When David slips and chose to use by-path meadow
Just like Abraham, David also had issues with lying when he failed to trust God. In 1 Samuel 21.2 David flees from Saul and lies to the priest Ahimelech, which causes 85 priests to be killed. Then in 1 Samuel 21.13 he fled to Gath, pretended to be mad, scratching at the gate with saliva running down his beard. And in 1 Samuel 27, after being given shelter at Ziklag, he lied to Achish concerning who he was attacking. How did David get here and how do we also find ourselves in a place of compromise?
In Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, we have the story of Christian and Hopeful who are on a journey to the Celestial city. The path they find themselves on is difficult to walk, but then they see another path close by called By-path Meadow. So over the fence the two go, leaving the narrow path for one that was easier to travel. This path ran alongside the narrow path for a short while, then it led them away into danger with pits and snares. Eventually they were captured by Giant Despair and locked in his dungeon. Christian and Hopeful regretted leaving the narrow path, and who would have thought it would lead them so far out of the way!
We all find the narrow path difficult at times. David also saw another path that he thought would make life easier for a while, but he was drifting into enemy territory. This always has dire consequences.
Hebrews 2.1 Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.
From: 1 Sam 27 - David’s Lapse of Faith