Will those who reject Christ get a second chance In the Tribulation?

Question / Comment -  Will those who reject Christ get a second chance In the Tribulation, after the rapture? 


Thank you for your fabulous website ~ I just discovered it yesterday and have sent the link to family members. You have a wonderful gift of explaining things simply, concisely and Biblically.

Is 2 Thess 2:11 specifically speaking of those who have heard the gospel during the age of grace but have rejected it? It appears to me that that's the context, but I'd like your input on the subject.


JPN Reply:


Thanks for the kind comments & pleased to see you have enjoyed the site. 🙂 Concerning your question:

2Th 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, (10) and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (11) For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie (12) and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Your question is often debated, especially to do with the extent of the 'powerful delusion' in above passage and who exactly it applies to. It is clearly unbelievers but which ones? What is the point of no return at this time? Here are some things we know: 

  • We know there does comes a point where God 'gives a person over' if they continually reject what He has made clear, as stated in Rom 1:18-32.
  • In the Old Testament this is seen in the judgment upon Egypt where Pharaoh was 'hardened' by God and judged but only after he first hardened his own heart multiple times - (God hardened Pharaohs' heart 6 times in Ex 9:12; 10:1; 10:20; 10:27; 11:10; 14:8), but not before Pharaoh had hardened his heart in Ex. 7:13,14, 22; 8:15, 19, 32; 9:7.)
  • There is a similar thought in the 'unforgiveable sin' that many in Jesus' generation committed, when after seeing everything they needed to believe and accept their Messiah, they instead rejected Him and said that His works were of Satan. This was a sin that couldn't be forgiven. There was no going back (Matt 12:31-32, 43-45)
  • Jesus was clear that the deception will be so great during the Tribulation that 'if' it was possible, even the elect would be deceived (Matt 24:24)
  • In the last days, there will be many unbelievers, described in 2 Thes 2:11, that have been given more than enough light to accept the truth who instead actively rejected it, loving not the truth, so God will send a powerful delusion that they believe the lie. In the language of the book of Proverbs, 'they will eat the fruit of their ways':
    (Pro 1:28-31) "They will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD, since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes."

What about the 'plus' side?

So far it is all pretty grim. On the 'plus' side, the Bible is also clear that many will be saved in the Tribulation. It will be a period when only two choices are given - Christ or the Antichrist. And everyone will have to decide. But choosing Christ will often result in the loss of their physical life. Thankfully, many choose correctly! This is seen in Revelation especially with the martyrs of the 5th seal (Rev 6:9) and the 'multitudes' entering continually into heaven in Rev 7:9-17. We also have 144,000 saved Jews who will share the Lord in His power. And even an angel in the heavens declares the everlasting gospel (Rev 14:6-7). Other salvations are seen with the 'sheep' in the 'sheep and the goats' judgment of the nations when Christ returns (Matt 25:31-46). God desires that people are saved and multitudes will be during that period.


So, in short, and to try answer your question, yes - if people have been given more than enough light to believe the gospel in this age of grace, and have instead actively rejected the truth, I believe that the coming powerful delusion will see them believing the lie and being condemned. On the basis on 2 Thes 2:11 it does not seem that there is another chance for such people after the rapture. They have already rejected the truth and will accept the lie. But note that I am talking about those that have been given enough opportunity to believe and have actively refused it. I am not speaking of those that haven't really heard or even those that may have heard the Gospel but have never come to a decision. It seems that the Tribulation will be the decision time for such people and many will be saved as per the Revelation verses above. 

So yes, God can 'give people over' to the wickedness of their hearts, and in the last days, with the coming of the Antichrist, He will even send a powerful delusion that such will believe and accept. But this is where it gets tricky because only God truly knows a person's heart and whether that person has actively 'rejected the truth'. But it is certainly a scary thought for those unbelievers that are anti-Jesus, anti-Christianity and have not time for the truth of God. We probably all know people like that and the coming deception will take them hook, line and sinker. 

So now is the day of salvation as the scripture says and people should not put it off. Tomorrow may be far more deceptive that they realize!

Hope this helps. God Bless.