Study - Jesus in the the Feasts of the Lord

God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered! They take in the key events of Jesus' first coming as well as outlining the plan surrounding His second coming. Well worth a read : )
Jesus in the 7 Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Overview
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God choose 7 events from human history for the nation of Israel to rehearse each and every year until it was finally fulfilled. The feasts are amazing in their prophetic and personal application and are incredibly Christ centered!
Feasts of the Lord: The Sacrifice - Jesus in the Feast of Passover
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Bible study looking at how Jesus is seen in the feast of Passover
Feasts of the Lord: The Burial - Jesus in the feast of Unleavened Bread
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Bible study focusing on the amazing truth of how the feast of Unleavened Bread speaks of Jesus Christ
Feasts of the Lord: The Resurrection - Jesus in the Feast of First Fruits
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Have you seen how Jesus' resurrection was foretold in the feast of firstfruits? Explore the Bible study and find out.
Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter - The Holy Spirit in Feast of Pentecost
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Pentecost - This feast, also known as the feast of weeks, speaks about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the start of the Church. There are some great nuggets of truth here as we investigate the Jewish and prophetic significance of this feast.
Feasts of the Lord: The Rapture - Jesus in the Feast of Trumpets
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If you are a Christian, one day soon your day will be interrupted by the sound of a trumpet. And, unlike when it's just your neighbor, this trumpet blast will not disappoint or annoy! Explore this theme in the feast of trumpets. What is the prophetic fulfillment of this feast and why is it that many see its fulfillment in the rapture of the Church?
Feasts of the Lord: The Return - Jesus in the Day of Atonement
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The holiest day of all in Israel's calendar, the day of Atonement, looks forward to the holiest and most solemn future fulfillment - the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ!
Feasts of the Lord: The Kingdom - Jesus in the feast of Tabernacles
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The last of the seven feasts - the feast of tabernacles. This festival is filled with joy and celebration and stands as an annual pointer to the day Jesus Christ sets up His kingdom and begins to rule on planet Earth. This study looks at the soon coming fulfillment when Jesus shall 'tabernacle' with men again!
Jesus in the Feasts of the Lord Bible Study - Complete Series
- published in
The complete series on the seven feasts all on one page with a pdf download if required.