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Questions - Christian Life

Quite a view questions around living the Christian life including Forgiveness, baptism, the sinful nature, spiritual gifts, faith sickness and prosperity.
- Is it God's will that we are always healed from sickness? - published in Q&A
- Has water baptism ceased? Did Spirit baptism replace water baptism? - published in Q&A
- Are believers now 'Israel' and commanded to keep the feasts? - published in Q&A
- Are we meant to pray to Jesus or the Father? - published in Q&A
- Why Did God Give The Law if we can't keep it? - published in Q&A
- Why try to be good if our goodness isn't good enough? - published in Q&A
- Will God make a way for me? - published in Q&A
- Will God save my family? - published in Q&A
- Is tithing commanded for the churches today? - published in Q&A
- What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth? - published in Q&A
- Should we be keeping the feasts of the Lord now? - published in Q&A
- Is it ever ok for a Christian to lie? - published in Q&A
- What did Paul mean by saying he carried the marks of Jesus in his body? - published in Q&A
- Does the Christian play an active or passive role in displaying Christ's character? - published in Q&A
- Was Paul being 'legal' in Acts 16 and 21? - published in Q&A
- Are all believers disciples? - published in Q&A
- Polygamy - Was it a sin for David to have multiple wives? - published in Q&A
- Should we pray once in faith and believe we have it or pray repeatedly? - published in Q&A
- What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? - published in Q&A
- Does each member of the bride have to make herself ready through righteous acts? - published in Q&A
- Does God want to financially prosper all Christians? - published in Q&A
- Is the Christian life easy or hard? Or... Does being a Christian make life easier or harder? - published in Q&A
- Why should our gospel be Christocentric? - published in Q&A
- Was the Red Sea 'baptism' full immersion? - published in Q&A
- Is repentance / confession for a Christian one time or many? - published in Q&A
- When were the disciples born again? - published in Q&A
- Why can't I receive the Holy Spirit? - published in Q&A
- Can a Christian commit a sin that leads to death? - published in Q&A
- Has the sinful nature been totally eradicated within the believer? Or do we have one nature or two? - published in Q&A
- How can I undo the sin unto death? - published in Q&A
- Will believers give an account for every careless word spoken? - published in Q&A
- Spiritual gifts and was the Holy Spirit received in John 20:22? - published in Q&A
- Where is the sinful nature and what is the soul/heart? - published in Q&A
- Is forgiveness continual or just once and for all? - published in Q&A
- Can I be forgiven of things that couldn't be forgiven under the Old Testament law? - published in Q&A
- I'm fearful of being cast out at the Judgment! - published in Q&A
How do we discern between Satan and the flesh
- published in
How do we discern between what is from Satan and what is the flesh? How does the enemy operate and how do we combat it?
Why did God test Abraham when he already knows all things?
- published in
If God knows all things, why was it necessary for God to test whether Abraham would offer his son Isaac?
What is bearing fruit for God? Is it solely bringing people to Jesus?
- published in
Can I still have fruit in eternity if I an introverted and struggle to share and bring people to the Lord? Or am I a 2nd class Christian?
- Where is my joy? Why do I feel far from the Lord? - published in Q&A
- Is Galatians 4:9-11 about the feasts and did Paul observe the feasts? If so should we? - published in Q&A
- Is all sports today idolatry? Is putting your children in sports considered wrong? - published in Q&A
- What does it mean to deny yourself and take up your cross? - published in Q&A
- How do we grow the fruit of the Spirit in our life? - published in Q&A
- What should I do if I have doubts about who Jesus is? - published in Q&A
Who caused Job's suffering? God, Satan or Job himself?
- published in
Was it God's sovereignty or Job's fear that caused his suffering? What 'good' did God have for Job through this dark time?
- Is physical healing in the atonement? In what way are we healed by his stripes? - published in Q&A
- Does God favor some people more under grace? - published in Q&A