Study - Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study

Following on from the Exodus study above, this Bible study series looks at the Tabernacle. Here was a design straight from the mouth of God and He gives us amazing glimpses into the coming Messiah, salvation and His plan for the ages.
Jesus revealed in the Tabernacle Bible Study: An Overview
- published in
This bible study concerning the Tabernacle looks at the pictures and types of Jesus within it. Have you seen Jesus and the plan of God in the tabernacle?
Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Outer Court
- published in
Bible study concerning the Tabernacle and the pictures and types of Jesus within it. This study focuses on the outer court
Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Holy Place
- published in
Bible study concerning the Tabernacle and the pictures and types of Jesus within it. This study focuses on the Holy Place.
Jesus in the Tabernacle Bible Study - The Holy of Holies
- published in
Bible study concerning the Tabernacle and the pictures and types of Jesus within it. This study focuses on the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant