordon

The Holy Spirit: The Dove & the Raven (audio)

Feb 2022
I Gordon

Holy Spirit - The Hound of Heaven (audio)

Feb 2022
I Gordon

The Holy Spirit - Our Helper (audio)

Jan 2022
I Gordon

Holy Spirit: The Seven Spirits of God (audio)

Jan 2022
I Gordon

Study - Holy Spirit - Roles, Types and Imagery

This series explores the roles, types and imagery of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.

Bible Study - The Holy Spirit in the coming Great Reset

Jul 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Joel's prophecy & the Holy Spirit in the last days

Jun 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Holy Spirit: Fruitfulness through the living water

May 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Blowing in the wind - Gifts & will of the Spirit

May 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Holy Spirit Oil Part 3: The Lamp, the Oil & the Word

Apr 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Oil Part 2: Two widows & the jars of oil

Mar 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Anointing oil for the greatest to the least

Mar 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - The Dove & Raven: The personal & prophetic lessons

Feb 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study - Holy Spirit : The Hound of Heaven

Feb 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study Lesson - The Holy Spirit is our Helper

Jan 2022
I Gordon

Bible Study Lesson - The Seven Spirits of God

Jan 2022
I Gordon

Study - Life of David - Shepherd, Servant and King (F Gordon)

David, a man after God's own heart. Let's study the this wonderful character through the valley's and mountain tops, tracing his life from shepherd boy to king of Israel!

Bible Study - David's Sin: The numbering of the people

Sep 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study - Absalom takes the throne. The past and future usurper

May 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study Psalm 51 - David's Recovery

Mar 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study David & Uriah - The consequences of covering sin

Mar 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study 2 Sam 11 - David's Great Fall

Feb 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study 2 Sam 9 - David & Mephibosheth, Undeserved grace

Feb 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study 2 Sam 6 - David, Uzzah and the Ark

Feb 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study 1 Sam 30 - David & Ziglag: From despair to victory

Jan 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study 1 Sam 27 - David’s Lapse of Faith

Dec 2022
F Gordon

Bible Study 1 Sam 24 - David's mercy to King Saul

Mar 2022
F Gordon

Bible Study 1 Sam 18 - David, Saul & Jonathan

Oct 2021
F Gordon

Bible Study 1 Sam 17 - David & Goliath, Jesus & Satan

Oct 2021
F Gordon

Bible Study Life of David - Shepherd, Servant & King

Jul 2021
F Gordon

Audio Podcast - David, Shepherd, Servant, King (F Gordon)

David, a man after God's own heart. Let's study the this wonderful character through the valley's and mountain tops, tracing his life from shepherd boy to king of Israel!

David's Sin - The numbering of the people (audio)

Feb 2023
F Gordon

Absalom takes the throne - The past and future usurper (audio)

Jan 2023
F Gordon

David and the consequences of sin (audio)

Nov 2022
F Gordon

Psalm 51 - David's Recovery (audio)

Oct 2022
F Gordon

David & Uriah - 2 Sam 11-12 Consequences of covering up sin

Oct 2022
F Gordon

Life of David - 2 Sam 11 David's Great Fall (audio)

Sep 2022
F Gordon

2 Sam 9: David & Mephibosheth - Undeserved grace (audio)

Jul 2022
F Gordon

Life of David - 2 Sam 6: David, Uzzah and the Ark (audio)

Jun 2022
F Gordon

1 Sam 30 David & Ziglag: From despair to victory (audio)

May 2022
F Gordon

Life of David - 1 Sam 27 David's Lapse of Faith (audio)

Apr 2022
F Gordon

Life of David - 1 Sam 24 David's mercy to King Saul (audio)

Feb 2022
F Gordon

Life of David - David and Dad’s Army (audio)

Oct 2021
F Gordon

Life of David - 1 Sam 18: David, Saul & Jonathan (audio)

Sep 2021
F Gordon

Life of David - David and Goliath, Jesus and Satan (audio)

Jul 2021
F Gordon

Life of David - Shepherd, Servant and King (audio)

Jun 2021
F Gordon

Audio Podcast - The book of Ephesians (I Gordon)

The Book of Ephesians has been called 'the third heaven epistle' and the 'Alps of the New Testament'. It is rich concerning the position of the believer in Christ and how that position plays out in our walk.

Ephesians 6:19-25 Prayer & the Gospel (audio)

Dec 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:18 The Unseen Weapon: All-Prayer (audio)

Nov 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:17 Helmet of Hope & the Sword of the Spirit (audio)

Oct 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:15-16 - The armor of God: Sandals & Shields (audio)

Oct 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:13-14 Armor of God - Belts and Breastplates (audio)

Sep 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:10-13 P2 - The method in the enemy's madness (audio)

Sep 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:10-13 - The Unseen Enemy (audio)

Aug 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:1-9 Right relationships in the Lord (Audio)

Aug 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:21-33 Willing submission & the Bride of Christ (Audio)

Jul 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:11-20 Staying alert in evil days (Audio)

Jun 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:1-10 Lovely and not so lovely aromas (audio)

Jun 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:17-32 Walking a confused world (audio)

May 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:7-16 Walking in His Gifts (audio)

May 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:1-6 Walking in His Footsteps (Audio)

Apr 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 3:12-21 Bible Study - Great Expectations (Audio)

Apr 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 3:1-11 The Prisoner and his message (Audio)

Mar 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 2:11-22 - Demolishing Divisions (Audio)

Mar 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 2:1-10 Ash heap to the throne of glory (Audio)

Feb 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 1:13-23 - Enhancing your spiritual sight (Audio)

Feb 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 1:1-12 - Seated on the right foundation Audio

Jan 2021
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Ephesians Bible Study

The Book of Ephesians has been called 'the third heaven epistle' and the 'Alps of the New Testament'. It is rich concerning the position of the believer in Christ and how that position plays out in our walk.

Ephesians 6:19-24 Bible Study - Prayer & the Gospel

Dec 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:18 Bible Study - The unseen weapon: All-Prayer

Nov 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:17 Bible Study - Helmet of Hope & the Sword of the Spirit

Oct 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:15-16 Bible Study - Armor of God: Sandals and Shields

Oct 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:13-14 Bible Study - Armor of God: Belts & Breastplates

Sep 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:10-13 Bible Study P2 - The method in the enemy's madness

Sep 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:10-13 Bible Study Part 1 - The Unseen Enemy

Aug 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 6:1-9 Bible Study - Right relationships in the Lord

Aug 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:21-33 Bible Study - Willing Submission & the Bride of Christ

Jul 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:11-20 Bible Study Staying alert in evil days

Jun 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 5:1-10 Bible Study - Lovely and not so lovely aromas!

Jun 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:17-32 Bible Study - Walking in a confused world!

May 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:7-16 Bible Study - Walking in His Gifts

May 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 4:1-6 Bible Study - Walking in His footsteps

Apr 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 3:12-21 Bible Study - Great Expectations

Apr 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 3:1-11 Bible Study - The prisoner and his message

Mar 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 2:11-22 Bible Study Demolishing Divisions

Mar 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 2:1-10 Bible Study Ash heap to the throne of glory

Feb 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 1:13-23 Bible Study - Enhancing your spiritual sight

Feb 2021
I Gordon

Ephesians 1:1-12 Bible Study - Seated on the right foundation

Jan 2021
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - 'But God' Verse Study Series (I Gordon)

A 'but God' moment is a time when God steps in and intervenes on our behalf. And if He didn't... well, let's just say that things probably wouldn't end well! This short series will explore this important phrase through the Bible characters who needed a 'but God' moment!

But God - As we step into eternity (Audio)

Dec 2020
I Gordon

'But God' - Paul's spiritual birth to physical death (Audio)

Nov 2020
I Gordon

But God - David and the unseen hand of God (Audio)

Nov 2020
I Gordon

But God - Truth that changed Joseph's life (Audio)

Oct 2020
I Gordon

But God Remembered Noah (Audio)

Oct 2020
I Gordon

'But God' Bible Verses - But God in the storms of life (Audio)

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Study - 'But God' Bible Verse Series

A 'but God' moment is a time when God steps in and intervenes on our behalf. And if He didn't... well, let's just say that things probably wouldn't end well! This short series will explore this important phrase through the Bible characters who needed a 'but God' moment!

But God - As we step into eternity

Dec 2020
I Gordon

'But God' - From Paul's spiritual birth to physical death

Nov 2020
I Gordon

But God - David and the unseen hand of God

Nov 2020
I Gordon

But God Bible Verses - Truth that changed Joseph's life

Oct 2020
I Gordon

But God Bible Verses - But God Remembered Noah

Oct 2020
I Gordon

'But God' Bible Verses - But God in the storms of life

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - Beginning and the End - Genesis and Revelation (I Gordon)

A 'BIG picture' series looking at how the big themes presented in the beginning of the Bible have their conclusion and fulfillment in the last - the book of Revelation. It shows the plan of God right from the foundation of the world and gives hope for tomorrow.

Home at last - The New Jerusalem (Audio)

Aug 2020
I Gordon

The Tree of Life & Humanity's eternal choice (Audio)

Aug 2020
I Gordon

Confidence, shame and nakedness at Jesus' return (Audio)

Aug 2020
I Gordon

In the hands of the living God: The Judgment and Grace of God

Jul 2020
I Gordon

The Counterpart - The Bride of Christ, the second Eve (Audio)

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Counterfeit - Babel and the Harlot

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Brooding and work of the Holy Spirit (Audio)

May 2020
I Gordon

Genesis Again - The Redemption of Creation

May 2020
I Gordon

The reflection - the image of God

May 2020
I Gordon

The Cosmic Conflict (Audio)

May 2020
I Gordon

The Genesis Promise - The Redeemer and the two seeds (audio)

May 2020
I Gordon

The mystery of God (will soon be finished!)

