Why Moses couldn't take them into the Promised Land (Joshua)

Joshua Bible Study Lesson Snippet

Why Moses couldn't take them into the Promised Land

Joshua 1:1-2 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' aide: (2) Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them--to the Israelites.

So the first thing you are confronted with is the statement that 'Moses my servant is dead'. It is as if God is telling Joshua here that there is a big change happening at this point. Do you remember when we looked at Moses, who typified the law, how he could only take the nation of Israel so far? Being a type of the law, Moses could only take them up to the river Jordan on the borders of Canaan. Now as a type, Canaan is not heaven; it is all of the spiritual blessings that God had given to a redeemed people. It is a land that He had prepared for them. It is what Ephesians talks about in that we have been blessed in the heavenly places, we have been blessed in a risen Christ with all spiritual blessings and we are to go forward and obtain all of the blessings that God has given to us in the risen Christ. Israel needed a new leader to be able to actually take them in. In the same way, we have a new leader. The law can only take us so far. It can show you what sin is and convict you of sin, but it cannot take you into the blessings that God has for you. You need a new leader - the Lord Jesus Christ. The name Joshua means 'Jehovah saves', which is another title for Jesus, Savior. It is only the risen Lord Jesus Christ that can actually forgive us of our sins and also lead us into all that God has for us. So a new leader is needed. This statement 'Moses my servant is dead' is as if God is saying 'the old ways have passed away and so I am calling you to lead this people into the nation in a new way.'

From: Joshua 1:1-9 Spiritual courage in walking in your inheritance