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Questions - Misc Questions

- What is the meaning of Proverbs 25:22 about hot coals? - published in Q&A
- Is Paul's writing about women in 1 Tim 2 gender discrimination? - published in Q&A
- Does Zeitgeist, Zodiac mumbo jumbo proves Christianity a fraud? - published in Q&A
- Is Joseph Smith 'Messiah Ben Joseph'? - published in Q&A
- Was Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, a Prophet? - published in Q&A
- What do you think of the Messianic Movement? - published in Q&A
- Need the source of some name meanings - published in Q&A
- What about the Apocrypha book? - published in Q&A
- What about baptism for the dead? - published in Q&A
- General doubts about God's character, prophecy and the Bible. - published in Q&A
- Is someone born gay? Will it keep them out of Heaven? - published in Q&A
- Is having a Church name wrong? Is the New Covenant just for Israel? - published in Q&A
- Can I sell my daughter, stone my neighbours and other curly questions! - published in Q&A
- Thoughts on the resurrection and Jesus as our High Priest - published in Q&A
- Seventh Day Adventism and the Sabbath - published in Q&A
- Why is there no study on Deborah in Judges? - published in Q&A
- Did Enoch die? - published in Q&A
- When did Satan fall? Where does evil come from and is there a future fall still to happen? - published in Q&A
- Should we participate in the feasts of Israel? - published in Q&A
- What do the numbers 12 and 7 signify in the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000? - published in Q&A
- Should I bet the house on free will or election? - published in Q&A
- Did God curse Adam and Eve? Was there a curse on all creation? - published in Q&A
- What did Joseph mean by saying that 'God will come to your aid'? Is it a type or prophetic? - published in Q&A
- Should women be head Pastor of a church? - published in Q&A
- What does the New Testament say about generational curses? - published in Q&A
Is the servant of Isaiah 49 Paul or Jesus?
- published in
Acts 13:47 quotes Isaiah 49 and seems to apply it to Paul. Does this mean that the servant in Isaiah 49 is Paul and not Jesus? Or is there a dual fulfillment?
Why is it important to understand the Bible dispensations?
- published in
What are the dispensations in the Bible and why is it important to understand them?
Two gospels? Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel?
- published in
Did Paul and Peter preach the same gospel? Is the gospel of grace different to the gospel of the kingdom? Is there more than one gospel?
- Where do demons come from? Are they fallen angels? - published in Q&A
- Is using the name Jesus wrong? Should it be Yeshua? - published in Q&A
- How is repentance related to forgiveness? Is repentance repeated? - published in Q&A
- Rom 13 & civil disobedience - Must I take the vaccine? - published in Q&A
- Why in Eph 5:27 is the Church said to be with spot or blemish? - published in Q&A
- Testimony of an ex-Jehovah Witness - published in Q&A
- Questions on the Ark of the Covenant and tabernacle of David - published in Q&A
- Why did God create Adam & Eve with the ability to sin? - published in Q&A
Why could Moses only see the back of God and not His face?
- published in
Moses wanted to see the glory of God but was only allowed to see His back, least he die! Why was that and who was it that Moses saw?
- Is weeping and gnashing of teeth for unfaithful believers or unbelievers? - published in Q&A
Why was Jesus tempted in the desert by Satan?
- published in
Why was Jesus tempted by Satan and why in the desert? And how was the enemy able to take Jesus to a high mountain and the temple?
- Was the Apostle Paul a false Apostle, Prophet and Teacher? Nope! - published in Q&A
- Is the Church failing, can we change it and other questions - published in Q&A
- In Genesis 6:6, why did God regret or repent in making mankind if He knows all things? - published in Q&A
- How would you explain that Jesus is true and not other 'gods'? - published in Q&A
- Can angels procreate and in angelic warfare, can they die? - published in Q&A
- Is using Jesus instead of Yahshuah blasphemy? - published in Q&A