Apr 2020
I Gordon

The mystery of Iniquity (Audio)

Apr 2020
I Gordon

An introduction - the Genesis - Revelation link

Mar 2020
I Gordon

The plan of God from before the creation of the world

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Audio Podcast - The Life of Jacob (F Gordon)

Highlights (and low-lights) in the life of this interesting character Jacob

Life of Jacob - The last days of Jacob

May 2021
F Gordon

Life of Jacob - Back to Bethel

May 2021
F Gordon

Life of Jacob - Jacob meets Esau!

Apr 2021
F Gordon

Life of Jacob - Gen 32 - Jacob Wrestles with God

Mar 2021
F Gordon

Genesis 32 - Jacob's Return and Fear of Esau (Audio)

Feb 2021
F Gordon

Life of Jacob - Genesis 31 The Return Home

Feb 2021
F Gordon

Life of Jacob - Twenty years of striving

Nov 2020
F Gordon

Jacob and Laban - The swindler gets swindled! (Audio)

Sep 2020
F Gordon

Jacob's encounter with God at Bethel (audio)

Sep 2020
F Gordon

Genesis 27 Jacob, Esau and the stolen blessing

Jul 2020
F Gordon

Jacob and Esau - Birth and Birthright

Jul 2020
F Gordon

The election and selection of Jacob

Jun 2020
F Gordon

Questions - Life and sayings of Jesus

Various questions based on the teachings and life of the Lord Jesus

How does the High Priest's robe point to Jesus' righteousness?

Feb 2024
I Gordon

Who astonished Jesus? Who did He marvel at and why?

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Why were people in awe of Jesus, marveling at Him?

Jul 2023
I Gordon

What is the significance of the three parables in Luke 15?

Sep 2022
I Gordon

Why wasn't Jesus named Immanuel as Isaiah 7:14 says?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

What is the Narrow Gate that Jesus spoke about?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What day of the week did Jesus die? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

When did Jesus ascend into Heaven?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What can we learn from the ascension of Jesus into heaven?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Why did Jesus say He came to bring a sword to the earth?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Why was John the Baptist called the greatest by Jesus?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Is the Kingdom of heaven likened to leaven good or bad?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What is the meaning of the parable of the wedding feast?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Study - The Beginning and the End - Genesis and Revelation

A 'BIG picture' series looking at how the big themes presented in the beginning of the Bible have their conclusion and fulfillment in the last - the book of Revelation. It shows the plan of God right from the foundation of the world and gives hope for tomorrow.

Home at last - The New Jerusalem Bible Study

Aug 2020
I Gordon

The Tree of Life Bible Study & Humanity's eternal choice

Aug 2020
I Gordon

Confidence, shame and nakedness at the Lord's return

Aug 2020
I Gordon

In the hands of the living God - The Judgment and Grace of God

Jul 2020
I Gordon

The Counterpart - The Bride of Christ, the Second Eve

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Brooding and work of the Holy Spirit Bible Study

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Counterfeit - Babel and the Harlot Bible Study

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Genesis Promise (the redeemer and the two seeds)

Jun 2020
I Gordon

Genesis Again (the redemption of creation)

Jun 2020
I Gordon

The Reflection - The fall and restoration of the image of God

May 2020
I Gordon

The Cosmic Conflict Bible Study

May 2020
I Gordon

The Mystery of Iniquity Bible Study

Apr 2020
I Gordon

The Mystery of God Bible Study

Apr 2020
I Gordon

The plan of God... From before the creation of the world

Mar 2020
I Gordon

The Genesis - Revelation Connection: An introduction

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Jewish Objections to Jesus as Messiah

Various questions and objections that arose over a two year conversation with a Jewish man concerning Christianity and the person of Jesus Christ (the Messiah!)

Why do we need faith in Jesus when Abraham didn't?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

How can Jesus be God?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Is Isaiah 53 about Israel or Jesus?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

What Bible verses say the Messiah would be God?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Was Jesus A Human Sacrifice Hated By God?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Can We Approach God By Our Own Merit?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Are there prophecies in the O.T concerning the resurrection of the Messiah?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Is Isaiah 7:14 about Hezekiah or Jesus?

Mar 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Book of Revelation

A few questions around the mark of the beast and the judgements of Revelation.

Is the rapture at the 6th seal and have some seals been opened?

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Whose voice in Revelation 1:10-11 sounds like a trumpet?

Jul 2021
I Gordon

Is the Covid vaccine the Mark of the Beast?

Jul 2021
I Gordon

What is the chronology of Revelation? Do the seals trumpets and bowls overlap?

Jun 2020
I Gordon

Can a believer accidently take the mark of the beast?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

What do the colours of the horsemen in Revelation 6 symbolize?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Why don't churches teach on the book of Revelation?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Can you answer these questions on the book of Revelation?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Who are the Holy People of Revelation 7 and 13?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Bible Prophecy

Various questions around Bible prophecy including the coming Antichrist, the nature of Babylon, the day of the Lord and the coming rebuilt Jewish temple.

How should I live while looking and longing for the Lord's return?

Jan 2024
I Gordon

Who do believers rule and reign over and are people born in the Messianic Kingdom?

Dec 2023
I Gordon

Explain the parable of the 10 virgins and those without oil

Jul 2023
I Gordon

Are we truly living in the last days? How close are we?

Nov 2020
I Gordon

Is the parable of 10 virgins about Israel and how many are saved?

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Who are the two witnesses of Revelation 11 - when do they minister?

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Is Jesus' return imminent? Is the gospel preached to all nations first?

Aug 2020
I Gordon

Will people die during Jesus' Messianic Millennial Kingdom?

Aug 2020
I Gordon

Will all believers rule and reign with Christ?

Jul 2020
I Gordon

Is Daniel 2 talking about a 'spiritual kingdom'?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

When period does the 'day of the Lord' refer to?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is Psalm 23 a Messianic Psalm?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Do you think that the Antichrist will be Muslim?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is Jerusalem the Babylon that will be destroyed forever?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is the time of Jacobs trouble past with the Holocaust or future?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is the New Jerusalem or the church the bride of Christ?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is The 'Futurist' Interpretation Of Prophecy Found In The Writings Of The Church Fathers?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Will there be a future Jewish temple?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Does the Antichrist sit in a literal temple?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Rapture and tribulation

Question on the Pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church and various questions on the coming tribulation.

new study Does 84, from the life of Jacob and Anna, point to the return of Jesus?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

new study Will those who reject Christ get a second chance In the Tribulation?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

Questions on the rapture, departure and apostacy in 2 Thessalonians

Jun 2023
I Gordon

If the rapture occurs on the feast of trumpets how can it be imminent, at 'any moment'?

Jan 2023
I Gordon

What is your understanding of 2 Thes 1:6-9?

Jan 2023
I Gordon

What happens to children in the rapture? Will all children go?

Jun 2022
I Gordon

Is 2030 a significant year concerning the Lord's return?

Nov 2020
I Gordon

How are we counted worthy to escape the tribulation?

Nov 2020
I Gordon

Is the 7 year tribulation part of the Church age?

Oct 2020
I Gordon

Can we know the day of Jesus' return at the rapture?

Oct 2020
I Gordon

What is the removal of the restrainer? Is the Holy Spirit still active afterwards?

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Where in the book of Revelation is the Rapture?

Jun 2020
I Gordon

Will unbelievers hear the rapture trumpet?

Jun 2020
I Gordon

Is there a pretrib rapture? Or is Jesus returning once or twice?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Does 'the last trump' relate to the 7th trumpet in the book of Revelation?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is the Great Tribulation the Wrath of God? Do you agree with the pre-wrath position?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Do you believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is the pre-tribulation rapture true or false?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Nation of Israel

Is the nation of Israel today a fulfillment of Bible prophecy and if so, what should a believers attitude towards this nation be today?

new study Does Israel's war against Hezbollah in Lebanon fulfill Bible prophecy?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

Does Israel's war in Gaza fulfill Bible prophecy?

Nov 2023
I Gordon

Is unbelieving Israel still under the old covenant?

May 2023
I Gordon

Is the lost tribes of Israel biblical? And are they actually lost?

Dec 2022
I Gordon

Has the Nation Of Israel Been Rejected By God?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Should we protect the nation of Israel?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Are Christians the new 'spiritual Israel'?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Should a Christian with Jewish blood go live in Israel?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Are we 'Spiritual Israel' now? Does God have a future plan for the nation of Israel?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Is Israel an apartheid state persecuting the Palestinians?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Why do you, a Gentile, have a love for the Jews?

Feb 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Eternal Security

Eternal security always bring up a lot of debate and questions. Can a believer lose their salvation? Or will Jesus keep them to the end? Various questions and debates on this topic : ) 

Does Galatians 5:19-21 teach that a Christian can lose their salvation?

Jul 2023
I Gordon

In what way were the false teachers 'bought' by Christ?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Are Christians 'broken off' and lost or are they eternally secure?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

A debate on eternal security - Is Eternal Security true?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is a Christian free to reject God?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

We cannot be snatched out of God's hand but can we decide to leave?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is Hebrews 6:4-6 about true christians?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What does it mean that branches in Christ are taken away?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Did the prodigal son lose his salvation?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What about Christians who go back into sin?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

I'm scared that I have lost salvation! Is eternal security true?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Were they true Christians in Heb 10:26-29 as they were 'sanctified'?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Can we get kicked out of Heaven like Lucifer was?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Can a born again believer have their name erased from the book of life?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Christian Life

Quite a view questions around living the Christian life including Forgiveness, baptism, the sinful nature, spiritual gifts, faith sickness and prosperity. 

Does God favor some people more under grace?

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Is physical healing in the atonement? In what way are we healed by his stripes?

May 2024
I Gordon

Who caused Job's suffering? God, Satan or Job himself?

Mar 2024
I Gordon

What should I do if I have doubts about who Jesus is?

Jul 2023
I Gordon

How do we grow the fruit of the Spirit in our life?

