Study - Daniel, Babylon and the End Times
Daniel was an amazing man of God and this is one awesome book! It has fantastic stories and lessons for our Christian life as well as detailed prophecies relevant for our current age! This is an update on the series originally written in 2008.
Daniel 1: Stranded in Babylon
- published in
An update to the Daniel series. Daniel was exiled, stranded in Babylon. Yet despite its best attempts it was unable to change this young man. How did he stay strong and how do we resist the ways of the Babylon today?
Daniel 2: Faith Under Pressure & the God of the Impossible
- published in
Ever found yourself in a situation outside your control? Daniel did and his life was on the line. What can we learn from his faith and the God of the impossible?
Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream & the Times of the Gentiles
- published in
King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt of all the kingdoms that would dominate this earth, until the 'stone' from heaven came and established an everlasting kingdom! That is the kingdom we want to be part of and living for!
Daniel 3: The Image, the Furnace & the 4th Man
- published in
This epic chapter focuses on a massive image, a fiery furnace and a 4th man 'like the son of the gods'. How does this speak to the trials in our life and the days to come?