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Study - Ezekiel, Israel and the End Times Bible Study Series

The prophet Ezekiel has a fascinating section on how the Lord will make Himself known to all the nations in the last days - and it comes through the nation of Israel. We'll explore these chapters and see the relevance to the very day in which we live, as we look for the return of Jesus!
- Ezekiel, Israel and the End Times: Ezekiel chapter 34-39 overview - published in Study
- Ezekiel 34 P1 - The scattering of Israel and the coming false shepherd - published in Study
- Ezekiel 34 P2 - The regathering of Israel and the coming true shepherd - published in Study
Ezekiel Chapter 35 - The everlasting hatred
- published in
What is the everlasting hatred spoken about in scripture and how does it play out in the last days?
- Ezekiel 36 Part 1 - The case against the nations - published in Study
- Ezekiel 36 Part 2 - The reason for Israel's redemption - published in Study
- Ezekiel 37 - Dem bones dem bones dem, dry bones - Hear the word of the Lord! - published in Study
Ezekiel 38 Study lesson: Gog, Magog and the coming storm
- published in
Ezekiel 38 gives an incredible prophecy surrounding an invasion of Israel in the last days and how God supernaturally intervenes to make HIS name known!
Ezekiel 39 Study Lesson: Gog, Magog and the coming storm - Part 2
- published in
What did the ancient prophet Ezekiel see about a last days battle between Russia and Israel?