Jun 2023
I Gordon

What does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross?

Jun 2023
I Gordon

Is all sports today idolatry? Is putting your children in sports considered wrong?

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Is Galatians 4:9-11 about the feasts and did Paul observe the feasts? If so should we?

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Where is my joy? Why do I feel far from the Lord?

Jan 2023
I Gordon

What is bearing fruit for God? Is it solely bringing people to Jesus?

May 2022
I Gordon

Why did God test Abraham when he already knows all things?

Apr 2022
I Gordon

How do we discern between Satan and the flesh

May 2021
I Gordon

I'm fearful of being cast out at the Judgment!

Jun 2020
I Gordon

How can I undo the sin unto death?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Will God save my family?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Will God make a way for me?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Why try to be good if our goodness isn't good enough?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Why Did God Give The Law if we can't keep it?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Are we meant to pray to Jesus or the Father?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Are believers now 'Israel' and commanded to keep the feasts?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Has water baptism ceased? Did Spirit baptism replace water baptism?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Spiritual gifts and was the Holy Spirit received in John 20:22?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Does the Christian play an active or passive role in displaying Christ's character?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Are all believers disciples?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is forgiveness continual or just once and for all?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Does each member of the bride have to make herself ready through righteous acts?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is the Christian life easy or hard? Or... Does being a Christian make life easier or harder?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Why should our gospel be Christocentric?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

When were the disciples born again?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Why can't I receive the Holy Spirit?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Has the sinful nature been totally eradicated within the believer? Or do we have one nature or two?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Will believers give an account for every careless word spoken?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Where is the sinful nature and what is the soul/heart?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Can I be forgiven of things that couldn't be forgiven under the Old Testament law?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is repentance / confession for a Christian one time or many?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is it God's will that we are always healed from sickness?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is tithing commanded for the churches today?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Should we be keeping the feasts of the Lord now?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is it ever ok for a Christian to lie?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What did Paul mean by saying he carried the marks of Jesus in his body?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Was Paul being 'legal' in Acts 16 and 21?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Polygamy - Was it a sin for David to have multiple wives?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Should we pray once in faith and believe we have it or pray repeatedly?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Does God want to financially prosper all Christians?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Was the Red Sea 'baptism' full immersion?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Can a Christian commit a sin that leads to death?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Questions - Salvation and heaven test

Questions surrounding the free gift of salvation as opposed to works. Also looks at 'The Heaven Test' and the place of the law in bringing conviction of sin.    

new study In what way do people need to 'act' to receive salvation?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

I suffer from anxiety and don't feel saved or have peace. What can I do?

Jul 2024
I Gordon

Can I believe in Jesus while not believing some of the Bible stories?

Apr 2024
I Gordon

What is genuine faith? What if God hasn't chosen me?

Mar 2024
I Gordon

Can someone be deceived into thinking they are saved when they're not?

Mar 2024
I Gordon

What exactly does it mean to believe in Jesus?

May 2023
I Gordon

Heaven Test reaction: How can you be the judge if I am created perfect in God's image?

Apr 2023
I Gordon

How do I know that I truly trust Jesus for salvation

Dec 2021
I Gordon

What shall I do if I can't believe that God is for me? Pretend!

Oct 2020
I Gordon

Debate/Discussion: Universal Salvation: True or False?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is Water Baptism necessary for Salvation?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Were Ananias and Sapphira saved and went to heaven?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

How do I know I truly believe?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Why do you not agree with Soul Salvation?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Can someone have their spirit saved but not their soul? Do you agree with a partial rapture?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Do Paul and James contradict each other about faith?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What did Jesus mean when He said 'It is Finished' in John 19:30?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is Salvation only in the Mass? Or even in the Mass?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is imputed righteousness a lie? Is it overcoming sin that saves us?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is 'The Heaven Test' presumptuous and judgmental?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Should faith and works be separated in salvation?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is Faith enough? Are good deeds required for Heaven?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Are unbelievers spiritually 'dead' so they cannot believe or make any moves towards God?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

What if our works aren't enough? Will Jesus 'spit' us out of His mouth?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Questions - State of the dead

Questions surrounding 'soul sleep' and whether the believer goes to be with the Lord directly when they die (spoiler: they do!)

Several Bible questions on the resurrection and judgements

Oct 2021
I Gordon

Where was Jesus between His death and resurrection?

Oct 2020
I Gordon

If the dead in Christ are with the Lord, how can they rise first?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Do Christians go straight to Heaven when they die?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Is soul sleep biblical? Do we go to Heaven when we die?

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Audio - Jesus our city of refuge (I Gordon)

A one-off message looking at this great little picture in the Old Testament and how it applies to Jesus and our life today.

Jesus our city of refuge - Safety from the avenger of blood

Feb 2020
I Gordon

new study How would you explain that Jesus is true and not other 'gods'?

Sep 2024
I Gordon

In Genesis 6:6, why did God regret or repent in making mankind if He knows all things?

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Is the Church failing, can we change it and other questions

Jan 2024
I Gordon

Was the Apostle Paul a false Apostle, Prophet and Teacher? Nope!

Jan 2024
I Gordon

Why was Jesus tempted in the desert by Satan?

Oct 2023
I Gordon

Is weeping and gnashing of teeth for unfaithful believers or unbelievers?

May 2023
I Gordon

Why could Moses only see the back of God and not His face?

Sep 2022
I Gordon

Why did God create Adam & Eve with the ability to sin?

Aug 2022
I Gordon

Questions on the Ark of the Covenant and tabernacle of David

Jun 2022
I Gordon

Testimony of an ex-Jehovah Witness

Dec 2021
I Gordon

Why in Eph 5:27 is the Church said to be with spot or blemish?

Sep 2021
I Gordon

Rom 13 & civil disobedience - Must I take the vaccine?

Aug 2021
I Gordon

How is repentance related to forgiveness? Is repentance repeated?

Mar 2021
I Gordon

Is using the name Jesus wrong? Should it be Yeshua?

Feb 2021
I Gordon

Where do demons come from? Are they fallen angels?

Dec 2020
I Gordon

Two gospels? Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel?

Dec 2020
I Gordon

Why is it important to understand the Bible dispensations?

Sep 2020
I Gordon

Is the servant of Isaiah 49 Paul or Jesus?

Jul 2020
I Gordon

What does the New Testament say about generational curses?

Jul 2020
I Gordon

Seventh Day Adventism and the Sabbath

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Does Zeitgeist, Zodiac mumbo jumbo proves Christianity a fraud?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What about the Apocrypha book?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What about baptism for the dead?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What do the numbers 12 and 7 signify in the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

General doubts about God's character, prophecy and the Bible.

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Is someone born gay? Will it keep them out of Heaven?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Is having a Church name wrong? Is the New Covenant just for Israel?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Can I sell my daughter, stone my neighbours and other curly questions!

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Why is there no study on Deborah in Judges?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Did Enoch die?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

When did Satan fall? Where does evil come from and is there a future fall still to happen?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Should we participate in the feasts of Israel?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Should I bet the house on free will or election?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Need the source of some name meanings

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Did God curse Adam and Eve? Was there a curse on all creation?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What did Joseph mean by saying that 'God will come to your aid'? Is it a type or prophetic?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Should women be head Pastor of a church?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What is the meaning of Proverbs 25:22 about hot coals?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Is Paul's writing about women in 1 Tim 2 gender discrimination?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Is Joseph Smith 'Messiah Ben Joseph'?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Was Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, a Prophet?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

What do you think of the Messianic Movement?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Thoughts on the resurrection and Jesus as our High Priest

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Questions - Trinity

Various questions on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Is Jesus God and did He exist prior to His birth to Mary?

Jun 2024
I Gordon

Does Jesus have a God?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

How many Sons of God were there?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

If Jesus submits to the Father, is He less than God?

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Question on the trinity

Dec 2019
I Gordon

Study - Jesus our city of refuge

A one-off message looking at this great little picture in the Old Testament and how it applies to Jesus and our life today.

Jesus our City of Refuge - Safety from the avenger of blood

Jan 2020
I Gordon

Questions - JPN Site

Questions around the JPN website - what do you believe? Can I use your materials? Who are you? Just things like that. 

What are JPN Bible Study Snippets?

Aug 2024
I Gordon

Can you save to PDF the studies for offline learning?

Jan 2023
I Gordon

Can I contribute to your site?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

How did you come to do what you do? And how do I know what my gift and skill is?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

What are the influences in your Bible study style?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

Is copying your work plagiarism?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

Any advice on preparing a lesson?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

Can I use your studies?

Nov 2019
I Gordon

Audio - The Book of Romans (F Gordon)

The book of Romans is the Apostle Paul's greatest theological work. All the great themes concerning the gospel, righteousness and the grace of God are there! This study series in another semi-transcript from the audio series on Romans  

Romans 1:1-17 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 6:1-2 Freedom and the possible abuse of grace

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:28 All things work together for good... But what is 'good'?

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:18-27 Making sense of suffering... The eternal weight of glory!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:14-17 Adopted as Sons and fellow heirs!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:6-13 Death, life and peace... On what is your mind set?

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:2-4 The law of the spirit of life - God is still floating axe heads like you and me!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:1 Zero, Zilch, Zip... NO condemnation for those in Christ!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 7:15-25 The 'I' problem - the wretched result of your own effort

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 7:7-14 The law and sin = the lethal combination of the commandments and fallen nature

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 7:1-6 Freedom from the law and fruit for Christ

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 6:9-11 Reckoning... and the everyday deliverance from the sin machine

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 6:6 The death of Agag and the deliverance from the old man... God's way!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 6:3-4 Baptism into Christ - what does it mean and what difference does it make?

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:17-21 Grace vs Law - The abounding and reigning of Grace!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 1:18-20 Men are without excuse: Creation demands a Creator!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:12 The two men, the two seas and the reality of the fall

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:9-10 The much more of salvation... The present salvation through His life

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:6-8 God's Great Love for Us

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:3-4 Rejoicing, perseverance and character (in the face of troubling times!)

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:1-2 Grace by which we stand (and the tale of two birds)

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 4, Gen 15 Abraham's hope against hope - Faith in the resurrection power of God

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 4:1 Abraham, Melchizedek and the paths of God

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 3:24-27 Three important words - Justification, redemption and propitiation

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 3:21-24 The purpose and place of the law

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 3:9-20 First the bad news - No one is righteous

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 2:17-29 Outward observance or circumcision of the heart?

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 2:1-16 The judgement and reward of God

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 1:21-32 The wrath of abandonment - The giving over

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Romans 8:31-39 Who can bring a charge? The wonderful position in Christ!

Oct 2019
F Gordon

Audio - Running the Race in the Last Days (I Gordon)

The Christian life is likened to a race... a race that we want to finish and finish well. This series of messages will look at this race especially in light of the challenges and difficulties posed in these last days.

The approaching finish line (and the desire to end well)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The entanglement (and its time to lose some weight!)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The Coach - He doesn't think like you do! (audio)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The acceleration (things are speeding up!)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The refreshment (where and where not to look for water)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The race hinderers and prize defrauders (who has hindered you from obeying the truth?)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The mind games (the enemy, the battleground and the believers defense!)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The forward gaze and the fixed hope (where are you looking?)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The home straight - Looking and longing for Beulah Land (Audio)

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The sudden ending - Expecting the unexpected return!

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The race review - The bema seat of Christ

Jun 2019
I Gordon

Study - Running the race in the last days

The Christian life is likened to a race... a race that we want to finish and finish well. This series of studies will look at this race especially in light of the challenges and difficulties posed in these last days.

The Race Review - The Judgment (Bema) Seat of Christ

Dec 2019
I Gordon

The Sudden Ending - The soon unexpected return

Nov 2019
I Gordon

The Home Straight - Looking and longing for Beulah Land

Oct 2019
I Gordon

The Forward Gaze and the fixed hope: Where are you looking?

Sep 2019
I Gordon

The Mind Games: The enemy, the battleground and believer's defense

Aug 2019
I Gordon

The Hinderers and Prize Defrauders: Don't let them take your reward

Jul 2019
I Gordon

The Refreshment: Where to find water

Jun 2019
I Gordon

The Acceleration (the pace is picking up)

May 2019
I Gordon

The Coach (He doesn't think like you do!)

Apr 2019
I Gordon

The entanglement (And it's time to lose some weight)

Mar 2019
I Gordon

The approaching finish line and ending well

Feb 2019
I Gordon

Study - Bible Studies in the Book of Romans (F Gordon)

The book of Romans is the Apostle Paul's greatest theological work. All the great themes concerning the gospel, righteousness and the grace of God are there! This study series in another semi-transcript from the audio series on Romans 

Bible Study Romans 5:9-10 - The 'Much More' of Salvation

Dec 2023
F Gordon

Bible Study Romans 5:5-8 - God's Great Love for Us

Jun 2023
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 1 - Not ashamed of the gospel

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 1 Part 2 - Men are without excuse!

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 1 Part 3 - The wrath of abandonment!

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 2 P1 - The judgement and reward of God

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 2 P2 - Outward observance of circumcision of the heart?

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 3 Part 1 - First the bad news: No one is righteous!

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 3 Part 2 - The purpose and place of the law

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 3 Part 3 - Three important words - Justification, redemption and propitiation

May 2019
F Gordon

Book of Romans: Chapter 4 P1 - Abraham, Melchizedek and the paths of God

May 2019
F Gordon

Romans 4 P2 - Abraham's hope against hope - Faith in the resurrection power of God

May 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:1-2 - Grace by which we stand (and the tale of the two birds)

May 2019
F Gordon

Romans 5:3-4 - Hope in the midst of trial

May 2019
F Gordon

Audio - Discipleship (A Gibson)

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? What is the motivation for being a disciple? This new series looks at this important topic of discipleship.  

The motivation for discipleship

May 2019
A Gibson

The inspiration for discipleship

May 2019
A Gibson

The command to be and the call to go of discipleship

May 2019
A Gibson

Responding to the command to go

May 2019
A Gibson

Discipleship - Solitude with God

May 2019
A Gibson

Humble Obedience (the story of Amy Carmichael)

May 2019
A Gibson

Discipleship and Adversity

May 2019
A Gibson

Discipleship and Emotions - Loving your enemy

May 2019
A Gibson

Discipleship and love for the saints (& the story of Gladys Aylward)

May 2019
A Gibson

Audio - The book of Philemon - From slavery to sonship (I Gordon)

A one-off message on this great, often ignored, little book! Have you seen the Lord Jesus in the book of Philemon? Have you seen yourself in this book?

Onesimus and You: From slavery to sonship - The hidden message in the book of Philemon

Feb 2019
I Gordon

Study - Jesus the Great I AM - The I AM statements of Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus? Is He Yahweh from the Old Testament? Is He essential for the spiritual and physical life of all mankind? Jesus' I AM statement explore these themes and more.

I AM the Bright Morning Star - Hope for the coming new day!

Dec 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Alpha and Omega - The sum of all revelation

Nov 2018
I Gordon

I AM the First and the Last - Seeing the risen Lord

Nov 2018
I Gordon

I AM the True Vine - Life in the Vine and the heavenly Gardeners care

Oct 2018
I Gordon

I AM a worm - The gospel in the scarlet worm

Oct 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life - Essential truth for the last days

Sep 2018
I Gordon

The Way, the Truth, and the Life - For believers and unbelievers

Sep 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Resurrection and the Life - The conqueror of death

Aug 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Resurrection and the Life Bible Study

Jul 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Good Shepherd - Jesus the Beautiful One

Jun 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Door of salvation - The call to experience true life

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Light of the World - Who is the second light?

Apr 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Bread of Life - How hungry are you for Jesus?

Mar 2018
I Gordon

Introduction to the I AM's in John's gospel : Is Jesus in your boat?

Feb 2018
I Gordon

An introduction - Moses meets the I AM at the burning bush

Jan 2018
I Gordon

Audio - Creation and Evolution (A Gibson)

You didn't evolve... you have been created for a purpose by the most incredible designer - The Lord God. This series explores His wonderful work of creation and how we can learn about God through the things He has made.

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created!

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:2-5 - Day 1: Let there be light!

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:6-8 - Day 2: God called the expanse heaven

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:14-19 - Day 4: God makes the great lights

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:16 - Day 4: He made the stars also

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:20-22 - Day 5: The water teem with living creatures

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:20-22 - Day 5: He made the birds of the air

May 2018
A Gibson

Genesis 1:26-31, 2:21-25 - Day 6: Creation of mankind - male and female

May 2018
A Gibson

Audio - Jesus our great I AM (I Gordon)

Who is Jesus? Is He Yahweh from the Old Testament? Is He essential for the spiritual and physical life of all mankind? Jesus' I AM statement explore these themes and more.

An introduction - The burning bush: Moses encounters the I AM!

May 2018
I Gordon

An introduction to the I AM statements in the gospel of John

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the bread of life - How hungry are you? (Audio)

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the light of the world - But who is the second light of the world?

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the door of the sheep - The call to experience true life

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the good Shepherd - The beautiful One!

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Resurrection and the Life P1 - His life now (and why Jesus waits)

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Resurrection and the Life P2 - The conqueror of death (Audio)

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life P1 - Essential truth for the last days

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life P2 - Way, truth and life for believers and unbelievers

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the True Vine - Life in the Vine and the Heavenly Gardeners care (Audio)

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM a Worm - The hidden prophetic I AM

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the Alpha and Omega - The sum of all revelation (Audio)

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the First and the Last - The importance of seeing the risen Lord as He truly is!

May 2018
I Gordon

I AM the bright Morning Star - Hope for the coming new day

May 2018
I Gordon

Study - The Knowledge of the Holy - The nature and character of God

God... what is He like? Can we know? How do we know? How is He revealed to mankind? This simple but important series looks at the revelation of the nature and character of our great God and Saviour! 

David rests upon Jehovah Roi - The Lord is my Shepherd

Dec 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel sees Jehovah Shammah, The Lord is there!

Nov 2017
I Gordon

Believers experience Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord our Righteousness

Oct 2017
I Gordon

Gideon experiences Jehovah Shalom, the Lord our Peace

Sep 2017
I Gordon

Moses learns of Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our Banner

Aug 2017
I Gordon

Israel encounters Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer

Jul 2017
I Gordon

Abraham finds Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider

Jun 2017
I Gordon

Knowledge of the Holy: Isaiah's vision of Jesus!

May 2017
I Gordon

The Knowledge of the Holy: Moses' encounter with the glory of God

Apr 2017
I Gordon

The Knowledge of the Holy: Knowing the Unknown God

Mar 2017
I Gordon

The Knowledge of the Holy: God's revelation and the revelation of God

Feb 2017
I Gordon

The Knowledge of the Holy: An introduction - Knowing the Almighty

Jan 2017
I Gordon

Study - Ezekiel, Israel and the End Times Bible Study Series

The prophet Ezekiel has a fascinating section on how the Lord will make Himself known to all the nations in the last days - and it comes through the nation of Israel. We'll explore these chapters and see the relevance to the very day in which we live, as we look for the return of Jesus! 

Ezekiel 39 Study Lesson: Gog, Magog and the coming storm - Part 2

Sep 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 38 Study lesson: Gog, Magog and the coming storm

Aug 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 37 - Dem bones dem bones dem, dry bones - Hear the word of the Lord!

Jul 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 36 Part 2 - The reason for Israel's redemption

Jun 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 36 Part 1 - The case against the nations

May 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel Chapter 35 - The everlasting hatred

Apr 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 34 P2 - The regathering of Israel and the coming true shepherd

Mar 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel 34 P1 - The scattering of Israel and the coming false shepherd

Feb 2017
I Gordon

Ezekiel, Israel and the End Times: Ezekiel chapter 34-39 overview

Jan 2017
I Gordon

Study - Hebrews 11 - The Real Heroes Bible Study Series

The world likes to have and worship its heroes but those making God's hall of faith are of a different character entirely! This series explores the faith of the great characters mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11. Why were they pleasing to God? What can we learn from their lives?

Hebrews 11 Faith: The 'Something Better' of Hebrews

Dec 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11 Saints: Faith - What is does and doesn't do

Nov 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Moses - Moses and prevailing faith

Oct 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Rahab - Unlikely Hero! The gospel in the life of Rahab

Oct 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Moses: Moses' 20/20 Spiritual Vision

Sep 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Moses: Moses in the school of God

Sep 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Joseph Part 1 - The BIG prophetic picture

Aug 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Joseph Part 2 - 'But God' - The personal aspect

Aug 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Abraham and Isaac - Faith and the art of surrender

Jul 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Jacob: From Jacob to Israel - breaking of the natural man

Jul 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Sarah - Beautiful, barren and blessed

Jun 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Abraham - From Ur to the Heavenly city

May 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Noah - Noah's perseverance in a world gone wild!

Apr 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Enoch - His walk, witness and wapture!

Mar 2016
I Gordon

Faith of Abel - The way of Abel vs the way of Cain

Feb 2016
I Gordon

Faith - Move over Ironman: An introduction to the real heroes

Jan 2016
I Gordon

Audio - The Real Heroes Hebrews chapter 11 (I Gordon)

The world likes to have and worship its heroes but those making God's hall of faith are of a different character entirely! This series explores the faith of the great characters mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11. Why were they pleasing to God? What can we learn from their lives?

Hebrews 11:1-3 Move over Ironman - An introduction to the real heroes

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:4 Abel - The way of Abel versus the way of Cain

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:5-6 Enoch - His walk, witness and wapture!

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:7 Noah - Perseverance in a world gone wild!

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:8-16 Abraham - From Ur to the Heavenly city

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:11 Sarah - Beautiful, barren and blessed

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:17-19 Abraham, Isaac and the blessings of surrender

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:21 From Jacob to Israel - the breaking of the natural man

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:22 Joseph Part 1: The BIG prophetic picture in the life of Joseph

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:22 Joseph Part 2: 'But God' - the personal aspect in the life of Joseph

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:23-26 Looking ahead to the reward - Moses' 20/20 Spiritual Vision

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:24-28, Ex 2:11-22 Moses Part 2 : Learning your alphabet in the school of God

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:27-29 Moses Part 3 : The Exodus - Prophetic, Messianic and personal aspects

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:30-31 The unlikely hero! The gospel in the life of Rahab

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:32-38 Faith - What it does and does not do

May 2016
I Gordon

Hebrews 11:39-40 Something Better!

May 2016
I Gordon

Study - Jesus in the the Feasts of the Lord

God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered! They take in the key events of Jesus' first coming as well as outlining the plan surrounding His second coming. Well worth a read : )

Jesus in the Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Complete Series

Apr 2023
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Kingdom - Jesus in the feast of Tabernacles

Aug 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Return - Jesus in the Day of Atonement

Jul 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Rapture - Jesus in the Feast of Trumpets

Jun 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter - The Holy Spirit in Feast of Pentecost

May 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Resurrection - Jesus in the Feast of First Fruits

Apr 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Burial - Jesus in the feast of Unleavened Bread

Mar 2015
I Gordon

Feasts of the Lord: The Sacrifice - Jesus in the Feast of Passover

Feb 2015
I Gordon

Jesus in the 7 Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Overview

Jan 2015
I Gordon

Study - The Messianic Psalms Bible Study Series

All the main aspects of Jesus' life, death and resurrection were foretold in the book of Psalms. And so was His second coming!

Psalm 110: Jesus - The Judge of All

Dec 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 110: Jesus our priest in the order of Melchizedek

Nov 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 110: Jesus the Messiah - Our Lord and King

Oct 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 102 - Change and the Unchangeable One

Sep 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 72 - The regeneration realised

Aug 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 69 - The restoration and the zeal of the Lord

Aug 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 41: The pattern of betrayal - Past, present and future (P1)

Jul 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 55: The pattern of betrayal: Past, present and future (P2)

Jul 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 40 - The Pit and the Pierced Ear in the Paths of God

Jun 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 24 - The King is Coming!

Jun 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 23 Bible Study - Jesus our Great Shepherd!

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 22 Part 2 - It is finished, He has done it!

Apr 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 22 Part 1 - Prophecy of the crucifixion and the wrath of man

Apr 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 16 Part 2 - Hope in the journey through life and death

Mar 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 8 Bible Study The wonder of God and the second man

Feb 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 16 Part 1: Testing's in the journey through life and death

Feb 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 2 Bible Study The Current Rebellion & The Coming King

Jan 2015
I Gordon

Study - Jesus Encounters

No one was ever the same after meeting the Lord Jesus. This series of shorter studies explores some of the different 'Jesus encounters' contained in the Gospels and what we can learn from them today.  

Jesus Encounters: Saul - A terrorist radically changed!

Dec 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Hope restored on the road to Emmaus!

Dec 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: A common thief and a Roman centurion - Salvation at the cross!

Nov 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Worldly Greed & the Rich Fool

Oct 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus and Pilate - Everyone must make a choice

Oct 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus and the Lawyer - Who is the Good Samaritan?

Sep 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: The widow's son and the future resurrection

Sep 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus, Peter and walking on water through the storms of life

Aug 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus, Jairus and a desperate woman

Jul 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus, the paralytic & friends - The sign of a new walk

Jun 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus and Legion - True Compassion

May 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Jesus and the healing of the leper

Apr 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: The Call of Peter - Grace for a sinner like us

Mar 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: The Call of the Disciples - What do you seek?

Feb 2015
I Gordon

Jesus Encounters: Simeon, Anna and the Salvation of God

Jan 2015
I Gordon

Study - Book of Jonah Bible Study Series

The book of Jonah is the story of a prophet who walked the other way. He was a prophet yet this book contains no prophecies! Or is there? A closer examination sees prophetic types for both the Lord Jesus and the entire nation of Israel as a whole.

Jonah Chapter 1 Bible Study Lesson: Running from the Lord

May 2015
I Gordon

Jonah Bible Study Chapter 1:17 Jonah, Jesus & the third day

May 2015
I Gordon

Jonah Chapter 2 Bible Study Lesson: The God of Great Comebacks

May 2015
I Gordon

Jonah Chapter 3 Bible Study Lesson: The greatest of revivals

May 2015
I Gordon

Jonah Chapter 4 Bible Study God's focus versus man's comfort

May 2015
I Gordon

Audio - The Messianic Psalms - The Messiah Revealed (I Gordon)

The Messianic Psalms deal with nearly all the main aspects of the life of Jesus. From His first coming to His return, it has all been foretold... even 1000 years in advance!

Psalm 110: Jesus - The judge of all (Audio)

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 41: Ahithophel, Judas and the repeated patterns of betrayal - past, present and future (Part 1)

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 110: Jesus - The priest in the order of Melchizedek (Audio)

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 110: Jesus the Messiah - Our Lord and King (Audio)

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 102: Change and the unchangeable One

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 72: Messiah and the regeneration realised

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 69: The restoration and the zeal of the Lord

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 55: Absalom, Antichrist and the repeated patterns of betrayal - past, present and future (Part 2)

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 2: The current rebellion and the coming King!

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 8: The wonder of God and the Son of Man

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 24: Get ready for the King is coming!

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 23: Jesus our Great Shepherd

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 22 Part 2: Prophecy of the crucifixion and the wrath of God

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 22 Part 1: Prophecy of the crucifixion and the wrath of man

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 16 Part 2: Hope in the journey through life and death

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 16 Part 1: Testings in the journey through life and death

May 2015
I Gordon

Psalm 40: The pit, the pierced ear and the paths of God

May 2015
I Gordon

Audio - The Book of Judges - Defeating the cycle of sin (F Gordon)

Breaking the cycle of sin would be a good name for this series. Judges is rich in its truth and application for believers today. It teaches many important lessons about living in our inheritance, the enemy's influence, and the seriousness of worldly compromise.

Judges Chapter 2: From blessing to weeping: The slide begins

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 3: Double wickedness and the enemies in the land

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 3b: Ehud, the fat man and the double edge sword

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 4 and 5: Deborah, Jael and the peg in the worldly mind

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 6 part 1: Gideon - The mighty warrior (or mighty worrier?)

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 6 part 2: The fear of Gideon and confirmation of God

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 7 part 1: The army of Gideon and the God of less numbers

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 7 part 2: The light of Gideon and the power of God through a broken vessel

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 8: Gideon's misstep: Temptation after victory

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 13: The call of Samson and the magnificent God

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 14: Samson and the Philistines - A marriage not made in heaven!

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 15: The binding and freeing of Samson

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 16 part 1: Samson: Playing with fire in the valley of entanglement

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 16 part 2: The fall of Samson and the departure of God

May 2015
F Gordon

Judges Chapter 16 part 3: The final redemption of Samson

May 2015
F Gordon

Study - The Book of Colossians Bible Study Series

The Book of Colossians is one of the most Christ-centered books in the Bible. So how could we leave it out for so long? The person and work of the Lord Jesus are clearly presented in this great book as well as the errors and deceptions to avoid!

Colossians 4:2-6 Prayer and the Walkie-Talkie of sharing your faith

Dec 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 3:16-25 Practical Christianity - Great clothing choices P2

Nov 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 3:12-15 How to clothe yourself -Great clothing choices P1

Nov 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 3:5-11 A putting off - What not to wear

Oct 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 3:3-4 Those Concealed Shall Soon Be Revealed

Oct 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 2:20-3:3: Set your sights on the heights!

Sep 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 2:16-19: All these Ism's cause a Schism.

Aug 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 2:8-15 Worldly Wisdom or Complete in Christ

Jul 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 2:5-8 Firmly rooted or strangely deluded?

Jun 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 2:1-4 The Divine Treasure Hunt!

May 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 1:24-29: Christ in You The Hope of Glory

Apr 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 1:15-23: The Pre-eminence of Jesus and the Wonders of God

Mar 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 1:9-14: Revelation, Direction and Reflection

Feb 2014
I Gordon

Colossians 1:1-8 The God of Grace and the Hope of Heaven

Jan 2014
I Gordon

Study - Bible Studies in the book of Joshua - Walking in our inheritance (F Gordon)

The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Joshua audio sermons and show the courage, faith and commitment required to take the inheritance that God has given to us.

Joshua 1:1-9 Spiritual courage in walking in your inheritance

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua 1;10-18 Divided loyalties and worldliness

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 2: Rahab - From Harlot to Hero!

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 3 and 4: The Ark, the Jordan & Baptism into Christ

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 5: The significance and meaning of Gilgal

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 6: The walk of faith and the fall of Jericho

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 7 Bible Study: Ai and the sin of Achan

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 9: Discernment and the deception of the Gibeonites

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 13: The Inheritance of the tribe of Levi

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 14: Caleb - Wholehearted unto the end

May 2014
F Gordon

Study - Book of Joel Bible Study Series

Joel was the first prophet to speak about the 'Day of the Lord' and his revelation from God on this topic is profound and enlightening! This study series looks at both the prophetic and personal applications of this great book as it unfolds the days and times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and His judgement and rule over all the nations.

Joel Chapter 1 Bible Study Locusts, destruction, near and far

May 2014
I Gordon

Book of Joel Chapter 2 Bible Study: The Day of the Lord

May 2014
I Gordon

Joel Chapter 3 Bible Study: The Judgement of the Nations

May 2014
I Gordon

Study - The Best Questions in the Bible

God asks a lot of great questions in the Bible. This short series looks at some of the best questions and examines why God asks them and what we should learn from them.

Top 10 Questions from God in the Bible

May 2014
I Gordon

Top 10 Questions from Jesus in the Bible

May 2014
I Gordon

Top 10 Questions asked from people in the Bible

May 2014
I Gordon

Audio - Colossians - The Centrality of Jesus Christ (I Gordon)

One of the most Christ centered books in the New Testament, Colossians presents the Lord Jesus as the answer!  

The God of Grace and the Hope of Heaven

May 2014
I Gordon

The Prayer of Paul - Power for Patience!

May 2014
I Gordon

The Preeminence of Jesus and the Wonders of God

May 2014
I Gordon

Christ in You - The Hope of Glory!

May 2014
I Gordon

The Divine Treasure Hunt

May 2014
I Gordon

Firmly Rooted or Strangely Deluded?

May 2014
I Gordon

Complete in Christ

May 2014
I Gordon

All these isms cause a schism!

May 2014
I Gordon

Set your sights on the heights!

May 2014
I Gordon

Those concealed shall soon be revealed

May 2014
I Gordon

A putting off - What not to wear

May 2014
I Gordon

A putting on - Great clothing choices

May 2014
I Gordon

Practical Christianity - Great clothing choices Part

May 2014
I Gordon

Prayer and the Walkie-Talkie of sharing your faith

May 2014
I Gordon

Audio - The Book of Joshua - Victory in Christ (F Gordon)

Israel had been given the Promised Land. Yet they still had to be courageous and walk in faith to receive their inheritance. The principles given in this book are the same for the Christian today.

Joshua Chapter 1:1-9 Be strong and courageous!

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 1:10-18 Divided loyalties and worldliness

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 2 The faith of Rahab: From harlot to hero

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 3-4 The Ark, the Jordan & baptism into Christ

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 5 The significance of Gilgal - then and now

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 6 The walk of faith and the fall of Jericho

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 7 Achan's sin and the defeat at Ai

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 9 Discernment and the deception of the Gibeonites

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 11 The tribe of Levi and our inheritance in the Lord

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 14 Caleb: Wholehearted unto the end

May 2014
F Gordon

Joshua Chapter 23-24 The last words of Joshua

May 2014
F Gordon

Study - Bible Studies in the Wilderness Wanderings - From Egypt to Caanan (F Gordon)

The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Wilderness Wanderings audio sermons and follow Israel's journey out of Egypt and into the Promised Land... with a fair amount of wandering in circles in between! The types, pictures and lessons for the Christian life are explored!

Missing the Promised Land - The Death of Moses

May 2013
F Gordon

The Way of Escape

May 2013
F Gordon

Bitter waters and tranquil trees

May 2013
F Gordon

The Daily Provision of God

May 2013
F Gordon

Never forget to remember Amalek!

May 2013
F Gordon

Stop looking at the giants!

May 2013
F Gordon

Presumptuous sins and the faith of Caleb.

May 2013
F Gordon

Moses, Miriam and the Living Christ

May 2013
F Gordon

Faith, Idolatry and the Bronze Serpent

May 2013
F Gordon

Balaam, obedience and a talking donkey

May 2013
F Gordon

Balaam and the opening of your eyes to spiritual sight

May 2013
F Gordon

Study - Highlights in the Book of Job Bible Study Series

Argh, Job... What a man. What a story! This book tackles some of the age old questions concerning God's ways and purposes, our trials and suffering, and ultimately the believers redemption and victory. This is not a verse by verse study but looks at the 'highlights' in this wonderfully deep book.

Job Chapter 1: Job - From riches to rags

May 2013
I Gordon

Job Chapters 2- 3: Oh unhappy day!

May 2013
I Gordon

Job Chapters 4-7: Job vs his friends - Round one, part one!

May 2013
I Gordon

Job Chapters 8-14: Job vs his friends - Round one, part two!

May 2013
I Gordon

Study - Book of Habakkuk Bible Study Series

The message of Habakkuk then and now! Here is a little book that packs a powerful punch and speaks to the condition of society, the coming judgment and return of Jesus Christ!

Habakkuk 1 Bible Study Lesson: God is moving, judgement coming

May 2013
I Gordon

Habakkuk 2 Bible Study Lesson: Five Woes Against Society

May 2013
I Gordon

Habakkuk 3 Bible Study Lesson: The Coming Deliverer

May 2013
I Gordon

Audio - The Life of Elijah (F Gordon)

A great Old Testament character is Elijah and this series looks into the events in his life - so many of which have great relevance for the day in which we now live!

Elijah - the context and background to life in his day

May 2013
F Gordon

Elijah and the cutting away at Cherith

May 2013
F Gordon

Elijah,the Zarephath widow and the provision of God

May 2013
F Gordon

Elijah, resurrection and the fear of Ahab (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

The showdown: Elijah versus the prophets of Baal!

May 2013
F Gordon

From great height to great lows - Elijah's fearful flight

May 2013
F Gordon

Blindness, self focus and the replacing of Elijah (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

Elijah, Ahab and the arrow shot at random (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

The rapture of Elijah (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

Audio - Exodus to the Promised Land - The Wilderness Wanderings (F Gordon)

A series followings Israel's travels from Egypt to Canaan and all the types of the Christian life they hold.

The escape through the Red Sea

May 2013
F Gordon

The testing at Mara

May 2013
F Gordon

Manna and the daily gathering

May 2013
F Gordon

Don't forget Amalek! The battle with the flesh

May 2013
F Gordon

Giants, unbelief and spying out the land

May 2013
F Gordon

Presumptuous sins and the faith of Caleb

May 2013
F Gordon

Moses, Miriam and the living Christ (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

Faith, Idolatry and the Bronze Serpent (Audio)

May 2013
F Gordon

Balaam, obedience and a talking donkey!

May 2013
F Gordon

Balaam and the opening of our eyes for spiritual sight

May 2013
F Gordon

Missing the Promised Land - Faith, unbelief and the death of Moses

May 2013
F Gordon

Study - Bible Studies in the life of the Prophet Elijah (F Gordon)

The following studies are "semi" transcriptions from the Elijah audio sermons on one of the greatest Old Testament saints. There are valuable lessons for us today in the many highs and lows experienced by the prophet Elijah.

Elijah - The background and introduction to his times

May 2012
F Gordon

Elijah's 'cutting away' at brook Cherith Bible Study

May 2012
F Gordon

The Widow at Zarephath and the Provision of God

May 2012
F Gordon

Elijah, resurrection and the fear of Ahab

May 2012
F Gordon

The showdown: Elijah vs the prophets of Baal!

May 2012
F Gordon

The downward slide - from faith to fear to depression

May 2012
F Gordon

Blindness, self focus and the replacing of Elijah

May 2012
F Gordon

Elijah, Ahab and the arrow shot at random

May 2012
F Gordon

The Rapture of Elijah Bible Study

May 2012
F Gordon

Study - The Messianic Kingdom Bible Study Series

The return of Jesus Christ will mean radical changes for planet Earth. This series looks at the coming Messianic Kingdom and what life will be like with the return of the King!

Messianic Kingdom P1: How will the Millennial Kingdom come?

May 2012
I Gordon

Messianic Kingdom P2: What will the Kingdom be like?

May 2012
I Gordon

Messianic Kingdom P3: What is the believer's role in the Kingdom?

May 2012
I Gordon

Messianic Kingdom P4: Will the Messianic Kingdom end? If so, how?

May 2012
I Gordon

Audio - The Messiah in Isaiah - Isa 53 The suffering servant (I Gordon)

A series looking at the most amazing prophetic passage in the Old Testament - Isaiah 53! The chapter describes the rejection, death and resurrection of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus, 700 years before it happened!

Isaiah 52:13-53:3 - The Suffering Servant

May 2012
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:4-6 - The Substitute (Audio)

May 2012
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:7-9 - The trial death and burial of the Messiah

May 2012
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:10 - The Messiah crushed by the Lord (Audio)

May 2012
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:11 - The satisfaction of the Saviour (Audio)

May 2012
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:12 - The shared inheritance of the Saviour Part

May 2012
I Gordon

Audio - The coming Messianic Kingdom (I Gordon)

The return of Jesus Christ will mean radical changes for planet Earth. This series looks at the coming Messianic Kingdom and what life will be like with the return of the King!

The Messianic Kingdom - How will it come?

May 2012
I Gordon

The characteristics of the Kingdom - What will it be like?

May 2012
I Gordon

What is the role of believers in the Messianic Kingdom?

May 2012
I Gordon

Will the Messianic Kingdom end? If so, how?

May 2012
I Gordon

Study - The Messiah in Isaiah Bible Study Series

Often called the '5th gospel' the second half of the book of Isaiah presents amazing insight into Jesus Christ. This series will look at key passages concerning the Messiah, salvation and God's ways between chapters 40 - 66.

Chapter 40: Behold... Here is your God!

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 55:6-9 - Seek the Lord while He may be found

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 63 The Holy Spirit - Grieving or Pleasing?

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 61 - Reasons for Rejoicing

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 60:1-6 Lesson - Arise and shine in the last days!

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 59:17-20 - The Redeemer of all Creation

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 59:14-16 - The trampling of truth and the salvation of God

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 57:15 - The High & Lofty One Who Inhabits Eternity

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 56:10-12 Part 2 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 56:10-12 - The Who What Why What of Watchmen

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 55:10-13 Lesson - God's Word Shall Not Return Void

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:12 - The Shared Inheritance of the Saviour

May 2011
I Gordon

Chapter 42: Behold my Servant

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:11 - The Satisfaction of the Saviour

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:10 - The Messiah Crushed by the Lord

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:7-9 - The Trial, Death & Burial of the Messiah

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 53:4-6 - The Substitute

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 52:15-53:3 - Start of the greatest passage in the Old Testament

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 52 - Wake up you sleepy head

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah Chapter 50: The Calvary Road

May 2011
I Gordon

Chapter 49: The Messiah's Mission

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 45:9 The Potter, the Clay & the Sovereignty of God

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah Chapter 43: God will make a way!

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 66:1-2 The Pursuit of Spiritual Lameness

May 2011
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Esther Bible Study Series

An amazing story in its own right, the book of Esther contains fantastic types and illustrations of Gospel New Testament truth hidden beneath the very characters and plots that make up this great book.

Esther Chapter 1 Bible Study: The Invitation of the King

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 2 Bible Study: The Preparation for the King

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 3 Bible Study: Haman the Madman

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 4 Bible Study: If I Perish I Perish

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther 5 Bible Study: Esther's Prayer and the third day

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 6 Bible Study: The sleepless king and providence of God

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 7 Bible Study: The Downfall of Haman the Wicked

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 8 Bible Study: The Two Eternal Laws

May 2011
I Gordon

Esther Chapter 9 & 10: A Victory to Win & A Day to Celebrate

May 2011
I Gordon

Audio - The Book of Ruth (F Gordon)

This fantastic Old Testament book is packed with great truth concerning our relationship and walk with the redeemer Jesus Christ.  

Ruth Chapter 1:1-6 (36 min, 8.6 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 1:7-22 (36 min, 8.6 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 2:1-13 (34 min, 8 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 2:14-23 (35 min, 8.5 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 3:1-7 (23 min, 5.3 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 3:8-18 (28 min, 6.5 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Ruth Chapter 4 (35 min, 8.3 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Audio - The Book of James (F Gordon)

James is a great book on practical Christianity in no-nonsense style! Check out the audio sermons on this book...

James Chapter 2:1-13 (43 min, 10 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 2:14-26 (35 min, 8 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 3 (38 min, 9 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 4:1-10 (32 min, 7.6 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 4:11-17 (33 min, 7.8 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 5:1-8 (36 min, 8.6 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 5:9-11 (37 min, 8.8 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

James Chapter 5:12-18 (34 min, 8.0 Mb)

May 2011
F Gordon

Audio - The Messiah in the Book of Isaiah (I Gordon)

This fantastic Old Testament book is packed with great truth concerning our relationship and walk with the redeemer Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 42:1-4 - Behold my Servant!

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 56:11-12 - The Who What Why What of Watchman Part

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 63:10 - Grieving and pleasing the Holy Spirit

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 61 - The Spirit of the Lord and reasons to rejoice

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 60:1-6 - Arise and shine (in the last days)

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 59:17-21 - The redeemer of the entire creation

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 59:14-16 - The trampling of truth and the salvation (Audio) of God

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 57:15 - The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 56:10 - The Who What Why What of Watchman Part

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 45:9 - The Potter, the Clay & the Sovereignty of God

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 55:10-13 - God's word shall not return void

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 55:8-9 - Gods ways and our ways

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 52:1 - When ya gunna wake up?

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 51:6,11 - The Redeemed of the Lord Shall Return

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 50 - The Calvary Road

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 49:1-7 - The Messiah's Mission

May 2011
I Gordon

Isaiah 66:1-2 - The pursuit of spiritual lameness

May 2011
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Ruth Bible Study Series

A study of the book of Ruth teaches some of the great truths concerning a believers walk and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ruth Chapter 4 Bible Study: Fruits of Freedom

May 2010
I Gordon

Ruth Chapter 3 Bible Study: Rewards through Refining

Apr 2010
I Gordon

Ruth Chapter 2 Bible Study: Growing in Grace

Mar 2010
I Gordon

Ruth Chapter 1 Bible Study: Counting the Cost

Feb 2010
I Gordon

Study - Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study

Following on from the Exodus study above, this Bible study series looks at the Tabernacle. Here was a design straight from the mouth of God and He gives us amazing glimpses into the coming Messiah, salvation and His plan for the ages.

Jesus revealed in the Tabernacle Bible Study: An Overview

May 2010
I Gordon

Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Outer Court

May 2010
I Gordon

Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Holy Place

May 2010
I Gordon

Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Holy of Holies

May 2010
I Gordon

Study - Bible Studies in the life of the Prophet Elisha

From a plowman to a prophet, the life of Elisha was remarkable in many ways. This series looks at his life, looking, like normal, for types of Jesus and the Christian life today.

Bible Study Elisha's Journey How far do you want to go?

May 2009
I Gordon

Elisha's Journey Bible Study - Gilgal Bethel Jericho Jordan

May 2009
I Gordon

The Rapture of Elijah - Swing Low Sweet Chariot!

May 2009
I Gordon

Elisha and the salt bowl Bible study - A tale of two vessels

May 2009
I Gordon

2 Kings 4 Elisha and Good Old Fashioned Kindness!

May 2009
I Gordon

2 Kings 4 Elisha's identification and resurrection of a boy!

May 2009
I Gordon

Elisha, Naaman and the offense of the cross Bible study

May 2009
I Gordon

2 Kings 6: Elisha, Aram and the invisible chariots of fire study

May 2009
I Gordon

2 Kings 6:24-7:20: Elisha's faith and our breaking point

May 2009
I Gordon

2 Kings 8:7-14: When God Weeps

May 2009
I Gordon

Study - Jesus is Coming - Bible Prophecy and End Times

Jesus promised He would return. He even gave the signs to look for to know the season of His return. We see these signs today. 

The blessed hope - Why I'm looking forward to the Rapture!

May 2018
I Gordon

The Uniqueness of Israel and Bible Prophecy

May 2018
I Gordon

The Mystery of the Two Comings!

May 2009
I Gordon

The Timing of Jesus' Coming

May 2009
I Gordon

As it was in the days of Noah...

May 2009
I Gordon

As it was in the days of Lot...

May 2009
I Gordon

The Rapture and the Jewish Wedding Model...

May 2009
I Gordon

Israel & the Return of the Messiah

May 2009
I Gordon

Living with an eternal perspective

May 2009
I Gordon

Keeping an eternal perspective Part 2

May 2009
I Gordon

The Fall of Wisdom

May 2009
I Gordon

The Rise of Folly

May 2009
I Gordon

Audio - The Life of Elisha (I Gordon)

Elisha was a great prophet of God performing many miracles. And in those miracles and stories are great truths and types for the Christian life today!  

How Far Do You Want To Go? (Part 1)

May 2009
I Gordon

How Far Do You Want To Go? (Part 2)

May 2009
I Gordon

Swing Low Sweet Chariot

May 2009
I Gordon

The Vessels of Salt and Oil

May 2009
I Gordon

The Kindness of the Shunammite Woman

May 2009
I Gordon

The Faith of the Shunammite Woman

May 2009
I Gordon

Naaman and the Offense of the Cross

May 2009
I Gordon

The Attack by Aram and Spiritual Sight

May 2009
I Gordon

The Siege of Samaria and Waiting on God

May 2009
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Daniel Bible Study Series

Daniel was an amazing man of God and this is one awesome book! It has fantastic stories and truths specific to our Christian life as well as detailed prophecies relevant for our current age! This series has been recently rewritten and is now complete.

Daniel 12 Bible Study: How to Shine Like the Stars

Dec 2008
I Gordon

Daniel Chapter 11 Bible Study: A tale of three madmen

Nov 2008
I Gordon

Daniel Chapter 10 Bible Study Commentary: Lifting the veil

Nov 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 9 Bible Study: Daniel's 70 Weeks P2

Oct 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 9 Bible Study: Daniel's 70 Weeks P1

Oct 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 9 Bible Study: Lessons from a legend

Oct 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 8 God's Declaration of the End... From the Beginning

Sep 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 7 Bible Study The Times of the Gentiles, The Heavenly Scene

Aug 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 7 Bible Study The Times of the Gentiles, The Earthly Scene

Aug 2008
I Gordon

Daniel Chapter 6 Bible Study Lesson: Lunch with Lions

Jul 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 5 Bible Study The Precarious Position of the Unbeliever

Jun 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 5 Bible Study: Ichabod - The Writing is on the Wall!

Jun 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 4 Bible Study: Lessons from a Loon!

May 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 4 Bible Study: Nebuchadnezzar and the Tree of Doom!

May 2008
I Gordon

Daniel Chapter 3 Bible Study Lesson: When things get hot!

Apr 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 2 Bible Study Lesson: A vision of things to come

Mar 2008
I Gordon

Daniel 2 Bible Study: Faith under pressure and the God of the impossible

Feb 2008
I Gordon

Daniel Chapter 1 Bible Study Lesson: Stranded in Babylon

Jan 2008
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Genesis Bible Study Series - Creation to the Flood

Genesis... Where is all begins. Creation, the fall of man, God's promise of a redeemer, the flood... This short series examines these stories looking for Jesus within the pages of this great book.

Genesis Chapter 1 Bible Study: In the Beginning... was the Word

May 2008
I Gordon

Genesis Chapter 2 Bible Study: Trees, Seeds and Wives.

May 2008
I Gordon

Genesis Chapter 3 Bible Study: One little bite - The fall of mankind

May 2008
I Gordon

Genesis Chapter 4 Bible Study: So Long Ago The Garden

May 2008
I Gordon

Genesis Chapter 8 Bible Study: The Mystery of the 17th!

May 2008
I Gordon

Audio - The miracles of Jesus (F Gordon)

Like the parables of Jesus, many spiritual truths can be seen through the miracles of Jesus. Check them out...

The Invalid at Bethesda

May 2007
F Gordon

The Feeding of the 5000

May 2007
F Gordon

The Blind man at Siloam

May 2007
F Gordon

The Paralytic Man at Capernaum

May 2007
F Gordon

The Calming of the Storm

May 2007
F Gordon

Audio - The Week of the Cross (A Kirkby)

From the triumphant entry, to the crucifixion and the glorious resurrection of the Lord. Listen again to that crucial week that dominates all four gospels and the history of the world!

Palm Sunday - The Triumphant Entry!

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Feast of the Passover (Part 1)

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Feast of the Passover (Part 2)

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Garden of Gethsemane (Part 1)

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Garden of Gethsemane (Part 2)

May 2007
A Kirkby

The First Trial of Jesus

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Trial before Pilate

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Crucifixion

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Crucifixion Part 2

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Words from the Cross

May 2007
A Kirkby

The Resurrection!

May 2007
A Kirkby

On the Road to Emmaus

May 2007
A Kirkby

Post Resurrection appearance to Peter

May 2007
A Kirkby

Audio - The book of 2nd Peter (I Gordon)

2nd Peter is an important book for our generation. Only chapters 2 and 3 are available in audio

A Trip to the Dark Side

May 2006
I Gordon

How to Smell a Rat

May 2006
I Gordon

Expect the Unexpected!

May 2006
I Gordon

The Day of the Lord

May 2006
I Gordon

Behold I Make All Things New!

May 2006
I Gordon

Watch What You Eat

May 2006
I Gordon

Audio - The Parables of Jesus (F Gordon)

The parables of Jesus... Gloriously simple for all to understand, yet packed with great truth for those who take the time to dig.

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Wedding Feast

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parables of the Treasure and the Pearl

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parables of the Lost Coin, Sheep & Son

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Two Builders

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Rich Fool

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Sower Part 2

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Sower Part 3

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man

May 2006
F Gordon

The Parable of the Sower Part 1

May 2006
F Gordon

Study - Book of 2nd Peter bible Study Series - A Book For Our Generation

2nd Peter is a great book for the age in which we live. It emphasizes true faith, warns about false teachers and prophets and shows the importance of living with the Lord's return in mind.

2 Peter 1 The necessity of true knowledge

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 1: The reality & outworking of our faith!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 1 Don't Forget to Remember!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 1: A glimpse of the age to come!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 2: A trip to the dark side!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 2: How to smell a rat!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 3: Expect the Unexpected!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 3: The Day of the Lord

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 3: The New Heaven and the New Earth!

May 2005
I Gordon

2 Peter 3: A final warning and a final plea!

May 2005
I Gordon

Audio - Other (Various)

Other messages given on different topics.

The Prayer of Agur

May 2005

The Essentials - Colossians 4:1-6

May 2005

Jesus - The Bread of Life Part 1

May 2005

Jesus - The Bread of Life Part 2

May 2005

The Suffering Servant

May 2004
I Gordon

What do you seek?

May 2004
I Gordon

Saving the best for last!

May 2004
I Gordon

Lazarus, Jesus, and the Silence of God.

May 2004
I Gordon

This I know, that God is for me...

May 2004
I Gordon

Heaven and Hell

May 2004
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Grieving the Holy Spirit

May 2004
I Gordon

Oh my soul: Giving yourself a jolly good talking to!

May 2004
I Gordon

Who is Jesus?

May 2004
I Gordon

King Ahaz - The Darkness before the Dawn

May 2003
I Gordon

Bible Study on King Hezekiah - True Revival

May 2003
I Gordon

Hezekiah - Godliness under Pressure!

May 2003
I Gordon

Study - The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus

Grace! Where we would be without God's amazing grace? It is one of the most important concepts for a Christian to grasp yet at the same time it can be one of the hardest to truly comprehend.

Philemon Study: Onesimus and You - From Slavery to Sonship

May 2003
I Gordon

Eternal Security Bible Study - Why salvation is secure

May 2003
I Gordon

Eternal Security - Some of those 'but what about...' passages!

May 2003
I Gordon

The Believer's Position in Christ Bible Study

May 2003
I Gordon

The True Nature of Amazing Grace!

May 2003
I Gordon

Ephesians - Sitting And Walking

May 2003
I Gordon

Simple Thoughts on the Love of God

May 2003
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Exodus Bible Study Series - Egypt to the Law

Exodus is a great Old Testament book and is very useful for discipleship and Christian living. It speaks of our bondage in the world, our deliverance and redemption in Christ, and our constant need to press on into the centrality of Jesus in our life.

Israel's Bondage & the workings of the invisible God

May 2002
I Gordon

Case Studies of Seeing the Invisible God!

May 2002
I Gordon

Moses the Horse & Moses the Mule!

May 2002
I Gordon

The Purposes of God and the Purposes of Satan

May 2002
I Gordon

The Passover - God's Emphasis Concerning the Cross

May 2002
I Gordon

The Red Sea Baptism into Christ

May 2002
I Gordon

Red Sea Baptism and the Song of Victory

May 2002
I Gordon

Bread from Heaven - Glimpses of Christ

May 2002
I Gordon

Jesus our Rock and the battle with Amalek!

May 2002
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Judges Bible Study Series

Breaking the cycle of sin would be a good name for this series. Judges is rich in its truth and application for believers today. It teaches many important lessons about living in our inheritance, the enemy's influence, and the seriousness of worldly compromise.

Judges Chapter 16: Samson the Nazirite, and End Time Apostasy

Oct 2001
I Gordon

Judges Chapter 13-14: Samson the Nazirite, and the Lure of the Philistines

Sep 2001
I Gordon

Judges Chapter 7 Bible Study - Gideon and the Power of Weakness P2

Aug 2001
I Gordon

Judges Chapter 6 Bible Study: Gideon and the Power of Weakness P1

Jul 2001
I Gordon

Judges 3 Bible Study Ehud, the Fat Man & Power of Praise!

Jun 2001
I Gordon

Judges 3 Bible Study: Othniel and the Power of God

May 2001
I Gordon

Judges Bible Study Commentary - The Cycle of Sin Defined

May 2001
I Gordon

Judges 3 Bible Study The Enemy within the Land

Apr 2001
I Gordon

Judges: From Gilgal to Bochim: The legacy of Joshua

Mar 2001
I Gordon

Judges 1 Bible Study The Heart of the Problem

Feb 2001
I Gordon

Study - Jesus In The Old Testament - Jesus in the life Of...

The Bible is a book about Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection is pictured in countless different types throughout the Old Testament and this study series examines some of these through the lives of prominent characters in the Old Testament.

Types of Jesus: Abraham - Father of the Faith

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Isaac - The Sacrificed Son

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Joseph - The Suffering Servant

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Moses - The Deliverer

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Jonathan - The Faithful Friend

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: David - The King in Exile

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Solomon - The Millennial Reign

May 2001
I Gordon

Types of Jesus: Nehemiah - The rebuilder of our salvation

May 2001
I Gordon

Study - The Pleasing and Displeasing of God

Any true child of God would desire to please their Heavenly Father. But what is He looking for? What does the Bible say on this important topic?

How do we please God? - The Inward Attitude

May 2001
I Gordon

How do we please God? - The Outward Life.

May 2001
I Gordon

How to please God - Working out your salvation

May 2001
I Gordon

Study - The Book of Nehemiah Bible Study - The Christians life and spiritual warfare

Nehemiah is an amazing book showing the true nature of the Christian's life and warfare against the devil, the world and the sinful nature. An allegorical study with Jesus at it's center.

Nehemiah: The Christian's Life and Warfare - Complete Series

May 2023
I Gordon

Nehemiah 13: Tobiah Part 2 - Get him off the throne!

Oct 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 7: The Last Enemy - Tobiah that 'good' man!

Sep 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 6 p3: Sanballat Strikes Back - The angel of light!

Aug 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 6 p2: Our Defense - Recognising the great work

Aug 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 6 p1: The Trump Card - Geshem and Worldly Compromise.

Jul 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 4 p3 Bible Study Our Stand, The Armour of God

Jun 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 4 p2: Sanballat's Second Attack - Physical Persecution

May 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 4 p1: Sanballat's Initial Attack - Confuse that mind.

Apr 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 3 Bible Study Meaning of the Gates of Jerusalem

Mar 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 2: The Reproach, the Rock & the Rubble

Feb 1998
I Gordon

Nehemiah 1 Bible Study The Christian's Life and Warfare

Jan 1998
I Gordon